Blog by: 
Renee Robins, ACO
Owen Sound Animal Shelter

January 2012

Recent Posts
Jan 30, 2012
Year of 2012 
Déjà vu 
No Leash 
Meet Snoopy 
Voice Mail  
Six Pups  
Woman Bitten  
Pup in the Snow  
Dangerous Couple  
Frosty is in Bad Shape  
Woman Bitten in Mildmay  
Ferret in Distress  
Ms. Frosty  

Ms. Frosty - I think it's safe to say, I believe [keeping our fingers crossed] that l'il Ms. Frosty is going to be OK. 

It was Friday that she opted to lick the gravy from her mashed food and Saturday she began to nibble one small kibble after one small kibble. Both were incredibly exciting but it got better. It was all uphill from there! 

Today, I woke a crazy beast who after she pooped - and I might add was a solid wonderful poop (sorry this excites me, as it had not been and means she is on the mend) decided to climb to the top of her cage, return back down, and then do it again. It was as though she was doing summer salts, and I was as well on my insides watching her. She then stopped to snack from a near empty bowl and then did the whole process again. Yes even the poop. 

Luckily, a very understanding Co-op student was the only one who heard me squeal "yay for you weasel, that's a great poop!" It was a very excited squeal too. Soon came the chant "Go Frosty, Go Frosty, Go Frosty whoot whoot - Go Frosty". She has some healing still to do, but I'm sure feeling better about the direction she is headed. Which I see now is perhaps around and around and up and back down. 
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Jan 26, 2012

Ferret in Distress - Well, I've had my fingers in many odd places, but I can say that yesterday, for the first time, they were down the throat of a weasel. With force feedings, injections, and sub q fluids administered, I am becoming quite the ferret wrestler.

Thankfully an ill ferret is one who accepts pokes and prodding a little easier. It has been a constant few days of Frosty TLC. Each morsel of food has been monitored, each ml. of fluid in and out too. She has had her hinny washed dozens of times in attempt to mend and help her poor raw anus, and has been swaddled and cuddled. She accepts no food on her own and her body a mere skin on bones. She on pain meds, is comfortable and the antibiotics are fighting with her to make her well. Each day she lives is a day celebrated, although there is heartache still as we wait for her to be well. 

I do, however know too well, that it takes time to recover from "dying" as we have seen it sadly way too many times before. Once again if she keeps up the fight, we will fight with her as long as needed to see her pull through. However, her owners have not been found and we are her last chance. 

If you know of anyone who has a ferret or who has had a ferret, perhaps they are missing their friend. Please let everyone you know so we can locate the owner.
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Jan 25, 2012

Woman Bitten in Mildmay:

Search for Mildmay Dog

Bayshore Broadcasting News Centre
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

by Kevin Bernard    

The Grey Bruce Health Unit is asking for the publics' help in finding the owner of a dog involved in a biting incident in Mildmay.

On Saturday morning -- a woman was bitten by a dog being walked on leash on St. Vincent Street near the arena.

The dog is described as small, brown and white, and wearing a red sweater.

Staff of the Grey Bruce Health Unit need to confirm that the dog is not infectious with rabies.

By verifying the health of the dog, the victim can avoid receiving the postexposure rabies treatment.

If you have any information related to this incident, please contact the Grey Bruce Health Unit at 519-376-9420.
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Jan 24, 2012

Frosty is in Bad Shape - Domestic warm climate animals should NOT be found out in the snow. Giving the benefit of the doubt, once again, to the human species I will add to that comment that perhaps she slipped out, wandered off, and her owners are searching high and low for her. Perhaps she's soon to be reclaimed by her loving family? Gosh I hope! 

The sad reality is that just maybe the half frozen and shivering Ferret found today in the snow frostbitten, emaciated, dehydrated, chewed on, and with an anal prolapse may have been tossed. Her condition is tough enough to stomach, it's easier to believe the latter. 

Ferrets are a dessert or warm climate creature, by nature, which do not tolerate cold well. They are a domesticated pet who do not scavenge as well as they use to and worse yet as pets they have learned to be social with what naturally would be their predator.

