
Back to the Owen Sound Animal Shelter

A no-kill Shelter dedicated to loving and nurturing the animals in our care until they find new homes - no matter how long it takes.


By: Renee Robins*

MERRY CHRISTMAS ... To my staff, my supporters, my web design goddess, and to all of my volunteers. You make my job a better one. Renee and Todd  *  To the surgical team. Here's to many more in the New Year ~ Love the Robins  *  Merry Christmas to the Walker and Gaviiller-Hall families love Beth and Bob Kent and Liz  *  To my family and friends also the animal shelter volunteers, staff and the animals. Merry Christmas Everyone ~ Jodi  *  Merry Christmas to Ms. Short from Claire Legate a donation has been made in your honour.

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Dec 31, 2009
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Miss Beasley
Gossip, Rumour and a dash of Insanity!
The Saga Continues
Adoptions Down
Bad Shape;
Missing Pets;
Golden Stray;
Count Down to Christmas;
Pennies for Pets;
Christmas Wishes;
Thank You!;
Wish for the Holidays;
Enjoying Christmas;
Little Sheriff;
Last of 2009;
New Year's Resolutions;

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New Year's Resolutions
Ever thought to include your pet in your New Year's Resolutions? I can think of 9:

1. Have your pet spayed/neutered; for longer life
2. Take your dog to visit your vet at least once a year
3. Feed wisely; no need to be over-weight
4. Use a flea medication; so they won't get heart worm
5. Groom daily; to check for any bumps or cuts
6. Exercise with them; get the cardiovascular going
7. Training; so your dog will listen to you more carefully
8. Socialize your pet; so they will behave better
9. Get involved with your local pound/shelter; by walking a dog it will help these dogs to learn to trust again.

Resolve to do most of the items on the list at least daily, if not, at least weekly. If you do any/all of the above, on a regular basis, your dog will be healthy, happy and your best friend.

Let me know what your New Year's Resolutions were!

Have a great evening and a Happy New Year!

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Dec 30, 2009

Last of 2009
Tomorrow is the last day of 2009, and with the evening we shall all be celebrating our successes and kissing good bye that which we wish to forget. It is an evening of cheers, and good times, however, it is important that we keep everyone safe so that we start the new year on the right foot. It will sure make a better evening for me if my pager is not going off! 

Please remember your pets when celebrating (yes they want to enjoy the night as well, but this is not what I mean) please plan for where they will be, plan for them to be confined if necessary, or at the very least entertained and controlled. Please do not put them in your yard when company comes and forget about them. Watch them as the door opens and closes, and if guests are going in and out, remind them about the pets inside. Post a sign if you need to? Make sure your pet is wearing ID, collar with tag and visible for all to see. Know your animal control, know who they are, and know how to reach them. Write it down, and your vets phone number too. 

If your pet is nervous around company (watch for signs of anxiety even if you're sure they are not) please find them a safe place to retreat to, and let your company know to avoid them. Check on your pet often. Now may be a great time to give your dog or cat a great long lasting treat to keep them happy, and busy? 

If you are someone's company, please remember pets are nervous with strangers in the home, especially loud ones, and those that sometimes act a little goofy. Noisemakers can be dog hell as are fireworks, and popping champagne. Please do not do these things near the animals, they don't like it. DO not feed them anything other than pet foods. Pets do not like to drink, and you could kill them. Remember that candies and chocolates can be toxic and pets may even try to consume the wrappers. 

Be aware of party decorations. Balloons, streamers, party hats or confetti can be unhealthy for an animal if ingested. While decorating for your party, keep the animals in a separate area where they do not have access to the decorations. This said, make your plans with your pet's safety in mind, and celebrate without any trouble for you or I to worry about.

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Dec 29, 2009
Little Sheriff

Pat, this blog is for you:

I know, as you stood there, today as my supporter and pal it was very difficult for you to watch me with game face on. I know it was heartbreaking to watch that woman talk so poorly of that cat "she found" and create such chaos with her lies.

It was difficult for you to see me debate with her, with the ultimate ending being her leaving with that cat (especially with her claims to throw it back in the snow). I know you would have paid the surrender, and I know that you wanted me offer that to her.

Please know I have been doing my job a very long time, and sometimes I know things about people and situations that may not be so clear to the outside world. For example, I knew who she was the moment she walked through that door, and I knew the truth that was not being told. I knew I would see that cat again, and I knew it would be today. I promised you it would be well. I told him the same thing. Thank you for trusting me.

