
Back to the Owen Sound Animal Shelter

A no-kill Shelter dedicated to loving and nurturing the animals in our care until they find new homes - no matter how long it takes.


By: Renee Robins

Check out who the winners were for the 2010 Calendar Contest ...

Recent Posts
Sep 30, 2009
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Velcro Goes Home
Children's Night
Velcro and Runner;
Guess that Little Beauty;
What The...;
Care Bear Update;
Mutt & Jeff;
Zoe and Sophie;
Calendar Contest Winners;
Duckie Update;
Hard to Place;
Sad Eyes;
Big Surprise Tomorrow;

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Big Surprise Tomorrow
I have the biggest news. It's almost time for me to share. Tomorrow you will all hear. Tomorrow it becomes news for all, and with that comes some fear. 

I know that the vast majority of you will be thrilled, excited, and mark the date on your calendar. However, I also know that a select few "people" are likely going to be upset. 

I anticipate inspections, many questions and I anticipate much headache. These headaches have never stopped me from doing what was right before, and it will be done, although I do prefer it is done without them. 

Keep OSAS in your thoughts the next few days, while we hold our breath waiting for the storm. Knowing it is worth the fight, we pray for your support. I have a job to do and what's right for pets and their people. This will be another step in that direction. 

Good kharma wanted ... send good vibes.

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Sep 29, 2009

Sad Eyes
I first saw his sad face about eight years ago. He a feed store cat crossing the road - cold, thin, missing hair and very unhappy. I saw him most evenings that followed, and on a few occasions nearly ran him over. Each time I saw him, I said a prayer for him. I crossed all parts that I would see him again. Traps were set, and cats were gathered, but never this king. Days turned into weeks, weeks became months, and eventually months soon turned into years. 

I knew he was being fed, and I knew he had shelter, but I longed to know he would be well. With him being fed, the task of trapping him proved impossible [try to catch any full bellied cat with a live trap] and a feral cat cannot be caught with bare hands [don't get me started on this]. Some tried to capture him, also seeing him wander the streets; their efforts failed. I should mention there were rabies shots for some. 

Finally, after years of trying it happened, Sad Eyes was captured. What followed was not what I expected, I was heartbroken. Now, nearly ten years of age, this boy knew nothing but the streets. I could alter him (as I did) but then what? Release him back to a world of being cold, or try to make him a housecat? Seeing him caged was terribly sad, he with his droopy ears. So, I decided to make friends with him. Sad Eyes as he is now called [named by others for his ears that don't stand up straight, and his always sad face] has now become one of my best buddies. 

He follows me like a shadow, perches himself on the desk for me to see, covers me in face rubs just for talking to him and has become someone very important to me. Perhaps it is the similarities in his life and that of our beloved Llyle, who passed, or the similarities in their soul that helps me love him so. 

He and I now have a deal, if he can continue to use his litter box, and if he can stop beating up the dogs, he can stay. I cannot turn him loose again, nor can I let him go. Sad Eyes will stay here, happy; just looking sad.

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Sep 28, 2009

I type this soaking wet, exhausted and smelling of wet dog. No, I wasn't out dog catching this evening (for once) but rather enjoying time with mine, and a collection of great people who enjoyed the same. Tonight, was the first official DAWG gathering (Dog and Walkers Group).

It occurred to me, a week ago, while trying to walk with children who were way too tired (can we go home now mom?) that perhaps such a thing would be helpful. I admit when I walk alone, I do a short one, and certainly would not have been out tonight in the rain doing 8k (way to go ladies btw). Upon further thinking it occurred to me how good it could be for all of us and dogs who need walking - we who need walking and also the great socializing, for both too. I noticed when I mentioned it to others that everyone thought it was great great great. 

After our first hike I must say, it was a good idea! I have a sleeping dog, and I am rather pooped too! I would highly recommend others consider joining (please email or Facebook for details) or would recommend if you're not in the area that you consider starting one of your own. 

There is no pressure for anyone to attend, and the schedule is flexible, as are the locations, it is after all in fun.

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Sep 25, 2009

Hard to Place
You have got to be freaking kidding me! You have no idea how many times I said that today, and this is how it happened. 