Frosty, (her new name) with punctures on her head likely has been nearly someone's food. She would have perished, potentially, within days if not sooner is now under our care. As we struggle to rehydrate, renourish and help her mend, she waits a reclaiming period.

Warmth has helped her, as the fluids and nutrition. She is, however, not out of the woods yet [no pun intended]! There is a bumpy road ahead for her. I sadly suspect there will be nobody looking for her, but I won't give up that hope just yet.

I'm thankful to have her, and I'm concentrating on that happy thought. The rest is just very unhappy! We are accepting donations for Frosty's medical care. We will issue income tax receipts for donations over $15.00.
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Jan 23, 2012

Dangerous Couple - Although, this an area I technically don't cover, I consider the safety of all people and pets my concern. A friend posted this on Facebook, and I am reposting to help spread the word:

On the weekend, a friend of mine took her dog to the Archie Coulter Conservation Area. As there wasn't very many people there she let her dog off the leash (yes she knows that she shouldn't do that). The dog ran ahead on the trail and when she came around the corner she saw her dog apparently sniffing at a mans gloved hand and eating something. She informed the couple that the dog was indeed friendly, they responded that they like dogs and it wasn't any problem. My friend continued on her walk for about an hour. When they returned to the car she had to help her dog (1 year old) into the car and he was very docile on the trip back to St. Thomas. When she got home she realize that the dog was having some issues and called her vet. By the time she got off the phone she had to put the onto a sheet and drag him to the car and lift him into the car. The vet told her that the dog had been given some type of relaxate (downer) and that if she hadn't brought him in as fast as she did the dog would not have survived. His heart rate had slowed to 1/2 the regular beats by the time she got him to the vets. $250.00 later she has her dog home.

It appears there may be a couple in their 50's walking around feeding dogs bad things. I just wanted to get the word out there. She has contacted the Catfish Conservation Area as well. She described the couple as being in their 50's, the man wearing a red winter parka and the lady as having shoulder length dark hair. Please beware and keep your pets on the leash. ~Kim

Please be careful with any people around your dog - and if you are not sure, please keep your dog on a leash. If you are at a dog park, you should always check around and make sure that the area is good for your dog to play in.
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Jan 19, 2012

Pup in the Snow - It was a white knuckle ride through snow squalls on unplowed roads. There were times I was not sure what side of the road I was on, afraid to speed up and afraid to slow down as there was no idea what was in front or behind me. I would have pulled over if it were not for fear of not knowing where the shoulder was.

The wipers tried to keep up with the falling snow, but it was defrost on, defrost off, window down, window up, wipers on, wipers off and all in an attempt to gain some visibility. 

As I drove I wondered why I was bothering, as clearly nobody would be out in this weather, person or creature. When I spotted him, however, curled up in the snow, my heart melted, and I remembered, it was these days they needed me most. 

I called to him, tried to coax him, offered him food, and warmth. I pleaded, and prayed he knew I was here to help him. Sadly he bolted. It was a blustery drive over snow hills and still unpaved roads and the worst part was the loss of cell phone service. 

I continued on "please pup, I want to help boy, come to me please please please" and then he took the unassumed road. As I slid into it and pulled it into park, I made an attempt to chase on foot. It was at this point it occurred to me I was alone on an unassumed road in a blizzard with no phone. 

The dog was way faster, and history proves that a dog that does not want to be caught; won't be. Heartbroken I retreated. His face haunting me, peeking out of the snow. I sure hope he is now inside and warm. I will be back for him - I promised I would be. Just not now and I can't save him dead :( 
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Jan 17, 2012

Woman Bitten:

News Release                            For Immediate Release

January 17, 2012


Public Assistance Request



The Grey Bruce Health Unit is seeking assistance from the public in finding the owner of a dog involved in a biting incident in Durham.


On January 16, 2012 a woman was bitten by a dog that was off leash in Durham Park. The dog is described as a black and brown German Shepherd.


Staff of the Grey Bruce Health Unit needs to confirm that the dog is not infectious with rabies. By verifying the health of the dog, the victim can avoid receiving the post-exposure rabies treatment. If you have any information related to this incident, please contact the Grey Bruce Health Unit at 519-376-9420.