This message is for you to know that all is well and I have little "Sheriff" now in my possession, as I knew I would.

I can now lay charges, instead of that woman walking away scott free. Thank you for your patience, Pat. Please know Sheriff is well, is being treated kindly, and will be neutered and placed in a loving home as soon as Sheriff is ready. This next home will not be with someone who would rip off an animal shelter and throw their cat out like trash either! I can promise both you and my new friend, Sheriff.

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Dec 28, 2009

Enjoying Christmas
There is something magical about Christmas. It is a time to celebrate life, and all things good, and all the small pleasures that make life worth living. Christmas at the animal shelter is wonderful. Many I am sure think this is a sad time, seeing them caged on Christmas. However, I look at things with a different perspective. 

Two cats [once River Cats], who sat freezing on the streets, enjoyed Christmas morning with a cozy new blanket and catnip toy. It brought tears to my eyes to watch them roll around full of cat nip crazy and content. Their first toy in a place where they are loved warm and dry. Junior enjoyed a new squeaky toy, and he tossed it and tugged it with his sister at playtime. Sad eyes enjoyed yet another bowl of cat cookies, and I must admit, I do think his new year resolution may be to have less? A once cold and hungry street cat, filled his belly with "kitty candy" on Christmas day. Daisy who spent her life until days earlier tied to a dog house with pups hanging off her enjoyed time with her stuffie and big rawhide bone. Chia enjoyed a game of cat and mouse with her new catnip toy, and filled her belly with goodness as well, and thanked me with wet kisses. Not bad for an almost dead cat very recently. 

It is not the best case scenario for them to be homeless and with me, however, knowing things could have been much worse for all of them sure gives me reason to celebrate. With the stress of being homeless smaller at Christmas with the gifts that remind them of home, it is the best I can do for them, without taking them all to my home. Please know they celebrated, and enjoyed their day, as me and my family enjoyed bringing it to them.

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Dec 25, 2009
Wish for the Holidays
I wish, for every dog searching trash cans for breakfast, a filled bowl with his name printed in bright letters.

For every dog who slept fitfully last night, chained unmercifully in a frozen yard, a soft, warm bed with a person snoring gently nearby.

For every shelter dog, spending Christmas morning in a shamefully soiled run, a forever home filled with sounds and smells of a loving family.

For every "Christmas" pup given thoughtlessly as a "present" today, a tolerant, caring owner who won't abandon you as you grow into a real dog.

For every ailing pet, enough money for your owner to pay the bills to make you well.

For every lost dog, a clear, safe road and well marked path to lead you home.

For every old and tired friend, a warm fire and soft bed to ease your aches and pains.

For every Heart Dog at the Bridge, a moment when you know that you are remembered today, missed again and loved forever, that a loving God has a special place for you with Him, until I arrive to meet you in His heavenly home some day.

~ Author Unknown ~
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Dec 24, 2009

Thank You
Merry Christmas! It has been a year of trials, and tribulations, a year of struggles and great success. We have once again saved hundreds, pulling from kill shelters, while keeping our doors open to the public as well. 

We have been successful in 400 surgeries, with 400 animals altered, and given the best chances in life. We have continued to offer a no-kill option to so many that would have otherwise not been so lucky. Our first rabies clinic was a great success, and our Silence the Rumours campaign against the breed specific campaign continued. From dog walking clubs, to humane education we have covered so many areas of public service, while we continue to enforce and control the City of Owen Sound By-Laws. 

It has been a year of great challenges, and many struggles. We have continued on, with our heads held high with thanks to all of you. Our job has been difficult, however, thanks to all of you it has been easier. This Christmas I will be giving thanks. Thanks for the good we have achieved, and thanks to you who have helped make it possible. 

Thanks to my volunteers and staff who work so hard at keeping the homeless happy - THANK YOU. Thank you for giving the extra, and for making my job better. 

Thank you to my web goddess, thank you for the new site, and for all the countless hours you put in to keep the old site, and the new site updated. Your help is priceless, and without you we would be very little, and would accomplish so much less. 

Thank you to my surgical team, I owe you so very much as well. Hundreds have been helped, how can I repay for that? You have dedicated your time, sometimes after hours, and sometimes last minute. Your compassion is appreciated and will be cherished always. 