Yesterday a farm dog (six) was surrendered to the Shelter. This dog lived her whole life with one person and lost him. The person in charge of that person's estate was in charge of bringing this dog 'Tippy' to me. The person did not want the dog in her car, so she needed a taxi for the dog to be transported. 

We spoke with the taxi company, and arranged for her to borrow a crate. The person was advised prior to arrival of the fee involved, the things we hoped to gather (like history on the dog) and all the fine details. The fee would be $38.00 to release Tippy to us. From this fee we get $18.00 which will be used to cover board, surgeries or medical expenses, deworming, defleaing or debugging, and any problems that may arise during Tippy's stay. 

I should mention at this point, the dog has never been vetted or vaccinated, and is not spayed. I was handed two twenties, and I quickly typed up a receipt and handed this over with a toonie. She then handed me another twenty five and asked for a receipt. I thought "a donation, how nice, this will help". I told her that this would help with her spay and then she was off.

Well, today she returned. It seemed she did not intend to make a donation, and wanted the $25.00 back and to top it off did not remember getting change and wanted the toonie back! Are you freaking kidding me? 

As the customer is always right, I gave her another toonie! So, now, I am still in shock at what happened. We went out of our way to help her and even loaned her the cage!

We knew we were going to have a hard time adopting Tippy out, but for us it was not about that and definitely not all business. Wow!

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"Mitsy [Muttsy] came in for a visit"

Sep 24, 2009

Duckie Update
Perhaps for the first time ever, today, I rejoiced in a cage full of urine. The cat who sat on blankets which were soaked, sat happily, and there were screams of Hooray when I noticed it. He and I then searched each other with smiles on our faces, he so proud of the mess he had made, and me so proud to see it. 

It's funny how you can celebrate things that would normally upset you when in a different situation. Anyone else would have been in trouble, but with this Duckie, I was happy to see him waddling in puddles. The catheter is still working, the IV still filling him with fluids, and his body still eliminating them! Hooray! Today was a happy day. He was completely comfortable, and purring up a storm, a few fresh blankets and he was happier than he has been in a while. 

Duckie is even eating! Not entirely out of the woods by any sense of the word, things are off to a good start. With things potentially looking up, I am pleased. Three times his bedding was changed, and today perhaps I was the most pleased I have ever been to change it. 

Tomorrow, the catheter comes out, and it will be the ultimate test to ensure things will be working. He will remain on special food, and will be given special care, but with all working I can be relieved. Tonight I am hopeful.

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"Shadow came in for a visit"

Sep 23, 2009

It was pretty much the last thing anyone wanted to do after working an 8 hour day. None of us wanted to zip into surgery again for another few hours. However, such things in an emergency are urgent, and thank goodness my team came through! 

A found "stray" [and I use those words lightly], a cat, was "found suffering for a few days". When he arrived with me this big boy was passing. It was immediately quite clear he needed something and fast. Todd picked up on it, having seen "likely hundreds" [his words] and with a quick exam of him he discovered this kitty was in desperate need of eliminating [he needed to pee]. With a bladder as large as a baseball and as rock solid, it was clear he was now toxic. Imagine not peeing for a few days, imagine the discomfort, the pain and how terrible you would feel. This boy was feeling it. He was vomiting with pain and poison as he arrived and was dehydrated after [likely] not eating for days. 

The vet and tech arrived and all stayed until he was settled. THANK YOU!! Cups of urine and blood were removed from him via catheter, and then he was flushed until it ran clearish. IV lines inserted, and of course pain meds administered. I was terribly worried the anesthetic would kill him, however, knew without draining him death was certain. It was a late night full of worry. 

This morning when he greeted me standing and meowing it was all worth it [a big change from the flat cat I saw yesterday]. He is still not out of the woods, this lucky duck, [I think I will call him Duckie] but at least now he has a fighting chance. 

Keep him in your thoughts while he battles and send good vibes to my team who made it all possible.

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Sep 22, 2009

Calendar Contest Winners
You're patiently waiting aren't you? I know how you feel, as I spent the entire evening, and day today in the same boat. The votes poured in all night, and at midnight were sealed. At that time of night I discovered that it is impossible to count. 

