by: Renee Robins, ACO, Owen Sound Animal Shelter |
------------------- Recent Posts ------------------- |
31, 2011 _____________________________________________________________________________ |
Muzzle The Call Dog Beaten, Found Dead Little Black Dog It's Back Vesseys Fundraiser Poop and Scoop Manx Leaf and Fern Chickens in Snow? Driving Buddy Seperated Reclaiming Stray Cats Basic Training Skills Easter Egg Hunt Dog Tags Pet Over-Population Get Those Guys Going Can I Help You? Busy Schedule Last Day for Tags
Last Day for Tags - Alas March 31st is here! If you are that resident who has not yet purchased your tag for 2011 you are now out of luck with being legal. You will now be required to pay extra when you do get one, and potentially are in trouble for not having one. Failure to license charge is $65.00 plus your tag you are now paying extra for. If we end up with your dog, and manage to locate you despite the lack of I'd, your now paying a failure to license fee with your reclaiming fee. In the hopes all readers are tagged none of you need to worry about these things. I am celebrating so many of you were responsible yet again! Good job! At the same time I am celebrating the hundreds of computer entries report writing, and monies submissions is near complete. This a big relief especially as it seems I have my hands full with even more puppies in today! Yikes!
On that note, anyone need a pup to go with that tag? Mar
2011 Busy Schedule - This was the note written in the log book today, this sat next to the many files which rotated throughout the day.
Stray dog call x 2 Hanover last eve Mar
2011 Can I Help You? Q: Hi can I help
you? Q: One tag or two? Is your dog Fixed or non? Breed of dog? Age of your dog is? Your first name is? Your last name? (I spell it here with them). Your address is ? ( I verify there are no other parts to address here, no apartment number, no unit number). Postal code is n4k? (They all start with n4k). Your dog is now legal until 2012. If you purchase next years tag before March 31st again next year you will again save money. See you next year. Take payment. Give change. This is how my day went. Over and over I repeated these words. So often I clearly have them memorized, and now likely will repeat it in my sleep. Thankfully,
it's all worth it as so many have now acquired their much needed tags. I enjoyed seeing many I have helped year after year, and enjoyed that I recognized them and their dog breeds.
One lady I see each year to tag her whippet. It has now been nearly a dozen years. (Good job
for getting that tag) I knew her right away. If only I could remember the rest of their info I would be set as I would not need to repeat the many questions? Mar
2011 Get Those Guys Going - Well, it's very odd for a Monday to be a fantastic adoption day, but I was sure hoping! With a full dog room, a full cat room and the phone ringing with more surrenders we were all feeling the pressure. I cannot imagine what the stress would be like if the stress included choosing who lives or dies to make space. I could not do the job as it is already hard enough! I hate to turn someone away, or to have them wait. My hopes and goals are to save all that I can and when my hands are tied I sure get disappointed. The pressure turns up. Our pressure means we push a little harder, hope and cross our parts and hope for a day like today. On Facebook today, my status read something like this "two beagles, two shepherd, four heeler mix puppies, two shepherd mixes, a golden retriever and a cocker mix too-equals too many homeless dogs!" At 9 am I was on the phone to anyone I could think of, and by 11 am I was sending emails. With all avenues crossed it was now time to wait. When an adopter arrived at 1 pm and another by 2 pm I was feeling a whole lot better. My status will now be the subtraction of a golden, the cocker mix and a beagle, and hey three cat adoptions too! What a much better start to the week then I anticipated!
Sure hope it continues all week long! Mar
2011 Pet Over-Population - If there are still people in the world who don't believe the pet population is out of control please kindly direct them to my website. If you are one such person please watch the many homeless faces added each week, and see the challenge each faces with finding a place to go. As another litter of puppies finds itself surrendered today, the last 2 pups from the last litter is still awaiting its turn to go.
With each cat adoption another homeless fills its cage, and the list of persons wanting to surrender always growing. This year has already seen so many countless puppies, while adult dogs sit watching those pups go first. As we continue to push and search for loving homes, it seems we never truly get ahead. We celebrate with great adoption days, only to be disappointed when the next day brings us as many surrenders. To remain no-kill we rely on adoptions. I hold my breath each day in the hopes of these adoptions. My greatest fear is that we may someday run out of homes. If the population continues to spiral upward this sadly may become a reality. Support rescue, adopt your new best friend.