Thank you to those that have adopted - thank you. Thank you for giving a second chance to those you have brought into your family, please wish them a merry Christmas for me, and put a little something for them under the tree?? 

Merry Christmas to my adopted friends, may you celebrate with all the excitement the gift of life has given you. 

Thank you to all of our supporters, the biggest Christmas hug. It is the season for giving, and for you I give my biggest thanks. Without your support we would not be here, and for that I am entirely grateful wish for all of you joy, and happiness. 

Please celebrate our successes with me, as you are very much a part of it too. 

Seasons greetings, happy holidays, and all the best to each of you.

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Dec 22, 2009

He was surrendered out of love. He a beloved family pet well cared for and cherished, was considered part of them, and they were heartbroken to surrender. My heart went out to them, as their family was under a great deal of stress with two disabled children, who were diagnosed as terminal. Life now turned upside down for them with doctor appointments, and hospital stays and tremendous stress and hardships. My understanding was that this mom was facing some difficult days, and the dog being left out was a stress she was dealing with and very much one she did not need.


She made sure he was fully vetted before he came, and sent records and lists with him. Archie was a dog that was loved, in the wrong place at the wrong time, and this time made it hard for him to be there. I promised to find him a loving home, and pledged to him as well as the family to offer this for them. It was the very least I could do, and although one small part it was a part I could do to take some of the pain away. 

Yesterday, a kind woman came for him, after months of looking for the right match, and spending days getting to know Archie. There were smiles all around as she signed the papers, and my heart was filled with joy. Joy that Archie would be home for the holidays, and joy that his family can take solace in knowing they had done the right thing. Archie will be the best friend of a kind woman, who promised to send updates. I am looking forward to these, and to passing them on to that family. 

If you're reading, please know that Archie is well. Please take comfort in knowing your decision was the right one, and Archie will be well loved and spoiled. I will keep my fingers crossed for a little while, but today, I am confident it will be OK. It is a little Christmas miracle for all of us, and I will be keeping all of you in my prayers this holiday.

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Dec 21, 2009

It is with sheer excitement, and great pride comes this blog. We have had our most challenging of times this year, and have now the best news to share. In celebration of our successes in the spirit of good things, and all feelings Christmas, today, I had the best Christmas present. 

Despite our challenges, despite those that tried to stop us, despite the odds not in our favour, and with the thanks to our supporters it was possible. Today, we hit a great high, with our 400th surgery!! This surgery was that of Chia, from the recent blog, (cat from trap with holes in her where she was chewed) appropriate as she confirmed for all our policy of no kill. 

She was our 400th with her spay and patch repair. She was well enough to have surgery, and very thankful to be able to be with is almost ready to go home. I was not sure we could get her to this point, and we struggled with her. This now seeming appropriate as it is with her we now can jump up and down with joy. 

In ten years we managed about two hundred surgeries. These life changing, were not nearly enough. With high costs, and only a limited few vets who would offer to help us, we struggled to meet that number. In a fraction of that time, (fifteen month) we have doubled what we once had been happy with. 

The biggest thanks to my surgical team, who I owe now 400 lives to, and the biggest thanks to all of you who have helped make this possible.

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Dec 18, 2009

Christmas Wishes
Sometimes I forget that in finding animals homes I change lives. Lives for those creatures I know are changed, but sometimes I forget that the lives of the people who adopt the animals are changed too. Today, I received a message of thanks, which warmed my soul and reminded me that the job I do is sometimes for people too. 

Three weeks ago, I adopted out a cute little kitten I knew as Winter. Once a street cat, she had had a rough start. I socialized her, litter trained her and helped her become the most loving little soul. A slight virus was treated, and in a short time she had found a loving home. I heard nothing and assumed 'no news was good news'. However, today came an update and I learned it was the best kind of update. 

Around the same time this kitten was homeless and seeking her second chance a little girl had her life fall apart. Her mother placed her coat and boots on her, packed her a bag, and delivered her to her father at Tim Horton's and told her she would not be back for her. This girl sobbed for hours and upon arriving home, devastated she sat on the couch and sobbed (and we think we have troubles). Dad with his life all turned upside down forgot about the surprise he had waiting for his little girl. You see, he had been to see me earlier in the day, and decided Winter would be a great friend for her. 

