Blogs by: 
Renee Robins, ACO,
Owen Sound Animal Shelter

WE WANT YOUR EMPTIES ... BRING YOUR BEER AND WINE BOTTLES INTO THE SHELTER for fundraising. All monies go to the spay/neuter, medical fund.

Recent Posts
Apr 30, 2010
Easter Egg Hunt/BBQ;
Engulfed in Flames;
At Large;
3rd Annual Mutt Strutt;
Tag Sales;
Push-Me, Pull-Me;
Honouring Kay Bird;
Raining Cats;
Statistically Speaking;
Still Moving!;
Long Day ...;
New Dog Catcher in Town;
Half a Hair Cut;
Spring Gathering;
Awwww man;
Areas of Service;


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Areas of Service - Tomorrow we expand. Today we service the areas of Saugeen Shores, Saugeen First Nation, and Owen Sound, tomorrow we add a few more. Starting May 1st we also service the municipalities of Georgian Bluffs, and The Town of Hanover. As the prior animal control for such areas has resigned and closed its doors, ( no comment )we have stepped up to fulfill the duties. We will now as always dedicate ourselves entirely to the job we strive to do our best at. We shall continue to save lives, make a difference, to serve these communities, while working with them. It has always been our mandate to do such things, and I am pleased to say with our expansion we can reach out even further to make things better for people and their pets. It is a great thought to think that our no kill policy can be offered now to even more animals lost or tossed. It is great to think that a second chance can be given to those who only yesterday may have not had one. As always your support is appreciated, and very much needed. More than ever we will need that support to help us find homes, and to help keep us positive. I know that with that, we will be successful. Please update your contact information if you reside in these areas, you now want to call me. If you live in another area, serviced by perhaps an animal control which may be no longer please contact your municipality immediately for your new animal control information.
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Tasha came for a visit!

Apr 28, 2010

Awwww man - I was having a great day of fixings (another seven done) and was feeling pretty good about things. It's great to make a difference, and each surgery day I admire the good that we do, with each fix I know they are almost home, and by the end of each surgery day I am grateful. However, today the call that came after put a damper on things.

A beautiful male tabby brown was delivered in a box with air holes in it, this box taped shut and well secured. As I winced at the thought of him in that box, came the story that made the box travel so much better. 

This cat had been found much like my Hefty, secured in a pillow case, and left in a culvert. A culvert I should add that on most days has water. (luckily for this kitty we have had a dry spell). 

Again, I question the human race today, and again thank the stars this could have turned out so much worst for this great guy. As we try to put together the what ifs, the how and whys I can't help but wonder if he was perhaps tossed as result of a fed up neighbour. Too many times we hear the threats, "If this cat does not stop coming around I will...." I hope for his sake none of this is true, again sad for the anger that he would have been subject to if it were all true. I'm glad he is safe behind my doors, and putting this tale behind me, so that I may again celebrate the day, and do what we do best. With a shrug, I will call him Casey.
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Apr 27, 2010

Spring Gathering - We gathered a Sheltie on Friday, a Lab/Shep on Saturday, a Boston Terrier on Saturday, a partially shaved Cocker mix Sunday, a Cane Corso on Monday, and today a Chow/Collie, and then a Wheaton terrier. All found running, and all found with no ID. 

Luckily all but one (we suspect not a real "stray") has been reclaimed. We have been hopping at dog catching, and animal control duties, and clearly our gathering is much needed this time of year. Interestingly, most were intact. Unaltered pets wander. Is it time for me to put out a reminder? Need another reason to have your pet fixed? How about it keeps them home? The desire to find a mate keeps them searching, and even the oldest, and youngest will find the urge. IS it time for me to remind you to get your ID too? With ID I can trace them to you, and potentially this can save us both headaches. 

