Blogs by: 
Renee Robins, ACO,
Owen Sound Animal Shelter

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Recent Posts
Feb 26, 2010
Message on Cardboard? 
Happy Groundhog Day! 
Shyla Update 
Good Vibes Needed 
Hooray for PA Days! 
Trumpeter Swan 
Chia Update  
Wally Wobbles  
Let's Go  
Maggie Update  
Meet Gord the Beagle 
Golden Update 
An Itchy Update 
Morning Coffee 

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Morning Coffee
9:15: One extra large coffee less one mouthful is now all over the desk, important files, log book, CDs, and telephone - mostly, I am sad about the coffee that I didn't get to drink. I don't function so well without the morning coffee (hence the reason I missed the corner of the desk) and I was immediately concerned about the lack of coffee as the day was full of more surgeries. Today we did another seven - that was 14 this week! Yay! I took my spill as a sign of things to come and opted to assist as little as possible in those important things of the day. My job for the morning, however, was radio and Chia and I were off an hour later to brighten the day and to showcase his wonderful self.

11:15: While meeting the producer and working her charm, Chia slipped. I must add she is about chest height while on the desk. When slipping Chia reached for the closest thing, and I suppose this was my ear. I held her tightly, to prevent her fall, luckily for her, and for my ear, as her nail poked right through. Had there been a bar handy this would have made an excellent piercing? Chia will now forever hold a place in my heart, and a part in my ear :) 

I was concerned the day was going to be pure chaos and I must admit I was a little crabby, the pain in the ear was very annoying and still no coffee!

1:15: Then some goodness happened, finally after waiting and waiting and loving and waiting, Hugo went home. Thrilled with his country home with Jack Russell loving people who had prior Jacks, who found him adorable the ear throb and lack of coffee no longer a concern. It was all smiles from then on in.
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Feb 25, 2010

An Itchy Update
I received an update on our little Babes (Itchy) pup ... she is well and living with Bailey (Wobbly Wally). You remember Itchy...

What a great update ... here's the email:

Hi Renee, Just wanted to give you an update on Bailey & Babes. Everything is great! They are best buddies! They love to romp and play!  I have attached a picture of Bailey & Babes. They are so cute! 

They share each others food dishes with no problem. I can pat Babes while she is eating and even put my hand in her bowl and she just licks my hand. Her digestion system is working fine. She hasn't had any problems eating and her stools are normal. She is perfectly house trained. Babes is such a wonderful cuddler and just loves giving those kisses. She sleeps on my bed every night with Bailey. She loves car rides! She is such a friendly, happy little girl! I am so glad that I was watching "daytime" on channel 53. 

Itchy isn't itchy anymore ... she is very happy! We are so thankful to have her become a special part of our family and I am sure that she is happy to have found her forever home! This was meant to be!!!!! I promise to keep you updated and will drop in for visits from time to time. Thank you so much for all your love and care for "Itchy" and "Wally Wobbles". I am forever grateful! You are special! Blessings, Dottie

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Feb 24, 2010

Golden Update
Finally, there is some news on our wandering Golden. Whom by the way we still have a trap set for, who we had a few close captures of and then nothing. It has been a very long waiting game full of nothing and disappointment, lots of frustration and concern. 

Tuesday an article ran in The Shoreline Beacon, the local paper for Southampton, mentioning our search for this dog. I was hoping that potentially an owner of the Golden in that area would call and say sorry guys that was me, I will keep my dog in OR that someone would say sorry guys that was me, we lost our dog, but have gathered him, OR even we know where he is, and come and get him. Yesterday, there was only one call, one call and it was someone missing a dog, and this one a lab. Not the same dog. I waited all day again for some news, any news sure people now had read it. This evening there was a call. This was not the most perfect call, but it's a step forward. 

This is Scandal - below is the contact information for the owner:
[ Sarah Mae - 613 548 8229 - Work 613 546 1291 ]

We know who she is, we know she has a name and ironically her name is Scandal (who may also come to Poobah??). She is the dog we thought, missing now nearly six months. To make it worse we have now learned she is 13 years old. Which is very old for a Golden. My concern has grown for her even more if that was possible, and I pray that we can now get a sighting of her. With owners number on my phone to reach at all times, I will call in the middle of the night to have him help me gather her. I suspect she will only go to him.

She was originally lost in Port Elgin, and has done some travels, and could be anywhere now, last seen in Southampton two to three weeks ago. 