In no time at all the little kitten, now socialized, went leaping to her lap and the tears stopped. This kitten has been in her arms ever since, and the tears are no more. She carries her in her arms all day, and she sleeps with her each night. Winter, now Lilly, has become the little girl's friend which she very much needs right now. 

I was touched to hear how important this little angel was to this little girl, and so pleased I could have a part in this little miracle. Here's hoping for the best for both of you, and a lifetime of happiness.

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Dec 17, 2009

It seems we made the front page again today, and it seems yesterday's news is again the news for the day. It is unfortunate it continues, but I find some relief in it all being old news and nothing new. I have learned too that the more you get kicked in the teeth the less it hurts?

Disappointed it continues, as adoptions and donations are still down, and the truth is still not being told. Unfortunate that no one has yet to ask these ladies what their intentions were in all of this, as I sure would like to see that hit the paper. However, it seems the idea is catching on. Now the Georgian Bay Animal rescue is under fire ... check out the article here...>

My thoughts and prayers are with these people, as I am empathetic to their stresses and their pain. How unfortunate that there are those who would rather cause grief than to offer assistance. Everyone thinks they know what's best, yet few offer to help make things best. 

It is the homeless that will suffer, and those that are looking for shelter. Instead of calling rescues now, I fear what the alternative will be. Such a sad state for rescue, that I dread it might be about to get a whole lot worse. There will now be more shelters targeted all for a moment of fame. I am disappointed in mankind once again.

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Dec 16, 2009

The biggest thank you today to Mrs. Blundell's class, and to the students and supporters of the Pennies for Pets held at Hillcrest Elementary School. It was my pleasure to meet all of you and for many of you it was not our first meeting - good to see you again. 

You are a fantastic group of caring and compassionate people. Your support has been appreciated. I have always appreciated you taking the time to help us out, but in lieu of things recent I appreciate it even more. 

I know you have read the paper. Christmas and Spirit (the kittens) loved the running of the gym, and Noelle, (the pup) is thankful for the great toys you have sent with her. I know that you worked very hard gathering change, selling hot chocolate, and pop corn, and holding raffles. It sure was a huge amount of pennies!! I hope you enjoyed the "all about what we really do" presentation and I loved that you had such great questions. 

Thank you for listening, and caring. Tell the others. Thank you Ms. Blundell, you have my gratitude, and deepest respect, good job teaching about the important things in life, the spirit of giving, and helping others. Thank you for thinking of the homeless animals too. 

Merry Christmas to all of you. You have mine, and all my furry friends too. They all will have presents for Christmas morning.

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Dec 15, 2009

Pennies for Pets
I spent a good portion of the day reflecting. I have a pennies for pets presentation tomorrow and what with the last few weeks of being "otherwise occupied", I have left this right to the last minute to put together. 

This is now my third presentation at the school, and I thought I would like to change it up a bit and do something different. 

Tomorrow, I suspect there may be a few questions about what being "no kill means". And I know I will discuss with them the reality that the animals that we usually deal with are usually the bottom of the animal care world in many cases, and we work to the best of our ability to bring these animals back up to the top. I want them to know the message is that we do our utmost to save them, and sometimes we loose the battle, but in most cases we win. 

I have decided to do a slide show with photos of Blossom, and Jack, (two kittens who came to me at 1 day old, on two different occasions; Blossom having been buried in dirt). There will be pictures of Uno (the puppy her mom tried to kill), Helmet (the kitten with maggots in his head), Ducky (the blocked boy), Sassy (the JRT with rotten insides who had emergency surgery), Roy (with his rotten teeth), Care Bear, and my recent friend from a few blogs back (who is still well I might add) will be there too. Along with many rescued dogs from Minto.

It was great to spend this time reflecting on each of the animals. It was with sadness I remembered their state of arrival, and then with tears of joy and feelings of pride I can celebrate their adoptions. 

I think that after seeing and hearing my presentation, the part the children will like best, will be the puppy I will be bringing along. Puppies can be so much fun, I know they will love her!

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Dec 14, 2009

Count Down to Christmas
It's coming. Something wonderful and new. A gift to me, and a gift for you. To spread a little cheer, and to make us all smile. It's a time for change, we have big plans for the year ahead, and this is one step in that direction.

I am waiting patiently to see it unleashed, and know only a little more than you do. Together we can wait, in anticipation, as this is a big part of what Christmas is all about [wondering and waiting]. Ten days till Christmas and the countdown is on.