Before it is announced I need to say, firstly, thank you. Thank you for your participation, there are some very great shots and as always I am thrilled with the support and seeing your happy loved pets. Thank you for the great fun in picking, and for taking the pressure off of me, as there is no way I could have picked a favourite. I love each and every one of them! 

It has been decided that you will all be in the calendar (how can I not include you?), however, the top 12  will get full page shots, the winner gets the cover and bragging rights! Everyone who entered will receive a free calendar, please make sure I have your mailing address. 

With that said, the totals are as follows:

 1.  Mittens
 2.  Dinner Time
 3.  Winnie  [Nova Scotia scenery]
 4.  Baxter
 5.  Marley [Christmas ball]
 6.  Tikka [yawning]
 7.  Quinte
 8.  Tyler [Loving Memorial]
 9.  Ashley/Ashee
10. Leila
11. Georgie/River/Chili
12. Lolabear

And Honourary mention:

Winnie [with Uncle Jesse]

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Sep 21, 2009

He came in originally as a stray. A lost dog, who was never reclaimed. He was altered, and in good health so it was assumed someone cared for him at some point. At least a little? However, no one ever came and as sure as we were, someone was missing him, it became clear that someone was not missing him bad enough to come and find him. 

This gave us no history on him and with no history we put limits on their new homes, which then ruled out him in a home with young children. It also meant, I could not guarantee a thing, and that it would take a little time to get to know him. 


Without even a name to call him, we knew it would be a while before he went home. That little while turned out to be longer than expected. It turned out this dog with no history (except that maybe he will run if not tied, not a bonus) really did not sell himself well. While caged he would bark and act tough not wanting to be vulnerable. A typical response for a husky, but not great for a homeless one. Those who viewed him in the back feared him. Those that called about him were quickly turned off with the older children request. There were those who asked about him, those that wanted an outdoor only dog, one to be tied, and tossed random food. This was not the life we wanted for him. Those that knew him loved him - those that took the time to spend it with him. 

One such dog walker saw him three times a week, and knew the dog he could be. She loved him, and prayed a home would come for him. Time went by, and when no home came, she decided perhaps she could be the one. With careful thought, and all her ducks in order she made it official. Saturday, after one last walk around the shelter block together, it was decided she would give him forever. 

I now worry while time passes, in the hopes all is well. Homeless can take its' toll on anyone, and whenever there is a long timer I sweat for a while. I have, however, been updated, and so far so good. She has loved him already, and that is something he now has going for him, something perhaps he has never had before.

She writes:

Hi Renee & Todd: Thank you so much for letting me spend time with you and your staff at the Shelter the past few months.. I really do enjoy the animals so much, and still hope to get down to see you occasionally. Thank Jen & Heather for helping me out so much today in getting Polar ready to bring home. He looked like a different dog after his bath.. Tell Jen that he broke his collar already and got loose but had the sense to come when I opened up the back door to the house.. He is at loose ends tonight and having a time settling down, but this is all strange to him. I finally let him crawl up and lay down on the loveseat in the computer room while I am on here so he finally closed his eyes for awhile.. Not sure what he will be like tonight once I go upstairs to bed...I am hoping that he will adjust quickly. He and Bruiser, my cat, try to stay clear of each other, but all in all not too bad for the first day...I will see you sometime this coming week to get his micro chip but in.. Jen & Heather told me that if he gets away that at least you will know where he belongs.. Now that's a comforting feeling.. Take care, and see you next week.

We went for a long walk in Harrison Park today and he had many admirers, and of course they couldnt believe that Polar was at the Shelter for so many months. Oh, he doesnt like it when I leave him alone in the house, so I will have to work on that ...All in all, the last 24hrs hasnt been too bad considering what he has been through...He doesnt leave my side very much at all.. Thanks again. Carolyn 

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"Peaches came in for a visit"

Sep 18, 2009

Seldom I am brought to tears with an adoption. Always my heart celebrates, and I am thrilled, and relieved, however, from time to time I am truly excited and tear. 

Today, my friend Jeff was adopted, and with his home for me came tears. I hope as I type this I am not jinxing his adoption, and instead bringing on his return. fingers now crossed. I have spent a few weeks getting to know him, and had fallen as I do with all of them very quickly, however today taking him to radio I realized just how sad his past really was. 