DO NOT support backyard breeders, or part time persons who use this
as income. (This only encourages them). And for the sake of the future of pets everywhere, please have your pets spayed and neutered. Mar
2011 Dog Tags - This is a reminder to the residents of Owen Sound, you are running out of time to purchase your dog tags for 2011 at a reduced rate. March 31st tags go up in price by $10.00 dollars each. As the by-law states, tags are to be purchased by this date, the increase is your penalty. If you are one of the 700 residents who purchased tags last year, and have not yet this year you may have received a reminder notice in the mail over the last few days. Please note this is a friendly reminder and you are one of very many. We have not singled you out, nor is our intention to pick on you. If your dog has recently passed and you have received this notice, please accept our condolences for your loss, and our thanks for the update. If you have a letter and have no dog, please call so we may update your list, it is possible it is intended for a prior home owner. With any other questions or concerns, do not hesitate to call or email. If you fail to purchase
a tag, and are a resident with a dog or cat please know you may be facing charges. Please, also, know the many advantages to having your pet tagged makes it all worth it! I would be happy to explain these to you too. Mar
2011 Easter Egg Hunt - Hip hop hooray we are doing it again! Back by popular request the Owen Sound Animal Shelter will be attending for the second year the Bayshore Broadcasting Easter Egg Hunt. Those that attended last year know that there were goodies for sale, hot dogs and hamburgers and a small petting zoo. We will be back to do it again, and this time bigger and better than ever. I have heard the Easter Bunny may be bringing his other barnyard friends :) On
April 23rd this event will take place from 11-1 pm. This is held once again at
Grey Roots Museum. As always donations will be used to save lives. Hope to see all of you there!
here to view pictures from last year...» Mar
2011 Basic Training Skills - Over at The Other End of the Leash Patricia McConnell talks about the Clicker Expo in Chicago last weekend. Ken Ramirez, from the Expo, talked about his experience and one of the most common mistakes that he sees is the importance of basic training. Even experienced trainers can forget the importance of the basics. Here
are some of the reminders he shared Basic
Training Skills...» Mar
2011 Reclaiming Stray Cats - It happens very seldom, in fact, so very seldom it is really on the list of 'it's not going to happen'. Deep down we hope, with each stray cat, it will happen but reality is that last year only eleven of the hundreds of stray cats that came in were reclaimed. The odds of this is so very small when it happens it kind of feels like Christmas. Upon arrival today, it was noted this kitty was sporting a rabies tag, this tag from 2010 too. We were hopeful as this an indication it had been vetted recently and a caring owner may be still around, not as likely to have rehomed it or to have moved and potentially an owner who cared enough to vaccinate may care enough to come for it. Only eleven did last year. I was not excited until I had heard kitty had gone home as hundreds of times we had come close, finding owner and even contacting owner without having cat reclaimed. Reality is, for most, it's easier to just let the cat go. [And you wonder why we are always so full.] This lucky kitty was, however, tagged and loved and has gone back home. As I hope we are on a lucky street and maybe on a roll I do have no
doubts that she will not be our last stray cat, I do hope she's not the last reclaimed.
She is the first for the year, and it's near April. Mar
2011 Seperated - Sadly, this is a repeat blog topic for me. Sad, not as I have to repeat a similar tale or that you get to read the same, but that this situation is so depressing that it keeps happening. This may even be the third or fourth time for this, yuck!. Once again, dogs sat as found strays at a pound facility and went unclaimed. Once again, their time was up and thank the stars someone cared to call us. They were given a second chance, a new leash on life and a chance to dodge the bullet arrived late this morning. Imagine my surprise to learn
mere hours later these dogs had gone home. Owner located, owner reclaimed!
