Blog by: 
Renee Robins, ACO
Owen Sound Animal Shelter

April 2012

Recent Posts
Apr 30, 2012
Happy Birthday 
Birthday Wishes 
Say it Fast... 
Weekend Fundraiser 
Go Team OSAS... 
BBQ Tomorrow 
BBQ Update 
Dog Shot with Arrow 
Bo Update 
Bo Update2 
Bo Is Doing Great 
Rabies Clinic 
Bo Update3 
Bo Taking a Turn 
Look Who's Driving 

Look Who's Driving - A picture sometimes says a thousand words. This one taken this evening, while waiting for Todd to return to the vehicle. Bo was in the back- as in past the back seat, and I thought tethered. 

Moments after the spot was vacant Bo filled it. I am sure he would drive too! 
He is very well. We await the closure of the hole, send hole close vibes! It must close so he can go home! 


  1. Hi, Thanks for the update I have been wondering how the little guy was doing. I am sending warm and healing thoughts. ~Elaine K.

  2. LOL! to the new Bo pic!  You can already tell he’s a character with personality plus!!  I’ve saved this pic as my wallpaper so that I can smile multiple times a day when I look at it!!  J  Thanks so much for sharing! ~Shannon

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Apr 27, 2012

Bo - Hi Renee, I was just wondering how Bo was this morning. I checked your blog and enjoyed the snake pictures but I’m not sure I can go a whole weekend without hearing that Bo’s turn for the worse was only temporary! I know you’re a busy lady but, if you have a sec, could you please advise if he’s feeling better? Thanks so much! ~Shannon

Well Shannon, and all of you still holding your breath and crossing your parts waiting for Bo updates my apologies. Thank you for your concern, it means the world to me that you care about this little dog who, sadly until now, was shown a whole lot of no love. 

If love can save him it will, as he has been since his arrival surrounded in it. For this I am sure he is thankful likely even more than me. As for the update... Bo has a gaping hole in his side. This hole drips and drains, but this is entirely ok. It is slowly shrinking. The other hole, now done. Whoot!

He continues to be on antibiotics. He continues to wear a funny cone, and is wrapped in bandages. However, his spirit is incredible. He continues to bounce, play, fetch balls, and dig holes. He romps, he bounds. He is also often in the way ... lol. I am hoping the worst is behind him, although I really have no way of knowing. I do know he is a fighter. I do know a short time ago he lay in a ditch shot, and rotting on the inside, and lived. He's one tough pup!


  1. Hi Renee and Todd, Bo looks great! His haircut reminds me of another dog you saved…. BTW Bruno says WOOF ~Claire

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Reba came for a visit and is spoiled rotten ... we love it!


Hershey came for a visit and is super!

Apr 26, 2012

Snakes - Today, I spent the afternoon working with snakes... No, this is not one of those blogs. It was literally a day with snakes. There were also lizards, amphibians, and every sort. 

Thank you to the Animal Shelter Administrators Association of Ontario for the fun review of reptile rescue. Although, the call for such knowledge is not needed as often, in our location, it is in the larger cities, but we should be prepared should the opportunity arise. It is good to be prepared. Nobody wants to be unprepared at a snake call! 

As always its good to know we are on the right track with the right protocol and procedures in place. It is also always good to take an afternoon to play with creatures!! OSAS has always been a Shelter who accepts any animal in need, provided space allows. It has always been our mandate to provide care and compassion to an animal in need. Furless, and legless count too (wink wink) we already knew that was true. 
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Apr 25, 2012

Bo Taking a Turn - I thought I jinxed it, in fact, not sure I haven't entirely. I write the good news Bo blog, and I wake up to a pup with a fever. To see him not himself again was heartbreaking and the thought he was potentially crashing devastating. The entire day instantly put on hold, our plans became once again all about Bo. Bo has now had a second surgery. The "dead space" inside was not healing as it should have been, and in order to get it doing what it should, parts needed to be shaved away. (That's my best attempt at explaining something that was explained to me in words I can't pronounce.) 

Again, a day of worry, and recovery, and worry. However, again I believe we have success. As we once again hope for food intake, and elimination, no pain, and fast incision closure we wait. It is times like these I do wish we had a magic wand. If only. Please send warm thoughts for a speedy recovery, this poor boy has been through enough. 
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Apr 23, 2012

Bo Update3 - I know if I were you I would sure be hoping for a Bo update, and I'm so pleased to share. It continues to be good news for my fantastic friend.