He was a perfect gentleman as we walked to the car, perfect in the truck, even jumped himself in, traveled perfectly, and was again perfect at the station with everyone he met. I do think it was perhaps the sparkle in eyes as we walked the streets that made it all hit home, and watching him people watch as we stood there. This boy so at ease in a crowd, I was reminded as to why. 

When we reached the corner and he waited for me and then lay down it occurred to me, this was the way his life use to be. Every move I made he watched me, almost asking permission before each step. I was in awe. A radio listener was in at one, certain that this dog could be the one. They walked, and talked and spent over an hour together, and in no time at all Jeff was watching this man, as he had me. 

I was convinced Jeff had chosen him when he perched himself on his feet as we spoke of adoption fees. With his eyes warm to the conversation, watching each move and offering gentle tail wags, I knew he was content. 

As they drove away, Jeff peering out the window, and with his hand on his head, it was a perfect moment, and that touched my whole soul. Good luck my friend, you deserve the very best, and I pray he is that for you.

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Sep 17, 2009

Zoe and Sophie
They were surrendered by their owner, as they were not getting along with each other, and not suitable for the home anymore after nearly ten years (bite my tongue) They were two females not yet altered (bite my tongue). The release went a little like this "...when were they last vaccinated" - "they have never been to the vet, they are healthy" (bite my tongue). "Are they spayed?" ", but I do think they are in menopause". "Have they ever been boarded, kenneled, and how do they travel?" "They did OK today, not sure they have ever gone anywhere before". "Ok then, thank you for bringing them to me". 

With so much left unsaid, this blog is a clearing of conscious for me. It is not OK to have two dogs for ten years and then never vet them. I recognize that it is expensive, and difficult to do it (gosh I hope to change that) however, necessary at least every now and again to make sure they are healthy. It is part of your responsibility of owning a pet. You must feed them, water them, love them, and vet them. It is not OK to not socialize them, they need to get out and about. This too is equally important. 

These two are wonderful loving little dogs (thank goodness) and Monday they will meet my vet, and be altered.



Tuesday they will be officially up for adoption, seeking a loving home who will walk them, take them for car rides, play with them and spoil them rotten. They will not go together as they currently hate each other. No one told them that if they had been altered they may actually have always gotten along. 

Seems perhaps, the owners, needed this information ten years ago. Darn. Please do your homework before considering adding any dog to your family, or any pet for that matter.

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Sep 15, 2009

Mutt & Jeff
Oh the stories he could likely tell! My friend Jeff the Lab mix from Quebec has had a long long life already at only 3 years of age. He has been homeless, and without a home in all senses of the word. 

His prior owner was homeless, and they lived on the streets in Montreal. They spent days and nights on the street, the two of them, and their pal Muttsy, a small dog of Westie-type. They likely begged for food and slept somewhere they hoped to stay warm. Jeff was likely this man's best buddy. I suspect also he was his keeper. 

When his owner was hospitalized, his dogs were then taken to the SPCA, and Jeff ended up homeless in the owner way. The pair separated from their person they sat caged waiting. No one came and with no history, it is hard to place any dog, but with a no home history it was harder. Death was certain for these two. Luckily, they had angels watching [and you know who you are]. 

To my surprise they were not as bonded as I thought they may be. Jeff felt it was his duty to protect Mutt (no wonder) but at the same time they had debates over who's things were whose. Neither cared when the other was removed, and I was pretty certain they were not as close as I imagined they should be. 

Sadly, I split them and then I worried. What I anticipated was moping, not eating, miserable dogs, neither to do well, and both to be seeking out the other. This was not the case. Jeff immediately relaxed, and Mutt opened up, and became a bum wiggling, 'excited to see me' happy girl. A decision was then made and Muttsy, of course, was quickly snapped up and is well in an older home. 

Jeff, however, now waits and he is a bigger dog, with little history. I pray a home comes soon for him, so I will have no regrets with the split, and that he continues to be well. 

He would be a wonderful dog for a single man, with someone to protect and watch over and be best buddies with again. He would be wonderful in the country, or in town. He is well socialized, well mannered and very obedient. He would be wonderful with an older family, and would love an older home. He mostly just wants to be wanted and I want nothing more for him.