I didn't want to forget to let you know that we have a few Christmas stockings left and calendars. We have a few stocking stuffers Bright Bites and cat treats too. All proceeds to the homeless who will have needs from Santa too. The homemade dog cookies are back $3.00 each or 2/$5.00. We are taking orders now. Please contact me ASAP as they are going fast.

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Dec 11, 2009

Golden Stray
Somehow in the last few days it got very cold. It seems I didn't really notice, however, today while searching for that Golden, who is still out there, I noticed that in no time at all my fingers were frozen. I was sure in a short time I would be frost bitten. Even a quick walk without a bundle was very uncomfortable. 

I am worried, I am worried about this dog who I leave food for and say prayers for, and watch and wait for. I am also worried about the River Cats [who I have not gathered - thanks to the lady who still feeds them] who are likely feeling the cold and all the snow, and I worry about all the others who may be struggling to keep warm. There have been calls increasing about stray cats now cold, and I try to help each of them. I worry about the ones I don't know about. As I watch my own crew enjoying time by the fire, I think of those living tied to a dog house or those left with no place to get warm. 

If you are aware of animals in need, please take the time to call. Know your area, and know who to call. Strays from Owen Sound and Saugeen Shores are my designated responsibility. The other jurisdictions have specific places for them. Animal cruelty and abuse should be reported to the OSPCA, and they will be glad to direct you to assistance. In asking you for assistance I feel better. I can't watch all the animals, but with your help I can make a greater difference. 

Now, on to the Golden... I need everyone in the Huron Street area in Southampton to call me; I need your help. I need your eyes, and your knowledge. Please call or email me ASAP. It is so cold - the snow is piling up and this dog is still out there! Please, if you spot him, call or email me.

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Dec 10, 2009

Missing Pets
We have always kept records. Each animal is given a file, and each file tells a story. With each we can track the date in, the reason it is with me, the condition upon arrival, all that was carried out while with me, and where it ended up.

These files tell the truth, and although it is often difficult, they are mandatory in the shelter. I was glad that we keep such good records. The Inspector has always told us the key to keeping everyone happy is keeping the records up-to-date - he is right.

Twice this week, people have come looking for their pet and asked if their pet had been destroyed. Fortunately, with a few quick phone calls their concerns were eliminated. [I would like to thank you 'new owners' for helping to relieve the stress these people were under and for taking the time to talk with me].

We also keep a log book, of each call that comes into the shelter and of each visit we feel may be worth keeping track of. This is the reason we know who you are when you bring us your stray cat [which is really yours].

This log book keeps track of animals in and animals out through 2007 and continued to help us in 2008 to provide us with information for our reports [2009 stats are not out yet]. Although we enjoy providing animals with the best of care, there is always paper work involved.

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Dear Renee, Todd, and Staff, I am delighted to hear that you have been vindicated in all particulars -- I never doubted for a moment that you would be. :) That said, is anything being done to deal with those who maliciously accused you of wrong-doing? People shouldn't be allowed to drag good people's reputations in the mud and get away with it! And maybe a certain reporter could print an apology as big as the article in which he made unsubstantiated allegations that turned out to be false? Those would be my Christmas wishes for you. That and good homes for all your fur babies. Thanks to you all for a job well done. Brightest blessings, JoAnn and David Ross and Family

Dec 9, 2009

Bad Shape
She was gathered off the street cold and thin, and clearly unwell. She was in distress and needed help. We placed her in a carrying cage and delivered her to the shelter.

Immediately the smell that came from her was obvious, and it's a smell I know too well - the smell of rotting flesh. It is not one you forget. It is unknown where her wounds came from, or the places she had been, but it was clear it was likely a story we were better off not knowing. 

A hold type mark around her front leg represented to me perhaps grabbing trap, somewhere she had been stuck and her lack of teeth and damaged jaw perhaps an example of what happens when trying to remove yourself from such a contraption. The punctures to her ribs and abdomen appear to be from the mouth of some creature, and the gaping hole in her hind end seemed to be where this creature almost killed her. 

With the doctor coming quickly with our call, her pain was taken from her with medications and she rolled and purred and offered wet kisses to those that had offered compassion to her. 

I must admit while watching her mostly I was in awe that any creature could survive such a battle and still be alive.

