Blogs by: 
Renee Robins, ACO,
Owen Sound Animal Shelter

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Recent Posts
May 31, 2010
Hanover Animal Control; 
One Eye; 
Busy, Busy, Busy; 
Bruno Update; 
Finally a Better Blog for Bruno; 
Bruno is Stronger; 
Update on Bruno;
Lost JRT;
Carebear Update;
Dog on the Run;
On the Mend;
Who You Gon'a Call;
Hotter than Hell;
Dog on The Run Update;
Big Smile;

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Lonely - His momma didn't want him, and without her, at 2 weeks of age, he didn't stand a chance. We were placed in a predicament with his surrender as reality is, sometimes nature knows things we don't. Although we had a lactating mom who potentially could feed him the chances that he would put others at risk if he "was not right" was a good potential. Faced with the dilemma of what do we do now, once again, we choose to give him a fighting chance.

Lonely is as I type this sitting on my lap, with a full belly, in the comfort of my home. I call him Lonely as he is the one and only, and is by every sense of the word quite lonely. He cries for company and begs to be with me. Fortunately, my pets are well use to surprise additions and are supplying him with the affection he needs when I can't be there. Bottle feeding and bum wiping has now become part of my daily routine, and I hope with all of me he stays well and my efforts make it all worth it.

Keep Lonely in your thoughts as he has miles still to go. It is a tough battle to be well and to grow when mother nature is against you. It is, however, a battle I have helped them under take before and with some luck, and good vibes we can be successful again. He continues to wish to live, play and chase my toes, and each minute he continues is a minute more potentially he would not have had and that is worth celebrating. Even if you are a little lonely :)
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May 28, 2010

Big Smile - I was so taken in by Bruno's big smile today, I had to snap a shot and share it with all of you. 

We were awaiting blood work results at the moment this was taken, but I had no doubts in my mind it was going to be all OK. Bruno has gained one pound :) I know ... whoopee one pound, one meal and we can gain that, however, this for a dog who was dropping, dropping, dropping, is a very big deal. His colour so much better, and his appetite nearly normal I knew things were better. However, it's important to know things had not otherwise suffered and that things were as good as we thought they were. Things are not perfect, but a whole lot better, Bruno smiles, and I smile too. 

He warms my heart with his happy face, and the sparkle in his eyes, his tail wag makes me jump up and down inside, and when he trots on the leash it feels like Christmas to me. There is nothing better than seeing him better. 

With parts still crossed he continues to do well, the IV is now removed and it shall be another test, however, I am confident tonight this fighter is good to battle having overcome a very big one already.
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May 27, 2010

Dog on The Run Update - A 9:30 am presentation is never my favourite, however, with laptop in hand, calendars and stuff to refer to, I was set. Extra large coffee sipped on the way in the hopes of getting my brain to kick in for the day. A class of SK-Grade 1 was eagerly awaiting my arrival, and was very excited to see me. I actually interrupted a song and dance of the alphabet, which was incredibly cute and educational at the same time. 

I offer a virtual tour of the animal shelter and teach a little about being responsible, and to take care of your pets, and where to go to get one, etc., etc. I could feel the excitement in the room growing. I prayed the coffee would quick in fast, as my late night stray dog pick-up kept me from feeling all the fun the children were. 

Then came question period which was filled with great questions, wonderful stories about their pets at home (lol) and all sorts of comments. The child at the back sat patiently with her hand  held up, and when it was her turn she baffled me with her question "...did you get a call about the stray Shepherd from Harrison park last week?" "Were you the one who followed it up the hill?" My sleepy head came to full attention. Could a 6 year old be reading my blogs? How else would she know? I asked her " do you know about that dog?" Her response offered me relief I had been seeking since the blog of the dog running in traffic. "That was our dog, we chased him to where you were, and watched you run him to safety, we were very glad you did that!" Paying close attention, I asked my next 2 questions " he home now and is he safe?" She responded "yes". And, I said, "did your family learn any lessons this day"? To which she responded "yes that dog is trouble, and you sure couldn't catch him, but we couldn't either and we can't ever let him off-leash again, he could have died, and we sure would have been sad"! I was then all smiles. 