Please, join me in the search for her, let me know if you hear anything, tell everyone. If you see me wandering the streets yelling Scandal, Scandal don't be alarmed ... it will be rather appropriate in this case. If you see the dog, please contact me immediately.
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Feb 23, 2010

Meet Gord the Beagle
A kind and gentle soul I picked him up yesterday from Durham where his time was done. Upon greeting him he was a mere 30 lbs and that was not weight of muscle. His face and his slight build when I spoke to him oddly reminded me of my late grandfather Gord. 

Upon Gord's arrival at the shelter we gave him a once over to find that potentially his life was not the best, with a collar burn so raw I thought he was wearing one, nails so long he clearly had not been running or walking on them, and teeth he had worn right down to the bottom trying to chew free of something. 

I suspect Gord lived a life tied to a dog house. Likely for years with limited interaction. It is possible that Gord has had the most attention in the last few days than ever before - it is possible he ran to freedom. Thankfully he ended up with me, and not the alternative as clearly his people did not search for him. 

He was neutered today, and spent time with the doc, and I think he touched her as he did me. Hoping that he will touch the hearts of those who will offer him a home soon.
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Feb 22, 2010

Maggie Update
The biggest thank you to German Shepherd Rescue for their help in finding Maggie a home. A gorgeous white shepherd who was already spayed. She should have been an easy mover, especially as she loved people so much, however, her jaded history (having been homeless a few times) and her being older sure was hard.


The pressure was on as the older dogs deal the hardest with being homeless and are the ones most at risk to failing with stress. Thankfully her being homeless prior, and "doing time" with me, made it easier on her. 

Being a Shepherd, and the breed most likely to circle in her cage, spin with anxiety, and guard to protect her space, I kept my fingers crossed for months that she was handling it all OK. Past dealings with purebred rescue groups have failed, not all, but some, and this of course puts a bad taste in my mouth. I was hesitant to call them. However, I sure am glad I did. 

Maggie has gone home .. all the way to Ottawa!! They lost their white shepherd at 16 years of age, and with a country home, and dog experience, especially with this breed, I was excited to hear from them. When she offered to make the drive Saturday I was jumping up and down!! That's commitment ... to drive the distance for a dog you have not yet met :)

All parts still crossed until the update arrives, however, thankful to the rescue who passed on her information. Appreciated, and if you ever need me, I am here.
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Feb 18, 2010

Let's Go!
She was not the reason we were out and about on those back roads, as we were on another call, but when we say the car in front of us nearly hit her, she became the priority. 

She ran straight up the center line, and crossed in front of oncoming traffic. We followed behind, with our heart in our throats pretty certain we may watch her reach her demise. Up a hill she ran up the center, then crossed the road to the other side just missing a car as she passed. We pulled over, and I was running, but there was no way I would catch her. As she hit the open fields I knew I did not stand a chance, and instead started calling and whistling for her ... here girl? Here lady? Come here good girl?? Cookies? Car ride? Instead of stopping she accelerated and then hit the highway again. 

In pursuit one more time, we discussed our options, as when chasing a dog in traffic you place them at risk as they are watching you not where they are going. Very carefully we passed her and let her run as she wanted, and directed ourselves at warning traffic. It felt like forever we watched her in the rear mirror, and finally she hit another field, and we simply stopped and waited for her. I was amazed at her ability to run so far so fast, and then became saddened to think potentially she could just keep running. Then it happened. Todd opened the truck door just as she approached, and said "...come on let's go!" She stopped dead, wagged her tail and jumped right on in. It seems this girl has had some travels in her days. Thankfully some have been in the car. 

She is safe and well now, and her owners have been contacted. I am sure, as I type this, she is sleeping very well at her home. I sure hope they realize how close she came to catching a car and not the way she ended up catching catching a ride either. I hope this is the last time she goes on such an adventure, I fear she won't be so lucky to get a ride in the back seat next time.
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Feb 17, 2010

Wally Wobbles
Any one remember Wally Wobbles?? The funny name should do it for you if you are a regular blog reader? To refresh, Wally Wobbles, who I remember from his name is the dog dumped at Wal-Mart, who walked on his ankles. His feet turned inwardly, and he sure wobbled funny - hence the name. He is now Bailey. 

Each name to me brings a story, and although they get renamed, and their past goes behind them, for me each tale comes back with the mere mention of their name, hence the reason I name them this way. 

Today, I had a great visit with Wally now Bailey. He is so well I would have never recognized him, without the prior name. I would have had no idea who he was or where he had been. Wally no longer wobbles. 

She spoke of the kilometers they walk each day, in an effort to strengthen his legs, clearly she had a great plan, and it worked. His strong little legs are super now!! We talked about the vets thought that it was perhaps a brain injury and that it may never go away. They are probably as amazed as I am. It is suggested that perhaps he lived confined to a crate prior, and just did not have any muscles to carry his own weight? It was great to see him so well in any case. 