Bo, although not entirely out of the woods and still has a big gaping hole in his side, has come leaps and bounds ... literally, he has become a typical JRT pup. His bandages do not prevent him from jumping for a ball, and his cone head (he has discovered his cone makes a great ball scoop) doesn't slow him either. His meds do not make him too dopey that he cannot dig and dig and dig nor do they remove his desire to chase stuff.  He has become the mighty great hunter until you offer him a butt rub. Then oh boy your rubbing forever.

He has a sparkle in his eyes and a skip in his step. I do believe I can see him smiling. He has provided a lot of entertainment throughout the weekend, and luckily has tired himself out and managed to sleep through the nights- phew for that. Tomorrow he sees the doc again to check on his progress, but I'm pretty certain she will say he's doing just fine.

Although, I would like to see his incision heal faster, I'm happy just to see him happy, and happy this boy sure is! 
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Apr 20, 2012

Rabies Clinic - Thank you to the Chippewas of Nawash, Cape Croker for taking the imitative to have a rabies clinic. Kudos to those that assisted in the planning and preparation, and two thumbs up for those who attended.


Those of you who took the time to bring your pets can now take comfort in knowing your pet, and your family are now safe from rabies. Congrats to the doc for another job well done. 
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Fundraiser at All Solutions Spa on
Saturday April 28, 2012 from 10am - 5pm. See you there.

Apr 19, 2012

Bo Is Doing Great - Bo is fantastic! When Bo assumed the position I held my breath, and when it happened I was so happy!

This is fantastic news! Also fantastic was the visit with the doc, and the news this brought us. All is well! He's on the mend, and in a short time he will be drain free (maybe even tomorrow)!

I suspect that now that his bowels are cooperating he will be feeling even better :) We are thrilled!! Let's hope the healing continues!


  1. Thanks so much for posting updates on Bo.  I look for them every morning and it warms my heart to see him doing so well!  ~Shannon

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Apr 18, 2012

Bo Update2 - Bo is doing very well. He's bouncing, playing, eating, drinking, and peeing. His colour is good, his temp normal, and his incision is of normal colour. He is off IV. The discharge is clear not bloody, and there is no sign of infection. 

He is by all means on the path to recovery, except for one thing - number two. Bo has not pooped. It is quite likely the medication has slowed his bowels, it is possible he is slightly dehydrated, it is also possible his insides are just not feeling the need yet. However, whatever the reason it needs to stop and he needs to go! We are now getting concerned. 

He has good tummy sounds, and he does not feel bloated, but the what ifs' are starting to come to mind. What if his bowel has been punctured? What if it is broken? What if he goes septic, what if... So, tonight we pray that the laxatives, exercise and lots of water will do their thing. I have my parts crossed his are not. Keep the good vibes coming!
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Apr 17, 2012

Bo Update - Bo woke us twice. Although there is the desire to sleep, the relief in being woken up far outweighed the disappointment. It was a celebration that this pup is still alive. Although there was little movement from him, his squeaks and whimpers were heard, and we ran to him with meds, as almost like clockwork he notified us.

By morning, he was tail wagging, and by mid-morning he had walked on leash and peed and by early afternoon he had eaten from my hand, and was tail wagging stronger. I am pleased to say that as I type this he is happy and we are trying to keep him still, as he is excited to go outside yet again. 

He seems oblivious to the giant drain in his side and the sutures that cover him. He has no clue that he is wrapped and dressed to keep other objects from entering him. Best of all he has no idea what risks lay ahead of him nor the hurdles behind him (oh to be a dog). 

We are as excited to see him bounce as he is to do it, however, terrified our hearts will be broken if our good luck runs out. The road ahead is so uncertain, and so many miles still to go. Please keep the good vibes and warm wishes coming. One night down!
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Apr 16, 2012

Dog Shot with Arrow - It was only hours after the BBQ that an emergency call came in which required that Spay/Neuter, Medical fund to be used. It was a call, the first of its kind for the Shelter. This was a very bad situation which I have witnessed in a live animal, and I pray the last. 

I hope with all my heart, that Bo, which I have now named remains alive despite his horrendous wound. Bo was gathered, after being shot with an arrow. Bo's body has a distinct entry and exit point, it seems probable that the claims made by those "who know what happened" are likely true. 

The path is easily followed when entered with surgical instruments and makes it easy to identify, not only the seriousness of the wound but how close this pup came to paralysis. Yes, pup, it is estimated that Bo is only nine months old. 

He has the most giving and loving heart, and offers tail wags, kisses and a smile when spoken to. This very same dog was shot and left for dead. It is estimated his injury occurred a week ago. 

It took just under three hours for the doc to remove rotten tissue [the smell of rotten flesh horrid]. He is so full of infection that has been left untreated that Bo had also begun to chew his limbs in an attempt to eliminate the pain. He now has a drain in place, and sutures holding the gaping hole closed. He is on IV antibiotics, and pain medications. 