As the person presently being frowned at for gathering these pets, please remember it's better they are safe than lost on the street. Let's not make me the bad guy, have them fixed, tagged and keep them leashed.
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Apr 26, 2010

Half a Hair Cut - It may sound kind of silly, but it keeps the job interesting. With each stray gathered we guess the age, breed, etc., (and see who is most accurate too lol) but also randomly guess the "how did it come to happen" scenario. We use clues, i.e., dog has paint on forehead, (must have slipped under the door) cat smells like garbage (this one has been eating from a dumpster, likely a stray), dog smells like skunk (this one has run at night), cat smells like house (we know this one is not a stray), dog has the urge to chase stuff (we know how he got out), dog hates to be alone (this one we know how he got out too) etc., etc. It rains we gather those afraid of noise, it's spring we gather intact dogs, or in the fall we gather hounds, and the story seems so clear. Randomly, we question whether they are owned, and randomly we question whether their being on the street was someone's intention. Our game of "guess the scenario", makes the difficult task of plucking them from the streets lost and alone easier to manage. 

Todd and I often compete to see who is right in guessing and I should mention mostly I am right (ha ha). Last evening, however, I picked up a fella I must say has me stumped. This Cocker mix was shaved entirely on his top half. His bottom, feet, and belly, and face still very matted and long. This dog appears to have been partially groomed, and perhaps escaped. Even his face is only half done. The clipped hair appears to have been professionally done, as it is a great job. However, this was on a Sunday ... did a groomer just stop doing him? Did the dog run away as the difficult spots were attempted? Has he made a break to save his pride? With no collar, and no ID, and an intact male, the possibilities are endless. 

I await a phone call from the owner, to send this boy home, and to answer those questions for me, as I have money on this one. I am betting the grooming was to be continued today, and someone told him.
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Apr 22, 2010

New Dog Catcher in Town
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Georgian Bluffs
by Jonathon Jackson    

Georgian Bluffs residents will soon have a new provider of animal control services.

The Owen Sound Animal Shelter will start a contract with the township effective May 1st.

The Keppel Creek Animal Shelter has provided the services for many years but recently gave notice that it would end its contract at the end of April.

Georgian Bluffs clerk Bruce Hoffman says Keppel Creek has been with the municipality since 2001.

Keppel Creek operators are getting out of the business and Hoffman says his understanding is that they are trying to sell their Hepworth-area property.

The city shelter, operated by Todd and Renee Robins, was the only bidder for the Georgian Bluffs contract, which will be in effect until the end of 2014.

It also provides the animal control services in Saugeen Shores and for Saugeen First Nation.

Read the article here...»
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Apr 21, 2010

Long Day ...

Tripper is now spayed
Spike is now neutered
Patches is now spayed
Shadow is now neutered
Bart is now neutered
Chloe is now spayed
Jake is now neutered
Whiskas is now spayed
Grimace is now neutered
Lace is now neutered
Archie is now neutered

It was a marathon surgery day!! I admit that when I looked at the list I was pretty sure we would not get through all of them. We had done 14 before, but it was a long day and I promised to never do it again. However, a neuter takes a short time in a cat, and in this case many were. By 3:30 pm we were wrapping up, and we started late. 

Tonight, I admire the list of those fixed and remember that blog about the how many off-spring one produces, and am times-ing that by twelve. 

Not bad for a day's work!! Prior to the in-Shelter surgeries, we did five spay/neuter a month and now, in one day we do what would have taken two months. Awesome to have them move that much faster!!

Awesome job doc! Great job to the team that makes it work. A dozen closer to a forever home is fantastic.
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Apr 20, 2010

Letters - On Friday, 650 dog tag letters went out. These letters are form letters, reminding people who did not yet purchase their licenses that they have now missed the deadline, and it's due now.

These letters are created from a database, this database of people who purchased last year, who have not yet this year, and it is most definitely is not directed to anyone in particular, nor is it intended to personally insult, or offend anyone. 