Then came the best part "I was going to be a dog catcher like you when I grew up, but not anymore you sure were not having fun at all - I don't think we will ever make you do that again"! I laughed out loud. Lessons learned, relief given to me and a great start to the day.
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Grimace and Lace say 'hello'

Hi All, Just a short note to let you know that we are doing wonderfully. Thank you for all of your work trying to find us all homes. Grimace & Lace (2 very happy kitties)

May 26, 2010

Hotter than Hell - Man it was hot hot hot today!! In town there were rumours we were fast approaching 32o C at one point, and there was no doubt in my mind as it sure felt like it. 

As many of us tried to keep cool with water, and seek out shade or stay inside there were those wearing coats, and winter boots who were unable to get out of it. These same coat wearers also offered limited water. These same thirty coat wearers also lack the ability to sweat like you and I and must pant to stay cool. Imagine now, you were one of them in the heat today, with your coat on, unable to reach the cool, and unable to perspire. How would you feel? Tired? cranky? and very frustrated. Initially I bet your answer would be yes, and I also bet in a short time you and I would be nearly dead.

Today, there were over a half dozen calls of dogs in cars, dogs left with no water, and cats looking unwell outside in the heat. While I was warm, and seeking means of getting cool, my thoughts were with those without these abilities, and dressed for the snow. I cannot plead enough, and stress the need for compassion in this heat. It is going to be a long hot summer and this is just the beginning. As your pet needs to keep warm in the winter, it needs to keep cold in the summer! There is no excuse for your friend to be without water and shade, and there is no excuse for it to be in your vehicle. If you have doubts ... turn the air off, put it in park and sit for a few minutes. For the real test reach for your jacket, and tell me whether it is appropriate?

I recognize that some dogs don't stay home well, and recognize that it is with good intentions that we travel with them, and take them places, however, when the sun is beating down it is inhumane and cruel not to have them stay where it is cool. 

On a related note, if you spot a dog in a vehicle, contact the store owner, the building closest whatever, to seek their help in paging the owner. This is a fast solution to getting the dog out. If this fails, contact the SPCA or police right away. Again, the police being the best fastest option. The police and SPCA have the right to remove dogs from such situations. Record the licence plate. You may call me as well, and I will do all that I can to relieve these poor pooches from the terrible heat. If you notice an animal struggling from the heat, any animal horse, sheep, cow, etc., included - call!

While we brace for a break in the heat wave, I brace for the possibility of those urgent animal calls :(
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May 25, 2010

Who You Gon'a Call - It is a little nutty to receive a call about a stuck squirrel as normally we don't hear of such things. It is out of our scope of duties to attend and help a little fella out, he being a wild one and all, however, we responded to check it out and were quite chippy about it? 

We spotted him a little grey fella running back and fourth in basically a concrete hole. It seems he could not climb up it, not sure why, and all the rest of him seemed to be feeling fine. 

We decided a simple scoop would set him free and we were all over it. Climbing down proved to be the hardest part, that and keeping him secured in the net (they fit through tiny holes) but with some quick shuffling and fancy hand work he was freed from his predicament. 

I should now mention although it is not my call to handle wildlife I am trained in this regard. Someone else to try this would be kinda nuts. :) 
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May 21, 2010

On the Mend - It's time for a Bruno update. Four days ago, we gave him 48 hours. More blood work led us to believe he was still failing, in fact getting worst, and it was worst than what we expected. I was devastated with the thought of saving him to then end it for him, but the thoughts of having him suffer were at the same time killing me. There is a fine line that we walk that determines what is right and what was not when trying to save someone, and Bruno was sitting on that line. 

It had been three steps forward, and three steps back. He would eat and pick up, and then crash and lose the desire. He would trot on the end of a leash, and then need carried back in from his bathroom break. Although I wanted prayers and warm vibes from all of you, I could not stomach typing the words, and instead avoided it. I held him and spoke to him, and told him that he needed to get better, and he needed to do it soon. I told him there was no more failing, and only improving. I told him this was his last chance. I begged and pleaded with him to understand and to decide to fight. 