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Sep 14, 2009

Only 7 Days Left
There are only seven days left! In seven days and a few hours we will end the 4th Annual Calendar Contest. If you have not yet entered a photo you are running out of time. There are fantastic photos entered and if you have not seen them, please check them out. 

I need help judging these great pics! Thankfully the votes make my job of picking a little easier, as the call is yours, however, I need you to get voting! I am attached to every one of them, as I know many personally having had many live with me (behind the shelter doors) while they waited for new homes. Those that were not "my pets" are still many I am fond of, and if for no other reason than that that I have been looking at their photos for weeks now. My heart pulls at those I know, and my call would be biased, so I need you to do your part to help make it fair. 

Please go on-line and choose your favorites by voting to let me know! The top entries get calendar spots, and the highest the cover, and bragging rights. 

On this note, we are still in need of a few more sponsors, and if you have a business, related to animals or not please contact me if you are interested in a spot. All support is appreciated, as always. You know we could not do what we do without you. Help keep us operating.

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Sep 11, 2009

Care Bear Update
It is safe to say it is time for a Care Bear blog. Safe in that he is doing well, and I can now update. I blogged about Care Bear weeks ago, the cat found to be mangled due to being trapped in his own collar. He tore himself open from one side to the other and came to me with maggots, rotten flesh and a whole lot of infection. It has been weeks of treatment, weeks of TLC, and only lately was I feeling confident to mention he is OK. 

I posted him initially for prayers and good thoughts, however, soon after I thought that maybe this would be in vain as with each day I was pretty sure he would not live to see another. He was kept pain free, and comfortable, we waited, worried, forced meds, food, and hoped for the best. I have been in a state of concern since he arrived. 

Luckily, he is on the mend and he will now eat a bowl of dry food on his own [you have no idea what a reward this is!] and comes to me for petting and attention [sure beats laying curled up unwilling to move]. 

The wound has healed on the inside, and there is only a small outer layer wound left to seal. This outer wound is infection free, and shrinking everyday. He has impressed me as many before him have with his desire to fight, and his desire to live. His will to live has kept us all fighting with him. 

I am hoping the next update will be to see him placed in a loving home. Keep those good vibes coming. 

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Sep 10, 2009

FINNNNALLLLYYY!! It is with a sigh of relief I can finally say, Otis has gone home. The orange cat who sat for months on the top of my adoption list, has found her forever home. 

She came to me "the cat that hates the kids, hates the other cats, hates the dog, and hates most people". Came to me with many reasons to not be adopted. She easily stressed and unhappy was quite miserable with me for weeks. She spent days facing the wall - literally, then days of striking back, it was hard to watch her struggle. 

As always I am the one to watch them grieve, I am the one to watch them struggle, and once again I was wishing that perhaps an owner would call to check on her, this so that I may update them on how she was really doing. That would be fair? But, no one ever called. When days turned into weeks, time healed her pain, and a sparkle returned to her eyes. The outward lashing she provided me with (many a cat scratch from this girl) became less and less, and there was hope. 

In an attempt to relieve her nightmare we freed her from her cage, but worried as she was "bad with everyone" We learned quickly to avoid her when she growled, and she learned quickly where the best places were to avoid the chaos. Eventually she blended right in, and learned people were OK, animals were OK too and she found herself very comfortable with us. So comfortable, in fact, that she belonged. Belonged so well no one ever asked about her, as she became part of the furniture ... Literally! 

Finally, today, after many attempts at trying, someone who enquired was actually a good match. No kids, and no pets. HOORAY! I must admit I will worry about her until an update comes, certain she will return to her cranky self under the pressure. 

All parts are crossed that this home is patient, and will wait for her to adjust, remembering how well she was once she felt she belonged. Prayers for you tonight Otis, good luck big girl.

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Sep 9, 2009

What The ...
Late last evening, after my blog was complete came a call from a downtown variety store. The call went like this: "I need animal control right away" ... "what seems to be the problem" ... "there is a brown ferret in my store!" 