Yesterday, 40 people called and yelled at me. Today, there were likely close to the same. It seems that receiving a tag letter, whether you have already purchased a tag, have just moved to your address, are moving, lost your dog, your dog has passed, or have never had a dog but have a cat you must then call and yell at me. I should now mention, these letters did not come from the Shelter but we have merely been 'cc'd' as we are the enforcement.

Please understand we have no way of knowing if you have moved or if your dog has died. We know only what the computer tells us, and it does not organize by dog (because if it did you know I would remember). Instead it is by address and name. You are being formally reminded - not fined. These letters are to prevent that from happening, which is actually doing you a favour. 

I know its annoying to be reminded, and I know its frustrating. I know you find it difficult to receive this letter. Please call me if you have received one, and are presently stewing on how you will handle it, and are angered. I would love to record your address, your information and ensure we are not in the same position next year. I sure would prefer that as well.
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Apr 19, 2010


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Apr 16, 2010

Still Moving! -  Some days, like today, I loose all faith in the human race. Today, I met Hefty. Hefty I have now named for the garbage bag he was secured in. Secured in, tied shut, and then tossed in a ditch. Thankfully the man out working on his yard saw this bag moving!!

It is heartbreaking to know that a cat could be treated this way, heartbreaking to think that clearly the intent was not to relocate, rehome, or assist this cat. Clearly, the intent was to cause it harm and then toss the evidence.

Suffocation is a horrible way to die, it is about as inhumane as it gets, and being tossed from a moving vehicle is likely second, or perhaps a first, I can't decide. Only hatred could cause someone to act this way, and only hatred could inspire someone to be so mean.

As I held Hefty to examine him, he rubbed up against me. He offered purrs and cuddles and whole body rubs, he so loving and giving to people despite all that had been done to him. There is nothing that this cat or any cat would have done to deserve such treatment.

I hang onto the thoughts that at least now Hefty is safe, being loved, and likely shown more affection in return than he ever has. I hope for him a short stay, and a forever home that gives him all he ever needs. He deserves only this.
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Apr 15, 2010

Statistically Speaking - Statistically, the dog who is adopted first at animal shelters is the dog in the front row. This dog they first see when they come looking is the first to warm their hearts. You place the dogs in the front, they are the first they inquire about, and in most cases the first they take out to meet, and is the first pick.

I read the books, take the courses, and have always found these stats interesting. Did you know the dark dog is the hardest to place? Did you know a little colour on their collar makes them more appealing? Did you know a dog room filled with warm colours is not only more soothing for the staff, and the dogs that live there but promotes faster adoptions? Sound silly? Poor Alf was on the end. We fill the front cages first with this theory in mind, but as we fill up, they get the next available spot, and Alf had the end.

If people manage to make it that far, with the dogs reaching out to them on the way, and barking in there ear, and if they have already not selected the dog in the front, then maybe they will ask about the dog on the end. This being Alf. Today, we moved Alf.

A front cage clear he could move on up, and to my delight the next people in asked about him. They with a country home, older children and no other pets wanted a country style dog, and he was this. They wanted mid-size, and he was, and they wanted easy he also this. In a few short hours following his move, Alf was moving again, and this time to his new home.

Thus freeing up the front cage I have now moved Shammy (she who doesn't greet people so well may not move so fast, but moving would be a good change for her and socialize her with more people).
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Apr 14, 2010

Raining Cats - The sun was shining in the sky, but for me today it was raining. Raining cats it seems. At 9:00 am cat in livetrap to gather, 9:30 am another caught in another location and by 10:00 am there were three.

As the shuffle begins, move two to the big cage which thankfully was empty. Clean, disinfect, and steam those cages, and shuffle, and then clean, disinfect and steam those two, and again shuffle. Three cats means three spaces, and with spring in the air space is getting limited, and again as with each spring the pressure to keep them moving is on.