I have taken Bo to my home for round the clock care. The odds for Bo are not good, as the infection may take him, and he is weak. However, if it is possible to make him well, we will do it, as we won't give up. Please send prayers and warm thoughts - Bo needs them. 

If you would like to give a donation toward Bo's care, please use the Paypal button on the left. Tax receipts will be issued for donations over $15.00.


  1. I read your blog all the time but your last entry (Bo's) has tears running down my face.  What the heck is wrong with the human race?!! I pray to God for his swift recovery.  I wish for him to find a forever ever home to be spoiled for the rest of his years in. I am sure there must be a special place in hell for people that do harm to animals and children. ~Angie

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Apr 14, 2012

BBQ Update - The biggest thank you to those that volunteered their time and skills, to those that attended and donated and to of course Pet Valu for another successful day. Another BBQ held on Saturday helped OSAS raise over $355.00 dollars for the surgical fund! Hooray! 

Special thanks to my wonderful sign holders who called many a customer, and to my buddy Bruno who advertised not only one of our greatest success stories, but reminded us that we do what we do to make a difference for those who need us. It also earned us a few customers, as this special guest brought those who really wanted to see him and celebrate with us.

Our surgical fund keeps those alive who otherwise would perish. It provides pain relief and care for those who suffer. It is what makes it possible to place altered pets, reducing the potential for more homeless. 

Without it, we could not do what we do, and thanks to the generosity of those who were a part of this event we can do it a little longer. 
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Apr 11, 2012

BBQ Tomorrow - Dogs - check, Burgers - check, Buns - check, Condiments - check, and Napkins, float, drinks, tables, BBQ, people to help - check check and triple check!

Having recently prepped for a BBQ, the list is now nearly automatic. Truthfully few things were unpacked. We are ready to rock and do it again! We have set the standards SUPER high last week, and it's going to be hard to compete.

I do think it would be awesome to report Monday that we blew that number out of the water! Help me make that happen! Tomorrow 11am - 4pm, Pet Valu in Owen Sound. Please come out and visit, we love to see you. 
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Apr 11, 2012

Go Team OSAS... - We had soooo much fun last Saturday and had such a great success, heck we thought we would do it again! 

This Saturday, at Pet Valu in Owen Sound we are celebrating animal rescue. There will be homeless on display, and a BBQ, face painting and fun, all in the hopes to raise more funds. 

As we are not running out of homeless or the need to fix and care for them, the need for raising funds is a necessity. It is an essential part of remaining a no-kill shelter, in fact we can't do it without our surgery room. Please come out, bring your adopted pets, we love to see them! We will treat them and treat ourselves by visiting with them! 

The BBQ will run from 11am until 4pm. There will be burgers, hot dogs, and the veggie kind too. We think it would be super to meet last weekends totals or pass them, although we recognize this may be difficult. As my team has now agreed to give up two Saturdays in a row for OSAS, it sure would be awesome to make it worth our while again! 
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Apr 10, 2012

Weekend Fundraiser - We did it! Go team! Saturday, we had our best BBQ fundraiser ever, raising enough funds to cover 30 surgeries or more! Whoot! With an estimated 200+ people in attendance we flipped, served, hopped?, entertained and face painted for the Spay/Neuter, Medical Fund. OSAS once again pulled off an event filled with fun and raised great funds.

Kudos to my amazing team who not only donated their time, their skills, their furry friends, and BBQ items, as always our success was made possible only with your help! Special thank you's to the following:

Kerry and Harley for the fantastic petting zoo ... 

And a big thank you for not allowing me to cuddle with that lamb (I wanted to call it Rama Lamba) and not permitting me to take it home, phew! 

Renee pictured here with Rama Lamba

Thank you to the Dangerfudges for their donated items, and Jen and company for the great face painting skills. 

Allan and Carolyn for their donated items. Metro grocery store of Owen Sound for the buns. The Wellers for their BBQ skills and especially the set-up and take-down help. Once again, we thank Bayshore Broadcasting for the invite, and the promotions. To my staff, my volunteers who gathered, assembled and worked non-stop to please excited children for over three hours my whole heart thanks you. And, Elaine for her donated items, her time, and her great food order taking abilities.

Please know your help has made a difference to at least 30 homeless animals who will be saved with your contributions. It is a difficult job we do, but with your help it makes it all possible and soooo much better. It was an event being considered a success! Hold your head high; you have saved lives! 

Don't forget there will be a BBQ and face painting at Pet Valu this Saturday April 14th from 11am to 4pm. Come out and support our cause.
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Apr 5, 2012

Say it Fast ... Today, I made an elderly woman say Chubby Bunny three times! Ha ha ha ha ha. If you have no idea why this is funny, kindly let me explain.