It boggles my mind that once again fantastic dogs, and loving owners were nearly
separated forever. It is difficult for me to comprehend how this happens, however, as a no-kill
fortunately I hopefully will never know. Mar
2011 Driving Buddy - For blocks I traveled beside them, he with the window down for his dog, and the dog with his head out the window. His lips cheeks and ears blowing in the wind (the dog) and his tail wagging in agreement with the smile on his face. This was one happy pooch. At the lights, the car stopped and with that, the dog's stare turned to that of the face of the driver. Immediately, the dog was thinking of his best friend. The driver assuring him with a gentle pat and the dog again smiling. As we continued to drive I admired the pair for blocks and blocks. A mere two blocks from the Shelter, it occurs to me, we are still heading in my direction. This guy and this dog are heading to the Pound. As we grew closer and closer my insides started to turn. When he turned into the Shelter parking lot I was saddened and near tears. [This dog having the best of days was about to have his life turned upside down, and have instead one of the worst.] Out steps driver, with him a bag of food - now I'm heartbroken. Imagine my relief when I learned he was only donating a bag of food! A bag of food his
spoiled dog would not eat [his words not mine] I thanked him for the food, and then took a minute to thank him
again; this time for loving his dog forever. Mar
2011 Chickens in Snow? - I may be counting my chickens before my eggs hatch, but I do think once again that spring is coming! Oddly, on Saturday, we had a complaint about a dog chasing chickens. Not odd that the dog was chasing chickens, but as this not something I have never heard of as the ground is still mostly covered in snow. I guess I had never thought about chickens in the snow, but am pretty certain this is not something that happens often. I always thought even free roaming chickens failed to roam in snow. When a second complaint
came and a dog was gathered today, in a different area - with a similar
story (also chasing chickens) I decided this must be a spring thing. Spring in that the chickens are out
wandering in the snow? Mar
2011 Leaf and Fern - I just love it when we all work together to make it work. Two homeless cats Leaf and Fern sat homeless for some time as a pair is often hard to place. They were dumped on my door needed history, needed vet care, needed altered. This takes time. Time they were OK with as they took comfort in being together. Although, they were made aware we just may have to split them (I'm sure the cats thought it was better than homeless forever). Those who viewed them did not want to be responsible for separating them. So they waited. Until today. I am pleased to say both have gone home and gone together! Here's how it went down - our friend Pat knew they needed help. She saw their faces on the website each day, and waited too. Pet Valu takes cats to help place them. Pat frequents Pet Valu and she pleads with them to take two; generally, they prefer only one. She has success and even delivers them :) Pet Valu displays and showcases this pair and recommends them to anyone who shows interest. People are interested and voila they go home! The biggest thanks to
Pat and to Pet Valu for making this happen. Mojo is now on display at Pet
Valu and is also thrilled as she knows her turn is next and is hoping it happens fast for her too. Mar
2011 Manx - I was reminded today of a tale from many years ago while introducing a friend with no tail over radio. Years ago, an urgent page came from a concerned person who had found a "cabbot". This person claiming in her yard she had found a tailless, round faced, hunched over hopping critter, which had been created with the mating of a rabbit and a cat. I explained that I was not aware of such an encounter, nor such a creature she had mentioned. Frustrated she demanded we gather it promptly. Uncertain, as to what the call would hold but intrigued and willing to help we attended. Within minutes we were no longer mystified as we had in our possession a young Manx cat. Fondly, I named him Cabbot. Today, I remembered with my radio guest Maxi, a homeless six month old. A unique cat, in that she has rabbit
features, no tail and taller hind legs; she is still just a homeless cat. Mar
2011 Poop and Scoop - As the rain washes down the mountain of snow, it has become apparent that not everyone picked up after their pet this winter. As the dog logs poke up, the complaint calls do too, as people are clearly finding this crappy. I can honestly say I don't blame them. As with the other by-laws I support the poop and scoop entirely. It's not only a yucky mess but entirely unhealthy for you and your pets. Parasites and disease carried in animal waste which are transferable to each other and to people too. It's not fair that people and pets should be at risk because someone failed to be responsible. Nobody should have to be stepping in or stepping around another persons pets mess. Nobody should have to do another's dirty work. As I hope the rain washes all of it away, I also hope that the non-scoopers are done with that doo doo. Mar
2011 Vesseys Fundraiser - In celebration of spring, or just as a great way to think spring, I am announcing our next fundraiser!! Returning from years past comes the Vesseys fundraiser, in the hopes that with our gardens growing, so will the spay/neuter medical fund account. As it is super important to our operation as a no-kill facility that we continue to have much needed surgeries this fundraiser, as with the others, is super important. Vesseys plants, bulbs, seeds, etc., are being sold now until April 8th. Please consider a purchase (cash at time of order please), or better yet consider helping us sell! Prices are reasonable, and plants come with a guaranteed. Order forms may be picked at the
Shelter, and potentially orders can be made online via email to me. As they bloom you can take pride in their life and in that you have also made a difference in the lives of a homeless animal too. Mar
2011 It's Back - Unfortunately, some things and some people never change. Today, I returned to a neighbourhood for a complaint regarding a dog at large where I had not spent much time in in the last few years. This neighbourhood, at that time, was visited daily, many times throughout the day, as we dealt with a difficult dog, and more the difficult owners. The dog a regular visitor, the fines a regular occurrence. The owners information had been memorized, and even the dog's tag numbers. The neighbours knew the vehicle, and in no time we had learned this dog's bathroom schedule. The visits piled up, the fines continued. In time, that dog left the area, as the owner relocated. Things have been otherwise uneventful and this a happy neighbourhood. It has been just a visit with random patrols, or a random call. When the dog at large call came today, and I returned to that spot, it was
that dog and those owners I thought of first. Imagine, my surprise when the door opened to find a familiar face back in the neighbourhood, only this time with a new dog.