New meds, and a strict administration of these, meant many trips during the night ahead, but we were prepared to take this. No cost, and no trouble would be a waste if this boy made it. it was like magic he watched him begin to improve, at first only a little, but in days he has become a different dog. 

Last evening we brought him home, now well enough to travel. He lounged on my couch, and enjoyed all the comforts of home. He is now eating well, and again trotting, this morning when he lifted his leg on the tree, strong enough to stand on three legs I got all choked up inside. Attempts to put him in the vehicle actually became a bit of a struggle, and at one point he even chased a cat! 

While I watch him return to that of a dog from that of a very broken one, I am pleased. His 48 hours has now become 4 days, and he continues to move upwards with his progress. This I am pleased to blog about, and am very thrilled this has not become a bad news blog in the last few days.
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May 20, 2010

Dog on the RunWhen the call came to gather a stray dog at Harrison park, I suspected like in many cases this was a dog being walked off leash. I anticipated giving a warning, and taking info, and returning back to the job I was busy doing at the time. I did not anticipate seeing the dog in question when I hit 8th Street, running up the wrong side of the road, into traffic, and did not anticipate nearly hitting him. Thankfully I was on the ball, and avoided him, and holding my breath watched the next three cars behind me just miss him. I immediately turned to follow him up the hill with my horn blasting, in the hopes that either he would run off the road and away from the danger he was running through, or at the very least alert the cars coming over the top to watch for him. 

As each nearly clipped him I was certain I was watching this dog run to his death. It seemed like hours as we motored up the hill, but in actuality it was mere minutes. I could not breathe watching, and tears welled up in my eyes. When I hit a red light, I had to watch him run out of my reach, and although I kept honking, I knew the cars would not hear me. As he crossed on the red into the line of a large transport, I gagged, certain I was going to see him turned into soup. I braced myself and closed my eyes, afraid to open them. When they opened I saw him still running, and the truck had passed him (pic?) I sighed a sigh of relief but held my breath again as he continued up the centre of the road.

He fearing no cars, ran into them, rather than around them. Persons on the street called to him, and he did not offer a glance at them. When the light changed I continued on in pursuit, and rolled down the window to yell at him to get off the road. Knowing that I was distracting him, and potentially running him into more trouble, I decided to fall back and let him run, offering to continue to honk and flash lights at oncoming traffic. When he reached the highway he crossed and headed towards the fields, with white knuckles I continued to follow. He off and running still, in that terrible heat soon ran right out of my sight. I circled for a long time, searching for where he may have gone and have now found nothing. 

He is in my thoughts as I type this, many hours later. I hope that he has found his home, or a place of safety. I hope with all of me that he has not run into trouble. If you are searching for you dog tonight please call me, so I can direct you to his last spotted location, or if you have found one, please contact me, to ease my mind, and to get him safe and sound at home.
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May 18, 2010

Carebear Update - Many months ago he came to me with a collar imbedded in his body. It wrapped around his neck, and under his arm, and became part of him. When it was removed, along with the maggots that fell from him, came the skin that was attached to it. Months of tender love and care, meds and treatments healed all but under his armpit, and we waited. 

This boy we called Carebear, as it was that care that kept him alive and well, and it was this care he was going to need for a very long time. Surgery to close the hole failed, and in a short time it had reopened. Time would not close it, and although he felt no pain this boy was not going home with a gaping hole in him. 

All the research pointed to failure with its sealing with the exception of some fancy skin replacement from his abdomen (don't quote me I am not the doc) and we were stumped. In a literal sense? It was decided we would remove the leg, as this would make the closure possible. It took weeks of deciding to commit to this. It was so difficult in watching him romp and play to take it from him. 

I remember him rushing out the cage the day after its removal and falling on his face. As he struggled to get his balance, I teared thinking about that in which we had done to his emotions ( my behaviour teacher would love that I referred to that he thinking they have no emotions as we do). I was happy he was well, but so sad to see him this way. Knowing it was a sacrifice that needed made to send him home. I assured him, and me, that it would be all OK. 