None of the three gathered were altered and I have a small celebation in knowing that now potentially there will be 'millions' less homeless cats on the streets ... as one unaltered cat and can produce 420,000 in her lifetime (OSPCA stats). Three less will put a dent in the population problem locally, a small dent, but still a dent. Although, it's frustrating to have another three behind  bars, a dent in the downpour is better than continuing to be soaked!

Tell all your friends, your family and heck tell complete strangers, we need adoptions in the next few weeks, so we can keep smiling. A little rain never hurt anyone, but I am hoping the sun will be shining again, soon!
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Apr 13, 2010

Honouring Kay Bird - The biggest thank you this evening to the family of Kay Bird. They sent donations in her loving memory to the Shelter in lieu of flowers. These donations are much appreciated and will be used toward our Surgical Room to keep us 'operating', as this is our most important need. 

As I flipped through each contributor, while issuing receipts, I was humbled by the signatures on each and admired the distance many had traveled to reach me. For those who have remembered us in their time of sorrow we appreciate all of you, like many others mentioned on our website's Memory Wall we hope to honour those that have passed with mention of on the website. Please take solace in knowing that in her honour lives will be saved, second chances given, and a new home to those so very much deserving. 

As someone who has loved and lost, I take comfort in knowing some good that has come of it. Thank you for helping those that come through our doors to find a new home and to helping others in need too. From all of my four-legged friends I thank you.
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Apr 12, 2010

Push-Me, Pull-Me - I must admit the first thing I noticed was the size of this the dog. The dog came only above the ankles, but not little in that it was about a foot stool wide. It was certainly quite the sight to see as it waddled up the street. I found myself staring. However after the initial acknowledgement of the size of this big little dog I then noticed it was not on leash. 

Annoyed that it would not be too difficult to walk this waddler on a leash, but then frustrated as they crossed the busiest street in Owen Sound, it waddled very slowly through the traffic and I actually held my breath as it crossed. Immediately we turned around and approached to offer a warning. I must now mention, I don't warn him to be mean, or just as it is my job, but I am genuinely concerned for the well-being of this little waddling dog not keeping up with its person. The thought of any dog in traffic with no person attached makes me cringe!! It may be my personal experience in seeing them broken and damaged, and I am usually the one to gather them in so many cases. It also may be that the thought of my dog under a vehicle makes me want to vomit. Whatever the case, I circled to warn him and tried to convince the owner that potentially I really wanted what was best for this dog. 

Then it happened, today, I got the best excuse ever for not leashing a dog. Are you ready for this one " dog won't run away, this dog cant run!" Well, I smiled, and inside I think I giggled, however, I assured the owner that even dogs that don't run need be to leashed and if for no other reason than if in an emergency his person could use it to pull him?? 
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Apr 9, 2010

Tag Sales - If you are a resident of the City of Owen Sound, you may find very soon or in the next few months a knock at your door. This knock comes to you from our door-to-door tag sellers who are there to do you a favour. 

Each year they return to offer you a chance to purchase your tags one more time (in the event you did not already do so or are not going to the Shelter or City Hall real soon), they are there to provide you with this opportunity of one more chance to purchase a tag.

They are not there to charge you, they are not there to cause grief or bother you, they will be there to do their job, and sell you a license. Please do not shut the door in their face, swear at them, or threaten to call the police. Do not lie to them and tell them you have no dog when you know they can see it. Do not tell them you have a tag if you do not. [Honestly they don't really care nor take it personally they are doing the job we ask them to do.] 

If your dog has passed away, please tell them so we can update our records, and if your tag is purchased kindly show them your receipt, or the dog with tag, they are friendly and would love to meet him? If you, however, have questions or concerns or would merely love to tell us how much you don't like the visit, kindly call the Shelter at 519-372-1123, we would be glad to assist you.
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Apr 7, 2010

3rd Annual Mutt Strutt - It very recently crept onto the front page, and it is now time that I announce it to everyone. I am very excited to let you know that this year's Mutt Strutt will be held on June 20th at the Grey Sauble Conservation Area. It is time to start preparing!!