The best part of his visit, he came to get himself a sister, this one named Itchy. When the comment was made "I wonder why you call her Itchy", I smiled and said "...well, I have a story to tell you!" Congrats to Itchy who is now named Babes. May your story have a happy ending.
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Feb 16, 2010

Chia Update
Finally, after months of repairs, lots of medications, and a whole bunch of love, Chia is finally ready to go home. 

She came to me as close to death as one could be without passing. She was mere skin on bones, and the skin she had was damaged. A leg fracture, and torn skin on this leg in the shape of a leg hold trap told a terrible story of her being hurt this way. The punctures on her sides where an animal had bitten her made this story even worse. The missing teeth where she perhaps chewed herself free, and the gaping hole in her hind end where some creatures jaws had been sure brought tears to my eyes as I examined her. 

A decision needed to be made this day, a decision to end her pain, or try to make her better. This day was difficult, as thoughts of trying to save her were clouded by thoughts of prolonging the inevitable. To make matters worse she appeared at a time when our policies were in question, and those who did not support our no-kill option were asking questions, and making a stink. There was potential for someone to view a second chance as cruel and potentially my job, and the lives of thousands were on the line. Thank goodness for Chia, our doc was there for her, this day, and many days to help her through.

She had two surgeries done to repair the hole, and for her spay and each day that wound was washed, and treated. It has been a very long process. That day we had to decide Chia jumped into my arms, and rubbed her face on mine. Her purr so loud I could hear it from the other side of the room. She kneaded her paws (even the broken one) on my shoulder, and thanked me for helping her. She has continued to show me this gratitude every step of the way. She loves life, and loves those that have helped her, and it has been a pleasure to see her get better. 

I now cross all parts for her in the hope that the best of homes comes for her. It will be hard to let her go. It will be harder to hear if something fails with this home, so I hope to get it right the first time. Please keep her in your thoughts, and pass the word along. Chia has been saved, hooray !!
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Feb 12, 2010


It was unconditional love you offered them,
those who once gave you a place to stay.
Your world was happy and you enjoyed life this way.

For you they offered a warm place to sleep
a kind touch on the head, a sparkle in their eyes 
and a bowl in which you were fed.

Now, you sit behind cage doors broken hearted and alone.
You wait for that love to find you again,
so that you may have a home.

My hope for you this Valentines' is for a new love to be found,
for you to be a part of the family
and no longer a homeless pet at the pound.

Until that love finds you,
I offer you a part of me.
that part in my heart where you will always be.

Renee Robins ACO
Owen Sound Animal Shelter

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Memphis came for a visit!

Feb 11, 2010

It was a donation of cat food that brought them in, (thank you for that) but it was the words they spoke that touched my soul. 

I remember her Tango, she of "tango and Little Bear" two farm dogs who had been neglected and ignored, who came to me terrified. Both with crazy hair, and sheep dog breeding, and Little bear expecting puppies, Tango a pup from a prior litter. Their first car ride was to me. Their first walk on a leash was to that car and in my door. Other than the man that fed them they knew no one. They had each other, and nothing more always. 

I remember them cowering in the cage, and I remember the days, weeks it took for them to trust me. I remember Tango eating from my hands after weeks of trying. I walked her while she ran in circles terrified of me. I sat with her in the parking lot for hours so she could meet "new people". She learned to like cats, and all people, and to trust and love. I gave my whole heart to her. When they met her she cowered, she ducked, and then offered a gentle tail wag. They came many times and in time, they took her home. 

Eight or nine years has passed since this day. I have thought of her often. They came with cat food, and came with an update, Tango is still with them, still well, and getting kind of old (shhh we don't talk about this). He told me about the early days and how she hated to be alone, and struggled when they left her. He told me about the poop presents she sometimes left them while they slept. He spoke of the patience they had to give her, to help her learn to be a dog. He mentioned how all their work had paid off, and then he thanked me. He thanked me for the best dog ever. I explained that I worried for her, that I expected perhaps her issues would see her homeless many times. I worried that this would eventually destroy her, and with that she would become aggressive and end up destroyed. I told him that I wondered all this time how life had worked out for her. 

I am relieved to know her life is great. I am glad it worked out, and they worked through her struggles with her. Nothing could make me happier today, and this valentines day, my whole heart is happy.
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Feb 10, 2010

A beautiful cat of white, with a fluff of grey on her forehead she was appropriately named Angel. With her long flowing hair and gorgeous pale eyes to anyone peering at her she seemed like a gift from the heavens. If looks were all they needed to find a loving home, this one would be snatched up immediately. 