It was less than two weeks later my boy found his home. He now living with another cat in an older home. I played cat and mouse with him, on the day he last spent with me, and I watched him with pride, he who had overcome his balance troubles could now leap, jump and still get into a lot of trouble. Carebear has forgotten about the limb he once had. 

I wait patiently for an update, and he is very much in my thoughts. I assume no news is good news and this makes me happy.
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May 17, 2010

Lost JRT - The funniest thing happened the other day, and in lieu of all things being Bruno these days, I did not have the opportunity to share. Bruno by the way is now eating bowls of kibble, and is trotting on the end of a leash (although for a short time, he wants to do it!!) His colour is better and the sparkle has returned. With miles still to go we are not out of the woods yet, but I am pleased he is still fighting. I need to thank here Lorraine and Wade of Down to Earth for taking the time to share Reiki with him, I am sure he appreciates your gentle touch.

OK, funniest thing - so, early last week a person looses a JRT, which escapes from the vehicle, dog is gathered and ends up at Shelter (we know it as puppy). The person who owns Puppy we will call Jane Doe! The same day a dog is retrieved from Minto Township who's time was up, and was facing euthanasia. We agreed to take it, this also a JRT we all know as Steve-O.

Wednesday, Jane Doe calls to inquire about a JRT adoption, and asks about Steve-O on the site, she is advised he is being neutered and will be available if all is well. Wednesday evening Jane Doe calls to enquire about reclaiming fees for her lost dog, this is given and it is arranged for her to pick-up JRT Thursday. Thursday morning Jane Doe calls to let us know she is on her way to pick up Puppy. A few hours later Jane Doe calls to inform us her daughter is picking up her JRT. At 1:00 p m we are all very confused - Jane Doe wants to adopt Steve-O, and wants to reclaim Puppy? Why not mention both to us?? We were sure we didn't have enough coffee. Are you confused yet?

Well, when the doors open at 1:00 pm, a young woman who says she is Jane Doe's daughter has come to adopt Steve-O, no mention of Puppy - huh? Two minutes later Jane Doe enters the door to reclaim Puppy. These two are not related. How is this possible? Is this a joke? There are two Jane Does and 2 JRT! Good thing we were on the ball this day, this sure could have become a disaster had either of these Jane's arrived a little later - phew for that, and yay for caffeine!
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May 14, 2010

Updated pictures of Bruno...

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Win this Pet Bed!

Win this bed! 
Purrrrfect to pamper your pet. $2.00 donation will get your name in the draw. 
Will be drawn at the 3rd Annual Mutt Strutt on June 20th

May 13, 2010

Bruno is Stronger - Bruno is a stubborn goat. Three times today I called him this, and three times I laughed and thanked the stars for this. 

While on our walk, Bruno decided he wanted to go left, I wanted him to go right, I pleaded, I begged, he pulled I tugged, (gently of course) and ultimately he played the 'poor me' card and won. Bruno then decided he wanted to lay down and enjoy the sunshine ... why not ... we did it yesterday?? So, I let him and 20 minutes later I was thinking we should go in to eat, but he decided otherwise. This is where I started beg, plead and offer all the treats in the world, and nothing. Bruno ended up being carried inside. 

I offer a half can and he quickly gobbles it up - HOORAY! He then wants more and I hesitate, but he gives me the puppy eyes and he wins. I then try to take the bowl away ... no way ... his face was stuffed inside and he was not budging. No growl or threats thankfully but he leans with his entire body into the bowl. He laid down with the bowl between his legs and finished it all up. Again, yay!

His sparkle and courage are back, so thankfully the fight is back (gentle giant still)! It seems now that perhaps this boy is working his sad state to his advantage and is enjoying being spoiled. Good job you stubborn goat!
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May 12, 2010

Finally a Better Blog for Bruno - Keep the good vibes coming, keep him in your prayers, cross your parts or whatever you are doing, there is a slight improvement, don't change a thing!!