For more information:

Robert Hart

Program Manager

Grey Bruce Health Unit

519-376-9420 or 1-800-263-3456 ext. 1279
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Jan 16, 2012

Six Pups - Funny, we don't celebrate our first babes of the year at the Shelter. Sunday, our first bunch of 2012 babes arrived and there were six. The arrival of six new homeless instead was more of a sarcastic hooray. We do not jump up and down, we do not give out prizes and we sure don't give thanks to the universe for bringing us more. 

Please do not get me wrong, I do not for one second wish any harm to these pups. I do not regret having them born, nor do I regret having them with me. I love they are safe, warm, loved and well. I love they are in our hands, and will be placed in loving homes. I celebrate that. However, six more homeless means six spaces I need to clear before helping six more. It potentially means six deaths of others in other places, as their space is now taken by these pups. It means mom remains homeless ten more weeks. None of this makes me happy. 

I do prefer mom was altered. I prefer she was not "free roaming" once. I do prefer she was in a responsible home. This takes away the excitement with the babes. I am, however, thrilled they are and will be all OK. This will bring me joy when they go home and then I can celebrate! 
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Jan 11, 2012

Kitty - When the pager started to sing at 4:30 am I actually awoke laughing. I heard it ringing in my sleep and my inner self said "you see you blogged it, you jinxed it". Todd was less amused. I told him I expected it was the cranky person from yesterday that I blogged about and by now they had either calmed down or were completely irrational. Todd returned the page and I waited to see which way the guy had turned. 

I was surprised to learn it was another call. I was relieved to know it was not an emergency, though, but a cat who has been seen for days in a specific location who appeared homeless [for the record this doesn't warrant a 4:30 am wake up call]. The cat had been fed by the caller and had given it shelter and was in good physical condition. [Again, I mention - this had been there for days!) Perhaps many don't realize we do try to sleep, and unlike the police we don't have "shifts". Had this been a dire emergency, we would have been out the door ASAP. 

The cat was gathered early in the morning and is now very well. Thank you to those who assisted in keeping this kitty safe :)
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Jan 10, 2012

Voice Mail - Dear Sir, who forgot to leave his name, telephone number and area where you live: I understand you were upset that your neighbour's dogs were chasing "your deer". It upsets me too! I am also concerned for the deer, although I was not sure "shooting them all" referred to the deer or your neighbour's dogs. 

Had you left me a detailed message perhaps without the "F YOU" and the "F YOU that you work for" I may have better understood what it was I could have helped you with. The mumbled rant, sadly sounded terribly unfriendly. You also mentioned how this was my fault? I am unfamiliar with how to dial 519-F YOU, so sadly, I may be unable to reach you. 

You should know, however, that if this call wouldn't have been so upsetting to me, I could have traced your call. I suspect I will hear from you again, likely at some very late hour and likely you will page me as you will think it is urgent we discuss it. Something tells me ... 
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Jan 9, 2012

Meet Snoopy - Snoopy who is a 10-12 week old pup was gathered wandering New Years day. This little pup was found as a stray and was likely purchased as a Christmas gift. This, I assume if I do the math, makes Snoopy the perfect age for Christmas day to be seen under the tree. There have been no calls for Snoopy and as nobody has been looking, I can only imagine 'me not looking for my lost puppy' (who looses a puppy - really)? I would sure be looking high and low for this little guy. So, sadly, I assume he was gifted and tossed. 

Snoopy was on the Mix Morning Zoo with me on Friday, and Rogers TV today. Sadly, had he been a Shih Tzu or a small breed, or even a Lab he would now be in his forever home as these dogs get snapped up fast. Unfortunately, Beagles much the same as Hounds also have a horrible, and not realistic reputation and they are considered wanderers, barkers, high energy and stubborn. This is not the case when they are trained and fixed.

Snoopy is still seeking a home and here is what the American Kennel Club says about Beagles:

"Information on AKC Beagle Puppies

AKC MEET THE BREEDS®: Beagle: A sturdy hunting dog, the Beagle should look like a foxhound in miniature. His hunting ability, combined with a merry personality, has made the Beagle one of the most popular dogs in the United States according to AKC® Registration Statistics. The most famous Beagle of all is Snoopy from the comic strip "Peanuts." Today’s Beagle comes in two height varieties (13 in. and 15 in.) and any true hound color, including tri-color, red and white and lemon. 