Now, had we not just had a visit from our friend the mink, we would have advised them to get a live trap, or call pest control, as we cannot go into a private residence to remove any animal. We would have advised them not to touch it, confine it and when it was gathered we would certainly take and re-home it. 

However, after our recent visit we had mink on our minds, inquired a little further and determined perhaps it was in their best interest to contact the MNR, as wildlife is their department. 

This weasel was brown too, with a white chin :) When it then occurred to me potentially the mink are moving around the City, for the first time in ten years that I know of there was a moment of shock that followed. 

Last week, there was a ferret found in the rear of a restaurant!! We sent a live trap, and it was gathered and re-homed by the capturer. YIKES!! In a panic I searched through our pile of phone calls, and notes in the log book in the hopes of finding that person to confirm it was in fact a ferret. Not thinking it could be anything else at the time! There was, however, a great relief when I tracked them down and a phone call confirmed we were correct! That 'ferret' was definitely a ferret!

Still concerned about what may be going on, this reminder goes out again for you to please call us if you have any concerns, and we will point you in the right direction. We are going to ask you for an in-depth description so don't be shocked!

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Sep 8, 2009
Guess the Little Beauty
They have a long slim body which is covered in glossy, thick dark brown fur with a white patch under the chin. They have short legs with partially webbed feet. The tail is generally black or dark brown and the eyes are dark and intense. They smell quite badly of rotten-ness, and they make a horrible sound when startled. This sound much like fingernails on a chalkboard, or a screeching lady in a horror movie. They can be found in wooded areas and fields near streams and lakes. They do not dig burrows, but instead take over dens abandoned by other animals. 

Well, today, one was found in a dumpster. This dumpster was downtown. I am sure it is an easy mistake when you spot him, as he does very much resemble a ferret, however, it is very inappropriate to gather him, and then bring him to me. 

Such was the case of this poor fella, who was merely gathering his breakfast. He has been relocated, and is well. I am thankful that the person who mistook him for a ferret didn't try to rehome him, as it is illegal to keep wildlife for pets, and am also thankful we are not dealing with bite issues. 

Wild animals are not tame, and are not to be touched (I know, he is cute, however, it is a bad idea). On this note, if you spot a mink, or any other animal you're not sure what it is or what to do with it, please call, we will direct you. Did you guess it was a mink?

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Sep 4, 2009
Velcro and Runner
I received a great email today from one the adopters of Velcro and Runner ... here is what they have to say:

My mom was looking at the animal shelter site and she saw your note about Velcro. Thought I would give you a photo of him which took awhile for him to finally stay still while not being asleep. When I first came to the shelter to find a cat to bring home, he was sitting there in his cage just trying to get my attention. Stretching his hands paws out as far as he could go, getting a grip onto our shirts and not letting go. Sadly because he was unaltered, I was unable to bring him home with me for various reasons. When I came back a few days later and saw that He had been altered earlier that day and would be availiable to be brought home the next day, I had a feeling of joy go through me. I came back the next day and waiting out front of the shelter at 12:30 for the sign to flip open and walked in to pick up Velcro. 


He came home and seemed excited for a new location. As soon as I opened his carrier he ran out and started looking all around the apartment. Slowly he learned what things were and how to jump up into the couch for some attention. It took him awhile to learn how to run on tile because his nails weren't going to do him any good for grip. He's full of energy and is always willing to play a game if your ready to sit down for a good thirty minutes. My roomate just lost his cat as well so we decided to get Velcro a brother to play with and grow up with so we came back to the Shelter today after looking at the site and saw Runner was posted as availiable. He picked him up and decided almost instantly that he wanted Runner so we brought him home with his this afternoon. Velcro was curious on who the new kitten was, and after an intial introduction they ran off and started wrestling and playing with each other for most of the night.


After going to the shelter a few times, and looking at the site's updated adopted list, it does seem a good amount of cats are picked up by loving families, but at the same time it's sad seeing how Velcro was sitting at the shelter for two months before he was adopted and only because he had to wait to be altered before he could be given a loving home. Hopefully any other kittens who are too young to be altered will get picked up in the future, just seeing how Velcro and Runner were both just altered was a very well timed event for myself and my roomate. 