I admired her looks from the moment I saw her perched in her carrying cage, and then I tried to move her. YIKES It seemed Angel, unhappy with her present situation had transformed momentarily to a devil. She walked herself with a gentle prod into the cage that awaited her. Then we tried to feed her, and the devil emerged again, and as we protected ourselves with the paper towel rolls, which were quickly shredded we knew this girl was very unhappy. 

It was a challenge to feed her, clean her, and wipe around her. Many towels, blankets and hands were shredded. Kind words made her mad, and ignoring her did not help either. Angel had made the most nasty of ferals look like the kindest of kitties. This cat, who was owned once, loved and cherished, was really unhappy about it. We knew it would take time. Days turned to weeks, and we spayed her. Spaying did nothing to help her feel better. When time went on, and still she was a threat to all that approached her, it was decided this one would need a farm home. The clip board our shield, and paper towel roll our guard while we promptly offered feeding and cleaning, we were praying for spring to come early, and or a heated farm home to ask about her. 

Finally they came seeking "a longhaired cat, who could do indoor/outdoor, and did not need to be friendly for the barn". I was happy to know she was going home, happy for my hands, and happy her days of hating were done. 

Hours later the call came, and it was the biggest shock and greatest surprise. "Angel walked right out of that cage, and kissed my daughter on the nose". "she will be a house cat now".

Shocked and in disbelief I am, but also thanking the stars, that Angel must have a few of her own angels to keep her alive and well.
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Sarah came for a visit!

Feb 8, 2010

Trumpeter Swan
Seven or eight winters ago, I was responsible for the removal of the body of a dead Swan off the ice of the Bay. This was not my call, however, my thoughts were not for the poor soul who was frozen solid (who was definitely no longer feeling a thing), but rather for its' mate.
The female had passed and with her body sat her mate. 

Concerned persons on the shore watched him try to chase them away from her, they watched him guard her body, and then lay with it. I remember very well the feelings I had when I watched him, guarding and protecting her even after death. I remember wondering how long he would sit with her, and knew this was nature. The calls kept coming. It seemed he was not eating. Would he starve to stay with her? Calls to the officials reminded me that this was nature, and to let it be, while others recommended removing the dead mate. I was leery to remove her as this was not natural, but leery more that she was sitting on thin ice and it sure was cold in that water I may fall in !!

Then came the call from the concerned person who "...was going to just go out on the ice and get her himself" and I knew that this was trouble. Having been bitten by a goose, and a Swan I knew this had trouble written all over it. Swan bites, falling in the water ... and danger to that poor male Swan! I had to retrieve her. 

This was a painful and heartbreaking process, which involved some defrosting (she was rather stuck) while trying to keep him away. Heartbreaking as he fussed for her. In days he left, and in time I forgot all about him. Until today.

There is today a Swan in the bay. Concerned persons thought maybe he was lost, but a few calls and we knew he was OK. When Todd suggested it, I thought perhaps he was feeling all valentines. His words "...maybe he has not given up and returned for his mate?" I told him it was very romantic. However, it seems he might be right.

"Trumpeter Swans form pair bonds when they are three or four years old. The pair stays together throughout the year, moving together in migratory populations. Trumpeters are assumed to mate for life, but some individuals do switch mates over their lifetimes. Some males that lost their mates did not mate again."

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Feb 5, 2010

Hooray for PA Days!
This is not me as a mother speaking, I must admit, but rather as the Shelter Manager. When the sun is shining, it seems, and the weather warmer and you have the day on your hands and your over the age of thirteen, it appears it's a good day to stop by and walk a few dogs! HOORAY for you! 

Thank you to the many groups we saw today who stopped in to visit, to take the time to take a few dogs for a stroll. those pups walked all day! Normally, they get two or three great walks in in a day, but today, all of them may have gotten twice that! They shall sleep well tonight! As it is great for them to keep their stress level down and to get out and enjoy the day, and it is also great for those a little less socialized to meet new people, and as it is great for those who need to practice leash work that they get practice, you have made a difference! 

A well exercised, less stressed, and better behaved dog finds a home faster, and for this we are all very thankful. With all that fresh air, and bellies full of delicious peanut butter balls (check those out down below) they are homeless; but happy.
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Puppy Love peanut butter dog treats, $5.00 a bag.
$1.00 from each purchase will be donated to the spay/neuter, medical fund at the Owen Sound Animal Shelter. 
Orders are being taken - contact me at

Daisy came for a visit!