Figures! As these people know better, and have been heavily warned we won't be going easy on them.
I do hope my friendly reminder, today, did jog their memory, as it did mine. Mar
2011 Little Black Dog - Attention if you live in the Hanover area, or areas which surround Hanover. I need your help in locating a small black dog or the body of such. Today, I heard the most horrific story. As I understand it, a woman was walking her dog on the trails. This dog roaming freely. He wandered onto the ice and she called for him, and as she did he slipped and fell into the water and was washed under by the current. She has searched and come up with nothing. I cannot imagine her heartache as my stomach turns thinking about it. In the hopes of bringing her any sort of closure, please keep your eyes out for him.
While doing so, for goodness sakes, stay off the ice and keep your pets leashed. Mar
2011 Dog Beaten, Found Dead Dog beaten, found deadBy JOYCE CASSIN NORTHUMBERLAND TODAYUpdated 2 days agoCOBOURG -Mylee loved to run and was known for escaping her leash, but the puppy will no longer roam the woods in her carefree manner. Mylee was killed by a nine-year- old neighbourhood boy on Sunday, Feb. 20, said Mylee's owner, Jessica Rouse. "She gotten off her leash before, but she always came right back," Rouse said. "This time, when she didn't come back, I went out to look for her." She said that she saw the some children near the woods by her Alexandria Drive home, and asked them if they had seen her dog. The sister of the boy believed to have killed the dog said that Mylee
hadn't been seen. Click
here to read the entire article...» Mar
2011 The Call - Dear Sir: I received your phone message earlier about your situation, I'm sorry you called after hours and I recognize that you feel it's an emergency that you need to find a home for your dog. Sadly, I don't agree that you needed to page me, then rant and yell that I could not help you right this minute. It is after all 9:00 pm and not an emergency. I am sorry that you adopted a dog off the internet and this dog is not what you wanted it to be. I am sympathetic to your disappointment, but no, I will not be picking your dog up and no you cannot expect me to buy it? Please know that when I return your call tomorrow I will still not be sympathetic to your
error of buying a dog online. I will, however, assist you in providing possible solutions to your
problem, or offering a place of refuge to your dog who is sadly going to be homeless
again, if you are not up to my suggestions. Mar
2011 The Muzzle - While on a call regarding a dog tied up at the mall this a 'no no' in the City and the by-law reads 'leash must be held by a person'), I observe a large Shepherd running in the field behind. While dealing with the tied dog situation I kept my eyes entirely in the pooch roaming. Both dogs a threat to the public, both a potential risk and both need managed. The dog running, however, is lacking any control and he a great concern. The possibility of the two intertwining is a reality I also fear, and as I shuffle to rectify both, as fast as possible, my concerns are to keep both safe. As fast as possible I head to the field to view an owner with leash in-hand watching his dog run. I call to him. I advise him that he needs to leash his dog immediately. He calls his dog. The dog ignores him and instead heads to me. The owner yells louder, and again the dog ignores. Frantically, he then runs toward it. At this point, the dog is gathered. Then comes the shocker. The reaches into his pocket and pulls out a muzzle. Yes a muzzle. This is an aggressive dog. This dog who bites was running freely, at the MALL! This is where I say "buddy give your head a shake! This is an accident in the making, one in which you will be liable! What are you thinking!" My head still shaking with disappointment and disbelief!
I thank the stars I arrived to end it, and something terrible might have happened. I am, however, asking the stars to make sure the owner gets it, this cannot
happen again! |
2000-2010 © Owen Sound Animal Shelter. All rights reserved. |