Today, I was asked about our definition of no-kill. It was questioned as to whether there was another choice of phrasing. However, while faced with this cat I faced one decision, and one only. While watching, while holding, we contemplated the situation, and discussed the decision. In no time the answer was clear. This poor girl who survived this far, deserves a fighting chance - pain free and comfortable this chance I will give her. 

The decision is one I stand by, my policy is no-kill.

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Dec 8, 2009

Adoptions Down
Following Council last evening, the City gave a press release today confirming everything that I had said yesterday in my blog. It ran all day on the radio [Bayshore Broadcasting], all the allegations made against the Owen Sound Animal Shelter were proven false. Although this makes it a little easier for me to walk with my head up in town, I pray that yesterday's news soon becomes old news. 

Those that have tried to destroy us have failed, and their words proven to be lies. I pray this is enough to put an end to all of this. As I have now spent three weeks dealing with the press, lawyers, and emails to supporters, as well as answering questions from those who have asked them - I hope we can move on. 

It seems that adoptions are down. I have not had the opportunity to do what I do best and that is find them all homes, and that is a real shame. It is a shame my time has been wasted, and as a result those with me have had to spend more time with me - talk about inhumane. I am, however, pleased that their time does not mean the end for them, as had our policies been different they would, in fact, now be dead. 

For those not in support of no-kill, go now to their photos, and ask yourself "could you"? Those pups now two weeks with us, dead, and all the others have now been three weeks longer - dead. For anyone who questions our dedication or commitment I have for them one thought, after all of this, to still be willing to help them, does this not prove I am here for the right reasons? 

I am where I am to save lives, and I hope now, after these delays, slander and backstabbing all my waiting friends will find the homes they deserve. In finding them homes, my job is worthwhile.

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Dec 7, 2009

It was with open doors we greeted the OMAFRA inspector today. I am pleased to announce it went as expected, all is clear. He inspected all cages, all pens, all files, and records. We discussed medications, and we discussed methods for care, and methods of euthanasia. He assessed the animal's health, and assessed their time spent with me. 

We openly discussed all allegations, and all the vicious rumours. He admitted the animals were in better health than in most shelters. He then presented us with his report. I am pleased to share, animal care, methods of euthanasia, sanitation, waste management, pens, food, and animal handling are all clear. Acceptable and meeting all standards. The only areas needing improvement [his words not mine] were the painting of the floors, which we had started, and not yet finished. He also recommended we dust the ventilation fans. 

The City was also in. The City has also "done an internal review of the donations process and have not found any evidence of misappropriation of funds". 

The proof, so many seek, is now sitting on my desk and I would ask all to, once again, come and see me. I am willing to offer up these reports for all to see. Have no doubts, the proof is here. 

It is unfortunate the allegations made such headlines, and I pray the truth makes at least a fraction of the same. I will now begin to rebuild, with the truth behind me [as it always had been].

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Dec 4, 2009

The Saga Continues
I have had the most difficult of days. As I struggled through my official statement "Todd and I have been the operators of the Owen Sound Animal Shelter as of April 1, 1999. Since that time we have done our very best to run it to the best of our ability". Unfortunately, it is a difficult job we face each day, and most days it is a struggle to get through it. 

It is more unfortunate there are those who have decided to make this job more difficult. All these players in our character assassination, I might add, are now in serious trouble. 

I would like to thank my supporters, who have kept us going through this difficult time, please keep the support coming, and on the other side of things to those who may have questions or concerns, please call me. Our doors have been and always will be always open, we have nothing to hide. Please call if you have questions and I will do my best to put your mind at ease. Come see us, or email [I'm holding back the tears and sniffles]. 

Although there is much more I would like to say, for example, "Dear Dr. Lang, I had no idea we did not have a good working relationship, for eleven years we have supported the work you do, and have worked along side you, and Dear SPCA, we had no idea you investigated us, oddly, why do you still send all cats to our door? and Dear Denis Langlois, why did you fail to mention [in your article] the two cats you adopted from me who you love so dearly, or the dog you surrendered to me recently that I spayed and found a loving home for? I could go on and on and for me now it needs to stop. 

Thank you, all of you, for your support. It means the world to me. I know in my heart I do the right thing and appreciate you see it. Please keep the support coming, send letters, call the City. 