Feb 4, 2010

Good Vibes Needed
It was with sheer excitement I rushed to return the page early this morning. A number from Southampton had called, and I was certain it would have been with news of that Golden trapped. Having now had the bait eaten and the trap failing, the trap going off, and the dog sneaking out before the door closed, I was confident the third attempt would have been the winner. I was jumping up and down as the page came in. It was with disappointment, I learned, instead, it was not news of a trapped dog, and worse yet it was the news of a cat who had caught a car. We then jumped for different reasons, to get out and quickly retrieve it. The entire day I thought of how disappointing that call was for such a variety of reasons. 

At 6 pm another call in again from Southampton. I rejoiced once again, hoping all my good vibes and wishful thinking had done some good. This call also promptly returned to find it was a kind woman with a stray cat. Eager to help her, but disappointed again that it was not the call I wanted. 

With high hopes I sit with pager in hand, and another trip this evening planned maybe if everyone sends good vibes it would help?? Here's hoping, please send those good vibes to the Golden.
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Feb 3, 2010

Shyla Update
It was only yesterday when Shyla met me at her door with tail wagging and big bum wiggles that I told her that her day would be coming soon to go home. 

As we walked I told her that I had noticed all the big changes she had made during her time with us. Having arrived a scared and thin dog, who had been ignored and unsocialized she sat in the back of her cage and cowered. Her fear came across as aggression when you stopped to say hello, she would bark nervously and lower her body to the ground with teeth showing. It took weeks for her to gain trust, and longer for her to be able to walk with strangers, but as time went on each volunteer was excited to meet and walk her. She had gone from a dog who spun in circles on the end of the leash not knowing what to do, to a dog who raced to the door and sat happily for the chance to go out on a walk. 

Shyla now eager to please can sit, down and shake a paw and has made the biggest progress - her time had come. I might have been a little psychic as they did come searching for someone a little larger, but the match otherwise was perfect. They have other dogs and needed one raised with dogs, and one who had lived in the country. She had done both. They came seeking a dog who needed love and compassion, who needed it the most, and this was also for her. 

She greeted them as she had done with me this morning very happy to say hello, and they agreed to walk with her. I watched them walk together, and saw a little sparkle in their eyes, and as I watched her so proud of her walking beside them, and offering her belly to them with each pause I knew this had great potential. With all my parts crossed for her, I am already celebrating a day out. This for her would have been a challenge after a few months without socialization. 

I'm assuming no news is good news at this point and I am thankful so far for her, she sure deserves it.
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Feb 2, 2010

Happy Groundhog Day!
It seems the groundhog announced today that there are 6 more weeks of winter. Without getting into my thoughts and opinions of such events, I will simply say, I think I speak some groundhog, and oddly that's not what I heard him say. However, six weeks I guess it shall be. I know for the many snowmobilers, skiers, sledders, and outdoor snow happy people this is good news, and they are thankful. I am sure the tourism places that depend on this season are very happy. I am happy for them.

I am annoyed that for many who are cold and hungry this could mean a long wait for them. As I reset the trap this evening for one cold Golden Retriever - would he, could he, do another 6 weeks of this? He had been in the trap, had feasted, and I am glad he has been in, and has a belly full, in the hopes he will return again tomorrow.

As I was going in to re-bait the trap, I was hit on the head with the door, so I am really unsure as to why it did not go off on him? It seems having the door close can be easy. 

With my fingers crossed, and ice on my forehead I hope to gather him before the snow melts.
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Feb 1, 2010

Message on Cardboard?
I don't know how many times we have done this blog about cats dumped like garbage in my yard, either cages, boxed or loose. All seasons, all weather, and all times of day and night.

Today, it happened again. This time there was three young cats, all under six months, of course, all dark colours. Likely someone else now knows that black, and black and white are very hard to find homes for? 

These three of course all females and the most pricey to fix. As it is already frustrating to see them placed in a box, no holes to breathe, and taped shut to prevent them from escaping. It is worse when we think that we are now out the small fee for feeding and housing them and then the more involved and frustrating when this means for me three more spays. This further complicated by them also being the hardest to place. Their owner put a bummer on my Monday. 

Someone allowed their cat to breed, this someone then did not do at least the responsible thing to find them homes, or at the very least do what was right, sign them over and pay the release fee. 

Once again, it will be me to pick up the pieces, pay the expenses, and do the leg work to find them all homes. Thankfully for me finding them homes makes it worth while. 

Hope that someday that someone contributes to the Shelter perhaps when their conscience bothers them? As always keeping positive in that at least these three are safe with me. 

My message to you who dropped them " does not matter how many hearts you draw on the box, or how you mentioned thanks in permanent marker, its still NOT OK.
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Website and blog created, updated and maintained by
Elaine Watson




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