The results are in from his blood work, and the bad news is he is fighting a wicked infection (which we knew) but good news his kidneys are still working (phew, that was a big concern) and this was so very important, as I know Todd and I were beginning to discuss the "have we fought enough" stuff. The last thing any of us want is to cause him any grief. It is always about what is best for the animal, and when they can't tell us, we have to choose. There is a fine line we walk with each that come in broken this the "is it time" line. I have to be honest in that this was in our thoughts. 

And, just as though he knew we had been chatting and were ignoring him and he knew his blood work said he still had a chance, the best thing ever then happened. Bruno stood and placed his face in his bowl of canned food, without being forced and ate a half a can!!

I know this is not something normally one jumps up and down about, but, in this case we are jumping that Bruno has an appetite, and a desire to continue at least one more day. He ate, and relieved himself, and lay in the sun. I think I may have even seen a sparkle in his eyes at one point too!

As the meds, fluids, and TLC continue and all the love we can give, I am happy to know he wants to do this one more day.
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May 11, 2010

Prayers - Thank you for your words of encouragement, prayers and warm wishes for Bruno. Please keep them coming. 

As much as I would love nothing more than to report that all is well, and that he has greeted me bouncing with tail wags and a sparkle in his eyes, I am afraid I cannot. This is still not the case. His colour, however, is a bit better, although he still has no appetite, but is comfortable. It feels like it has been a lifetime with little improvement, but with the extent of his wounds such things take time. 

When he placed his head on my lap today, I accepted this as an offering of friendship, and sure hope this means his fight is returning. With each touch I plead for him to accept being loved and beg him to fight for me. 

He was standing when I tucked him in tonight and this was good to see. I sure would prefer to see bouncing or at the very least his head and tail raised, but I will take standing over not. Keep those warm thoughts coming.
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May 10, 2010

Bruno Update - Trying to keep positive I can say Bruno is comfortable. I can also say his wounds have greatly improved and are well on the way to being mended. However, this boy is very much unwell. 

It has been three days of TLC, force feeding, IV fluids, medication and a whole lot of loving. His food fed to him from my hand to his mouth one meatball at a time, and each with a struggle as he refuses to eat it. With soothing words and a tender touch I plead and beg him to eat it. His colour is poor, and his strength is failing. He has gone from trotting on Saturday on the end of a leash to plodding along slowly. His head is carried low and his tail too. I am longing for him to offer a tail wag. I fear the infection is raging inside him, or that there may be internal damage. My greatest fear however is that he has lost the desire to live or feels there is nothing to live for. 

I promised to find him the best home in the world, and offered him all the great things that he could ever want and need, I hope with this he understands and agrees to try for it. 

Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers, no dog is more deserving. I can see the desire to please in his eyes, and want desperately for him to get the chance to do that for someone. If you would like to donate to Bruno's medical bill, please use the Paypal donate button on the left - a receipt for donations of $15.00 and up will be issued.
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May 7, 2010

BrunoSome days it's hard to be a part of the human race. When I come into the path of those hungry, beaten, mistreated, and neglected I have to question who could allow such things to happen. Only someone mean and cruel could allow an animal to suffer, and when I see those broken and damaged I have to question how a human could allow something so awful to happen.

A beloved pet who is left hungry, with parasites, and left to forge for food is a disgrace to the human race. Bruno (his new name) who I gathered today touched my whole heart and soul with his big brown needing eyes and his condition made me ill. Ill with disgust.

Emaciated, from lack of food, dehydrated from lack of water and full of parasites that fed on him, he was in poor condition. However, the punctures and rips and tears in his abdomen from where he had been chewed on nearly killed him.

Full of infection, and in need of emergency care I thanked the stars for bringing him to me, and my great team. It is one thing to starve, and yet another to have been another's food!

As treatment and TLC is now on board for him, I am hopeful. Luckily his patience is incredible, and his pain tolerance the same. With not one struggle we could shave him, tend to his wounds and poke and prod him. He luckily has the most gentle soul, and has been nothing but a pleasure to handle. As I tucked him in for the night all comfy in a big thick comforter, IV in place, and food in his bowl, I commented hey pal you must think you have died and gone to heaven. 