For those who don't know how it works, start by getting a pledge sheet from the Shelter or by emailing me at When you get your pledge sheet, start to get your pledges for the walk. If anyone who donates and would like a receipt for their pledge, it must be over $15.00 and please make sure you get their proper mailing address. Get as many donations as you can, because the person who raises the most donations get the best prize. 

We are now in the process of getting great prizes from great companies, and businesses and corporations in the area for the participants in this year's 3rd Annual Mutt Strutt. On the day of the Mutt Strutt, the prizes are distributed to those who attend. The prizes are given out in order of the person who raises the most donations to the person who raises the lower donations. Don't worry, there are always great prizes for everyone who attends.

As the date is now set, and creeping up fast, I am looking for volunteers to help me make this the best Strutt ever!! If you would like to volunteer to BBQ, do the set up, or the running around on the day of the Mutt Strutt, please contact me. If you are a business owner, or just a person who would donate a prize, or money toward a prize, please contact me. All donations receive receipts, website recognition and our heartfelt thank you. 

All ages can walk and all dogs may participate; leashed of course. 

We are hoping to raise enough donations to keep us operating another year for animals who need to be spayed/neutered, or medical emergencies. Your help is appreciated and needed. It is essential that we continue to be a no-kill, and doing what we do best. I know that together we can do it!! Call, email, or drop in and see me for the pledge sheet.
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Apr 7, 2010

At Large - When we watch a catastrophe on television, a movie or show and there is a threat to the public there are alarms, whistles and people to notify everyone of there is danger near. There are loud sirens, protocols are in place in the instance of such chaos, and the people scatter to return safely to their home. Today, I was wishing I had one of these alarm systems or loud sirens in place. 

The call came for an aggressive shepherd running loose who was threatening and we were in pursuit. Moments later there was panic as another call came from a panicked person who claimed this dog had been trouble before and was a threat to all it approached. We drove as fast as we could and circled the neighbourhood searching for him. While searching I spotted two young children playing ball on their lawn, one cat crossing the street, a young boy walking his Shih Tzu and an elderly man with a Newfoundland dog. While searching for the problem dog, my thoughts were of the potential damage this dog could cause if he was indeed as bad as claimed and how each of these people and animals were at risk. 

As we continued to search I see more children, more adults, people on bikes and a tiny Chihuahua out for a pee. I found I was torn between searching, and standing guard!! Fortunately, as things were going nowhere on finding the dog, we located his home, and as it turned out he had returned there already. We are now pursuing this further. 

I consider keeping the public safe the most important part of my job, and I am now seriously considering a siren, loudspeaker or a foghorn!
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Apr 6, 2010

Engulfed in Flames - There are much worse things than attending your Easter dinner smelling of skunk, or your pager going off while you try to sleep in on a day off. Although I was cursing the pager when it sang to me Monday morning, we immediately shot out the door with full intention of doing what we could to help. 

We arrived to a scene of fire trucks, ambulance and police cars. The streets were blocked off to traffic. There was smoke filling the air, and the smell of burning homes. 

The officers directed us to the scene, and I must admit I was not prepared for the sight I was facing, an apartment, a home to eleven families was fully engulfed in flames. We were called to aid as there were cats who had been inside. Two cats perished with the flames, and two were gathered by persons nearby. One "peach and white" cat is still missing. (please let me know if you spot her on the west side of town) I was there, however, to help the two gathered. 

One clearly suffering from smoke inhalation coughed and gagged to breath, while his eyes teared, swollen and soot filled. After a conversation with this cat's owner we agreed to transport him to their veterinarian, and did this promptly. 

The other cat gathered who escaped before the house burst into flames ironically was named Grimace. Likely named for the character we know and love, is now ironically named for me the same as this is what I did when I saw his poor face. 