Lastly, I have not announced the open house, please do not think this means we are not having one. It seems the City may now agree we need some floor repairs and we may be under renovation very soon. This makes me smile. But, phone, drop-in or email me about any questions or concerns you have.

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Dec 3, 2009

Gossip, Rumour and a Dash of Insanity
Today the darkness came. I was done. The attack made on both Todd and I being worse than I had ever anticipated. I thought to type up a letter of resignation stating the emotional distress and politics of the job was more than Todd and I could handle. I would wish them well in their future endeavours and wished well to all the animals they were now going to have to deal with. BUT, I could not do it. I could not throw the towel in...

As I typed the letter, Sad Eyes sat perched on my lap, and the many others peered out at me. I could not face them and leave them. Who would help them? Contrary to what the article would have everyone believe I am where I am for the animals, and I cannot break the promise to each to help them. That said, it is now time to be sure my side of the story is heard, as clearly the Owen Sound Sun Times failed to mention it. 

FACT: 15 months ago the shelter was running wonderfully, all was well, and it was decided that we could take a break for a holiday. We all deserved a holiday to be with family for five days. I left my staff in charge but carried a cell phone in the event they needed me. On the first day of my time away there was an incident I have kept to myself which I must share now. A call came in to remove a raccoon killed on the road and my employee was asked to go gather it. Upon her arrival the raccoon was found to be alive. She called me. She is advised to call the police to have them end its misery. The police are too busy. She is then advised to contact the MNR, which she does, as it turns out it is her boyfriend. When he arrives it is decided between the two of them that he would choose to run over it with his vehicle to end its life. When this fails he removes a car jack from the back of the vehicle and beats it to death. I then get the call from her as to what they had done. With pure disgust and rage I make it well known I am unhappy, and agree to discuss it when I return [so much for a happy holiday]. Upon my return I make my disappointment clear. A short while later she doesn't return to work - ever [and the MNR thinks they should investigate our euthanasia procedures?" How does that happen?] Sandi Scobie mentioned in the article today, is this person. If they can do in a raccoon like that, I guess I would be holding my breath to say this onslaught of gossip, rumour and a dash of insanity is going to stop? I guess we are now in for a bit of a bumpy ride as you have finally come out into the open with this article. [Sandi, I actually thought that by not mentioning this it would save your face - wow that was stupid].

Sandi and Karen Jarvis, (never an employee) and now Manager of Keppel Creek Animal Shelter [not mentioned in the newspaper article I might add] have been in communication with the others mentioned and not mentioned, and together they have caused me 14 months of hell. These people who worked for me for 4 years, 3 years and 2 and "loved to be at the shelter" [I can provide you with their emails to quote them]. Have been convinced by Sandi, that things are not as they thought they were. 

The Sun Times came to me with these allegations, allegations I might add that have been proven false, however this was not mentioned in the article. Investigation was done initially at their request, and all was cleared. I have had dozens of prior staff over the years, and hundreds of volunteers, many who were questioned by the Sun Times, yet their words are not in this article. 

I have provided stats to the newspaper, in regards to the allegations about euthanasia, yet they are not printed. "Just over 250 cats and 204 dogs were adopted from the shelter in 2008, according to data provided by the Shelter. The number of euthanized animals was not included". It seems Mr. Denis Langlois that you cannot do the math, I provided you with numbers in and numbers out. It seems that you may have noticed that more are out than in... why do you think that is? Not that I have not provided you with facts, but merely you misinterpreted them. 

I opened my doors to the newspaper, and offered all responses to the questions [to which I might add were many], and yet I have few quotes in the article. As for the comment about the money from the till being donations, donations don't go in the till, they go in an envelope for the City of Owen Sound, the till is my business account. I would like to ask those that it bothered, if it bothered you when my business bought you lunch, why did you eat it? 

4 years, 3 years, and the animals were being tortured, yet these people stayed, do you really think people will believe that? The newspaper reporter did not notice that? I will never buy another Sun Times again, nor will I ever call them when I have a story. It seems they can't ever get a story straight. 

I will, however, continue to use it for what it is good for, lining the litter box. I know there will be many with questions and concerns, and for this I will open my doors to all of you. 

I will set the date for this open house (as soon as I get my head back on) please come and ask me, I have nothing to hide, and no regrets, except hiring the wrong staff member.