I then paused and shuddered at the thought of his death. and instead kissed his muzzle and changed my words to him. Instead I said, good night pal, see you soon, tomorrow will be a better day.
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May 5, 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy - At 6:40 pm a stray dog in Owen Sound, gathered. 8:15 pm call to gather stray dog in Hanover, I offer. 9:30 pm pager sings, yet another stray in Owen Sound. While at Shelter, almost ready to head home, it is getting late, pager sings again. 10:45 pm dog gathered from Georgian Bluffs. 11:30 pm finally home for a rest! 

It was what we dreaded, the 'what if there were calls in all directions in the middle of the night, and we could not do all at once'. However, after doing it personally, I am pleased to say, although pooped today, within a half an hour of call in time, each call was responded to! Horay! It was a shuffle and priority making, but, it was successful. It was the worse case, and we handled it with ease, sure now we are keeping up to the added workload. Tired is not so bad knowing each is well and safe behind doors, its a small loss the loss of sleep to do a job well, and to help save lives. 

Hoping for a night of sleep, let's hope this doesn't happen all that often!
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Nova came for a visit!


Blackie came for a visit!

May 4, 2010

One Eye We saw him jumping in and out of traffic with a head tilt. We watched him run across the busy highway, and head through two backyards. The entire time he ran a little slanted, and clearly something was a little not right about him. 

We followed patiently so his attention was not on us as it was important that he watched where he was going. He ran three blocks before we were sure he was safe to approach, and luckily when we called him he stopped dead and turned towards us. As we eyeballed each other - he us and us him, it became quickly clear that he was in fact short an eye. This Shepherd mix had only one eye. As bad as it is to have any dog running in traffic, one that can't see the traffic coming is much worse!

Carefully we approached talking softly. Carefully we offered goodies he gobbled up quickly and as the moment came, the leash was raised and this boy jumped and darted, clearly missing one eye also makes this boy very head shy. More time was spent coaxing, and talking softly. As I promised him safety, and no dangers of the road, he wagged his tail as though he understood. As the leashed was raised it happened again and then a voice in the distance yelled "RUN ONE EYE RUN" and sure enough "One Eye" was off and running. This was very frustrating, very discouraging and very heartbreaking. Our intent was to keep him safe and well, and clearly this was not recognized. As we followed him yet again, we got lucky. One Eye, although he could not see the best, knew his way home and the startle had him run full speed right to his door. 

This is a message for the the person who yelled. First, our intent is to keep this dog safe, not to do anything more than keep him well. I suspect his one eye came from such wanderings and we know he will have another incident if his running is not stopped. Our intent is to save his life. Second, I am sure you're feeling pretty good about "letting him get away" and "tricking the dog catcher", but please know, this dog catcher will have the last laugh ... we don't need the dog to fix this problem ... we know where he lives!
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May 3, 2010

Hanover Animal Control - May 1st, first day of the Hanover Animal Control contract - a Saturday. Mid-afternoon came the first call, and I must admit it was a big surprise. I didn't think anyone even knew we were their animal control or who to call yet. I was pleased the word had been spread to those that needed to know, and took relief in that. The dog gathered was indeed straying at large, which was a strange thing in itself as this little fella has only three legs (just cause you have three legs does not mean you can't run away ... apparently). I was confident that it was unlikely someone would toss a dog they had paid to fix up after an accident and had recently been groomed. Not positive but confident. 

However, as the afternoon turned to evening and then turned to Sunday morning it occurred to me that potentially an owner would not know how to find me. As Sunday morning turned into Sunday afternoon I began to feel panic as potentially there was someone desperately searching and not knowing where to search. This poor boy would have been safe and sound had he ID! I cant trace him to his people without it. Thoughts of panicked people, certain there three-legged dog had caught a car, or ended up lost or stolen were beginning to haunt me. It was he I was thinking of this morning, as I began to make a game plan to provide info to the people of Hanover as quickly as possible. I was beginning to think I may need to bang on doors to locate them. 

Finally at 1:00 pm an owner called for him. Teddy thankfully was missed. It was as I suspected they really had no idea who to call. Luckily, Monday they called their township. I'm glad that Teddy's people know, which is a start, as it seems Teddy has a history of doing such things. Let's hope they pass it on :)

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