Wikipedia states "chubby bunny (variations include similar sounding chubby bunnies, fluffy bunny, yummy bunny, chubby monkey, and pudgy bunny) is a recreational game that involves the placement of an increasing number of marshmallows or similar items into one's own mouth and stating a phrase that is intended to be difficult to utter with a filled mouth. The phrase can be "chubby bunny" or its variants, but the suppressive structure is typically more important than which words are used. The game is often played where marshmallows are readily available, such as around a campfire." Please do not try this at home, it can kill you with laughter - no kidding!

You may have noticed on the website a wonderful chubby cat, whom I have affectionately named "Chubby Bunny". No reason, no idea why, but it seems that for whatever notion I have been calling this gal Chubby Bunny since her arrival. Perhaps it was her chub and that she is bunny colour? Or I have Easter on the brain? 

Regardless, the message on the machine today had me in hysterics, and it made me smile all day, so for that reason alone I will share. It went like this.. "Hello, I am interested in adopting a cat, a cat you have on your site, says she is good with all people, you call her Chubby Bunny? [...small pause] Chubby Bunny? Chubby Bunny? How odd."

That was when the giggles started.

Here's hoping Chubby Bunny finds her new home soon. She may find a new name perhaps too, but there will still be reasons to smile.
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Apr 3, 2012

Birthday WishesThere is no greater thanks than the reward I get with each adoption. To have updates, and to know they are well fill us with happiness. The greatest of happiness. This makes it all worthwhile. I love my job!

Dear Ms. Robins; I have been a follower of OSAS many years. We have been a regular visitor of your website, an avid blog reader, and an adopter. We have used your services with stray cats, and you have provided us with information about wildlife. I read your anniversary message on yesterday's blog, and I must say what you wrote really hit home.

It was a catastrophe for us having stray cats in our yard, it was life changing to have decided to later adopt, and our wildlife concerns had us in a panic. I realize now these stresses are minor in comparison to what you see and do. The emotions you must roller coaster must be incredible. You have made a difference. Kudos to you and your team. 

With all you must endure please know you are appreciated. It is reassuring to know you are there if we need you, and a comfort to know OSAS is there for the homeless. Please post my words, as I hope it earns you the the thanks you deserve. ~Sharon 

Thank you Sharon, I have posted them as you have requested. Please know that it is the support from persons like you that give us the strength to do what we do. 
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Apr 1, 2012

Happy Birthday - Today, we are 13 years strong.

I am shelter manager, operations supervisor, animal control. 
I work in chaos never knowing what may happen next, and I work a day as long as I am needed.
I carry a pager and a cell 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
On my off days I'm still working.

It is my job to keep you safe. 
I have jumped in front of an attacking dog for you. I have stepped in front of raging persons for you. 
I have taken bites, scratches and bruises.
I spend countless hours preaching, teaching and assisting for you.

It is my job to keep them safe. 
I have jumped in front of oncoming cars for them. I have climbed into ravines and I've climbed onto roofs. I have climbed into dangerous situations more than I can count.

I have had my hands holding many a wound. I have used clothes right off my back to comfort. 
I have used my body to warm them.
I have used my breath to bring life to them.
I have held them while they passed.

I am bled on, and I have bled for. 

I have done 17 hour days on no food and fed the starving first.
I have rolled coins so that I may eat, as I spent my last dime on cat food. 

I have run in the rain, run in the deep snow, and in the hot sun. 

I am shit on literally and figuratively each day.

I have seen the worst in people.
I have seen the worst in animals.

I have been judged and criticised. I have been doubted and crucified. 

I play God.

I make life and death decisions daily all while feeding, cleaning, walking, chasing, gathering, and dealing with complaints.

For each joy there is a sadness.
For each triumph is tragedy.

My body hurts, my head hurts, my heart hurts.

I have made a difference.

I have taken the damaged, broken and weak and made them well.
I have taken the starving and homeless, the beaten and the battered and made them well.
I have placed those deemed un-adoptable in loving homes.
I have taken those given up on and tossed and have seen them become family members. 

I am Shelter Manager, Operations Supervisor, Animal Control.



  1. Thanks Renee and Todd and all your loyal workers both paid and volunteer for all the wonderful work you do and I know will continue to do for many years to come. Horray for you! Cheryl and Patrick

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We depend on donations
from private funding to
support our Spay/
Neuter and Medical Fund.

2000-2012 © Owen Sound Animal Shelter. All rights reserved.
Website and blog created, updated and maintained by Elaine Watson





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