As I spoke to his elder owner who's home of thirty years was now gone it was decided he was best to stay with me. My heart broke for her and for him, however ,I was glad I could oblige and offer him a place to stay. 

My thoughts are with these families and all that they lost. I pray there is some solace for this woman in knowing I will take care of her beloved friend. Grimace is well, and will find a new home.
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY and thank you Taylor Cruickshank who asked for donations to the Shelter in lieu of birthday presents. THANK YOU!


Apr 5, 2010

Easter Egg Hunt/BBQ - Bunnies, cookies, chocolates, and goodies, burgers, and hot dogs, sunshine and good times, Saturday was a fantastic day. The biggest thank you to my volunteers, to the Mix 106 and to those who contributed items, and their time to making this Easter fundraiser a great success. 

When all was said and done we raised over $500.00. I think this is fantastic. I was pleased to be given the opportunity to have good press, pleased with the opportunity to be given support, and when offered the chance to raise some much needed funds to keep our surgery days happening, I was happy. I hoped to raise enough to pay part of a surgery day, but it seems instead we have raised enough to cover a few days, and this potentially means twenty or more pets altered. 

It was wonderful to be supported, encouraged and to see so many smiling faces and everyone having fun. 

The biggest thank you to all our volunteers for the day Teri, Gloria, Jaret, Mark, Alicia, (Alicia's friend), Sam, Zack and Daniel, Dan, Becky, Elaine, Jen Sue and Jay. I have been complimented on the way in which things ran so smoothly, and so professionally, and this I owe entirely to all of you. 

A big thank you to the following sponsors, donators and contributors: 

  • Markdale Foodland - donation of buns

  • Paisley Foodland - deal on hot dogs

  • Flannigans - donation of paper cups

  • Wiggins Accounting & Financial Services - Priceville - Ingrid's donation of buns and Elaine for handling the funds

  • M&M Meat, Owen Sound - deal on burgers and juice

  • Grey Roots Museum - facility/washrooms for all the sponsors and people who attended

  • Loraine and Wade from Down to Earth for their contributions

  • Going Once, Going Twice ... from Durham for their donation

  • Bayshore Broadcasting is owed the most gratitude for the invite to attend. As always your support is appreciated. You rock !!

Here are a few pictures from the days' event!

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*** Quality New & Used ***

169 Garafraxa St. S. Box 116
Durham, ON N0G 1RO
Tuesday-Thursday   10:00 - 4:00
Friday & Saturday    10:00 - 5:00

Lori Beaton                             519-369-1518

Thanks to Lori Beaton at Going Once, Going Twice . . .
for her donation to the Easter Egg Hunt and BBQ!

Apr 1, 2010

OSAS Today, 11 years ago, the Owen Sound Animal Shelter (OSAS) was born. Both Todd and I opened our hearts to the biggest of tasks. We pledged ourselves entirely to making a difference, saving lives, and to doing our best to serve the community while working with them. Time sure flies when your having fun, and apparently when you are not too. :) 

We have come so very far since that day, making major changes and improvements, learning the whole way about what works and what sure doesn't. We have been successful in placing over 10,000 animals in loving homes, animals which were otherwise homeless and in need, animals which have been given a second chance and made part of a family. We have taught people about being responsible, and how to care for their pets, we have encouraged people to do what is right, and helped them to achieve this. We have made many friends, and many of you have become family, we have made the Shelter our second home. Todd and I have lived working each minute since that day, and our children have been raised knowing this lifestyle. 

I woke to the pager this morning and an April fools joke about a dead bunny, I laughed as this is the third year in a row now for this one. A short while later we were gathering a dead skunk, I was then peed on by a cat at 11 am, and then at 2 pm we retrieved a dead deer which had washed up on the shore. I was sure smiling, boy I love my job! 

There were 5 cat adoptions which made the day complete, and although I am now eating supper at 9 pm (pizza pick-up) while typing, it was just one more day I am glad to celebrate.

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