Right Breed for You? Beagles are happy-go-lucky and friendly, making them a wonderful family pet. They are also favored for their compact size and short easy to care for coat. Since they lived in packs for hundreds of years, they naturally enjoy the company of other dogs and humans. Curious and comedic, they often follow their noses–which can lead to some mischief if they are not provided with daily activity" 

Funny, I didn't read that Beagles are barkers, wanderers or stubborn. Certainly every breed has its pros and cons. Each dog has a purpose that it has been bred for and each can be an advantage or disadvantage in various homes. 

If you are a person who enjoys walks, the company of a loyal companion, enjoys stimulating your dog with games and tricks and play Snoopy would be the perfect pet. Snoopy is well socialized, great with all people and other pets which helps Snoopy to be off to a great start. And no, he isn't a barker, but rather just a little puppy who needs a forever home. 
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Carebear is awesome!

Jan 5, 2012

No Leash - Three children walked casually up the side of the road and with them ran a Husky mix. The car in front of me dodged the Husky; nearly hitting the children. The dog then chased the car. Dogs from a neighbouring home then chased the dog. There was so much chaos that I was holding my breath. 

I stopped immediately, in the center of the road, and yelled for the children. I questioned them as to whether the dog belonged to them, and they assured it was. (The first, but not the others). They pointed to the location each was from the dog darted back and forth from home to home. Eeeek! 

I asked them to leash their pup, to which they explained they had no leash. Without hesitation I reached down to the seat and handed them my own (luckily I had a spare). As they gathered him and forced him to stay with them it occurred to me this was fantastic. 

Tomorrow I am going to the Dollarama for as many leashes as I can find. Gone is the excuse 'I don't have a leash' and from now on I will just pass them one!!! There is the chance they won't be used, BUT without a leash the dogs definitely won't be leashed. 

I figure it will make my life easier, as a leashed dog is easier to catch when they get loose! Less likely to be homeless and lost, injured, or injure others. 

If you have any old leashes laying around, please consider donating them to the Shelter. I suspect I may need a lot more - there are many who need to be leashed!
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Jan 4, 2012

Déjà vu- The year 2011 started with me being peed on early in the day by a puppy. I know this as I recall a Facebook stat of "The year started off on the right track as I was just peed on" ... I had forgotten all about it until yesterday I was peed on. 

As it was our first day back of 2012, I thought this might be an appropriate stat 'Déjà vu'? That's when I remembered. For those of you now wondering, although being messed up is a regular occurrence, I am not peed on everyday. It's not a regular thing, and although the odds are better for me than for many others, it is very ironic that both years started out with a 'baptism' of sorts. 

I'm calling this a blessing, as in both stances an adoption occurred! If a little tinkle on me makes that happen I will take it. Sure have done a lot more for the homeless ... daily!
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Jan 3, 2012

Year of 2012 - Happy New Year to you and your family! I hope this year brings you health, wealth and happiness. My parts are crossed for less homeless and better care for those in homes. I wish nothing more than to be 'not needed', but would settle for being needed less. 

This past year for OSAS was very busy, and unlike other businesses this was not a good thing. The busier we get, the harder we work, the more trouble we see, the greater our expenses for the animals.

Gone are the days of people reclaiming their animals, more are the days of surrenders and less and less of these animals are vetted.

Thankfully, we have made it through another year with success; this is all thanks to you. With 2012 now upon us with new hopes and resolutions, I'm sending good vibes for this coming year. A year of goodness toward our fellow four-legged furries! 
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Aspen came for a visit and she's super, and well loved!


I wanted to wish the staff all the best for the holidays. The animals are grateful for your help. I thought you’d like to see a few pics of Jorja (now named Elly) in her new home with her big brother Hogan. I’ll be in touch Jan 3 to make an appointment for the microchip. ~Dorothy


Merry Cristmas! Just a little note to say all is well! It's been three years since we brought tessa home with us!! A little on the heavy side but very content!! She gets lots of exercise everyday but is very spoiled in that she has the couch and a queen size bed of her own to lounge around on while we are at work! Thanks again for allowing her to be a part of our family! ~Margaret


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