I will be on the Morning Zoo tomorrow as much as I really don't want to we must continue for the animal's sake. I will announce my open house date then. I want to put your mind at ease with our "no holds barred" open house. I will be bringing Squirrel the rabbit with me on the Mix tomorrow, as I feel a little overwhelmed with all these allegations and a little nuts.

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Dec 2, 2009

I spent most of the day running through back yards. I ran through the mud in hot pursuit [I sure was warm] of a golden retriever. This scared and lost dog who appears to be dumped looks hungry and tired, and the calls have been coming in for weeks. I used every ounce of myself, and Todd to try to gather him. I then petitioned the neighbourhood banging on doors in the hopes of finding his home, and when that failed I continued the search. Exhausted and finally loosing him I returned to town to check on all the shelter animals and catch up on what I had missed. If anyone is missing a Golden in the Southampton area, please call me right away!

I pushed through all exams and phone calls and then called the day a wrap. However, I knew I needed to grab a few things from Wal-Mart, and made a fast stop. The travel through Wal-Mart in uniform is often a treat assuming at least one person would stop me to ask how an animal was or what we had for adoption. 

I was in the exit line when I felt a tap on my shoulder. She said "excuse me are you from the Owen Sound Shelter?" I smiled and said "yes, are you looking to adopt something?" Her response was not at all what I expected. She said "I called the Shelter on Friday and no one returned my call, there were kittens in a barn in Chesley, and I needed a trap for them and you did not call me." My head was still spinning with thoughts of that poor dog and then kittens in Chesley? I thought to myself, the Shelter doesn't do Chesley. I stood there for a moment. Then she continued " I want you to know, that those kittens are dead, they have been gassed. I want you to carry this on your conscious!" I was speechless. She continued " did not return my call, and now they are dead, I hope you can live with that!" I asked her "this was Friday? are you sure?" I knew I had personally sat by the phone on Friday and taken all calls and returned each myself. I also knew that had she called me from Chesley I would have directed her to her animal control. I mentioned this briefly to her and she repeated her statements. I told her that I would look into it, as I really was not sure what else to do. 

So, instead of going straight home, I returned to the Shelter and checked the Friday calls which I logged and nothing. I then checked Thursday, Wednesday and then Saturday. Nothing. Tired, frustrated and very concerned I finally went home.

I would ask if you talked to me at the Wal-Mart about these kittens, please call me. I fear you have the wrong shelter. I would like to clear this up. And, to be quite honest, I would like to hear more about this gassing. I'm sorry I didn't get your phone number, but you can contact me at 519-372-1123.

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The winner of the Collar with bling and poke-a-doted leash is Pam Warmington! Congratulations Pam!


Dec 1, 2009

Miss Beasley
She came to me from another shelter, as a cloudy eyed kind of limpy older Rottweiler mix. I knew that she would break my heart from the moment I saw her picture as those older dogs are the hardest for me to see homeless. She was six to eight years old and had already lived the prime of her life, and although to me she was perfect and so much easier, I suspected it could take her a while to find her forever home. 

Each walk I had with her was a pleasure, and many times she sat with me behind the desk, me sitting, her more leaning. Her kind and gentle manners made each visit a real treat. Any home that would be good to her would be good for her, as she was so well adjusted to life and could fit anywhere. I prayed a home would come for her, but as always wanted the perfect match for her. All the walkers loved her, as she was an easy mover. Persons came seeking a quiet dog, and she was always my first suggestion, as she was that and more, but always came the age issues, and her large size. 

On Friday a kind man called seeking an older dog for his father. His father was 80 and wanted an easy keeper. He having just lost his dog at fourteen. I left a message telling him I had the most wonderful dog, but that perhaps it would be a little large [silly me I assumed he wanted a poodle]. 

Then the magic happened. He came to meet Ms. Beasley, and there were tears of joy. She a twin to the dog lost, who was also a Shepherd/Rottweiler. The last dog adopted at age ten was in need as was Miss Beasley, and in no time these two were united. 

I heard from him today, and heard the love in his voice, as he chocked back more tears, it seemed she had some big shoes to fill, and the filling she had done just perfectly. The angels had done their job for her, and I am so glad I got to see it. Congrats to both of you. May you live long happy lives together.

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*The views expressed in these blogs are the personal views and daily events as told by Renee Robins, and the views expressed don't necessarily reflect those of the City of Owen Sound, unless relating to City By-Laws and Ordinances.


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