I thank you for raising Velcro for the past two months while he was in the shelter, after reading your post it seems he was a little special around the shelter. He will be keeping his name as he stuck to me like glue at the shelter and even now with his nails cut he still has a firm hold over most things, while Runner will be given a new name but I dont believe that has been decided yet. I've attached a photo of both Velcro and Runner, and then one of the two of them taking a break from wrestling for a few moments. I'll have them printed out shortly and stop by the shelter to have them placed on the wall.
Thank you again for running the Shelter and taking care of Velcro while he was growing up, I'll make sure he lives a good life of a semi spoiled kitten 
~Will N.~

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Sep 3, 2009

It felt like today was Friday. Friday, as today was such a long week, and the day started with a line up at the door, which continued until well after 3 pm. Fridays sometimes do that to us, but seldom a Thursday.

When all was said and done, there were 2 cats in new homes, 1 dog in, and then 1 out again, and even the guinea pig had found her forever home. I pray the adoptions are a sign of people anticipating a weekend of quality time, especially as tomorrow there should be 5 more. I pray those 5 find homes with the thoughts that the routine of back to school and end of summer means more time for them, more home time, and a better schedule. 

This may be the best time for some to adopt OR it could be the worse. 

I know I will struggle with the new to do's for the next while, and the last thing I would need is a puppy. As always we wish people would think carefully about the commitment they are making and commit for life not for the weekend.

Check out the cute pups, who have been with me now for three or so. They are now vaccinated and ready to go. 

Admire them, love them, but if you don't have time for them, please don't even consider them.

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Sep 2, 2009

Children's Night
Armed with four puppies, (available Friday) Fluffy the kitten, and Eve the guinea pig I was off to the car show tonight, for Children's Night at Heritage Mall. We attended, drew a crowd of our own, and entertained. 

The evening air was filled with ohhhhs and awwwws and a few "how sweet" as we strutted our stuff thanks to A& W's invite. 

After a short time, Eve and Fluffy had secured themselves a few potentials, and potentially as well the puppies will have homes for them too. 

We advertised for the cause, and handed out calendars with information about the Shelter and gathered donations. I reminded everyone that we operate as no-kill facility because of adoptions, and without adoptions it would not be possible. 

I love chatting with people about their pets at home, and especially loved I could connect with pets adopted out in the past, yay for Cola my frostbitten kitty who's family visited, yay for Ty the Walker Hound who is still well and still in his forever home, yay for Angus who has a new brother too, and Yay for Tory who is proving she was a perfect addition to the Cracker/Timbit/Dakota home. My favourite part, of course, were the updates. 

Tomorrow, I hope to have at least two adoptions, thanks to the invite to attend and special thanks to Teri for her help in controlling those puppies, and the crowd.

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Sep 1, 2009

Velcro Goes Home
It is with mixed emotions I am pleased to say that finally poor little Velcro, the kitten named for his need to hang on tight has gone home. 


Mixed feelings, as of course I am thrilled, but at the same time saddened that it took him so long. Arriving at the Shelter at a few weeks of age, we watched him and his siblings grow, get ready to go home and finally go. He, of course, the black kitten had to wait, and was turned down so many times by potential adopters. Yesterday we deemed him ready to neuter. With some development now happening it was time for his manhood to go. With that important surgery now being handled, I knew this would get him moving. One little sacrifice for a home? 

Today, there was a line up at the door for him. Two potentials had heard yesterday that today was his big day, and today would be Velcro's day to go home. With two potentials Velcro finally went home. Fluffy was blessed with a new home too. I am pleased that those who perhaps could not afford a neuter opted for a kitten that was done. I am pleased I could do this for him. Saddened at the thought that perhaps every kitten may need to wait until they can be altered to go home, and worried that potentially this takes up a whole lot of space. I also worry about the funds, as without them we cannot operate, and without operating, they won't go home. Today, there was a prime example of this, with my altered kitten going home. 

If you are looking by the way, there are others now added to the site, other altered kittens still waiting to go home.

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"Update on Broker"



The views expressed in these blogs are the personal views and daily events as told by Renee Robins, and the views expressed don't necessarily reflect those of the City of Owen Sound, unless relating to City By-Laws and Ordinances.

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Web site and blog created, updated and maintained by Elaine Watson