Blog by: 
Renee Robins, ACO,
Owen Sound Animal Shelter

The Calendars are here! $10.00 each or if you're in it, you get a free one :)                                                                 Congrats to Becker Animal Hospital on your accreditation and the opening of your much awaited public practice.

Recent Posts
Nov 30, 2010
Wonder Update; 
They're 4 Weeks Old; 
Cat Adoptions; 
Grandpa Update; 
Moxy's Death; 
Baaaaad News; 
The Finn Club; 
They're Here!!!; 
There are More!!!!; 
Where Are You?; 
Will You Help Hubble?; 
Cranky Pants; 
Santa is Coming; 
Cowering Souls; 
The Calendars are Here!; 


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The Calendars are Here! - The calendars are here! After the great contest, months of preparation and weeks of waiting on my end they have arrived! This just in time for next year planning, and for Christmas. Each calendar will be $10.00 with the proceeds going to spay/neuter, medical fund. 

If you are in the calendar, you are getting a free one, and if you entered, you are in it! This year's theme was 'You Make Me Smile', and I must admit each page brings happy thoughts and a smile to my face. 

Each pet clearly loved and treasured, this my happy thought always. Calendars can be purchased at the Shelter, or at Pet Valu.
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Nov 29, 2010

Cowering Souls  Hooray the pups are available soon to be out of my home !!!! Sure wish I actually felt that way :( I am a terrible animal surrender. After on eight weeks with them, and although they drove me quite crazy all twelve of them. I am heartbroken to see them behind bars. 

After agreeing to foster expecting mom, I began preparing for the bring back. It is never easy to adopt out and say goodbye, but finding loving homes makes it easier. It is far harder, however, after having them in your home, having them as part of the family and watching them take first breaths, first steps, first meals, awww. 

As they cowered in the corner peeking at me with those 'what are you doing eyes', shaking I was cautious. When one little gal threw up I almost did with her. It seems I feel their pain! I know they will be well cared for until they go home, I know they will find good homes, thankfully I know first hand. I sure hope 12 homes come very soon to make things a whole lot better for them and for me! 
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Alf came for a visit

Nov 26, 2010

Santa is Coming You better not shout, you better not cry, you better not pout I'm telling you why ... Santa Claus is coming to town :) 

Tomorrow I will be blessed, once again, with the company of the big guy all day long! I will be taking the opportunity, of course, to tell him how good my homeless friends have been, I will be asking for his magic to help find them homes, and asking for each to have a great Christmas. 

It's another pet pics with Santa at Pet Valu tomorrow, a day I truly enjoy, as nothing makes me happier than seeing pets happy as part of the family. Many will be personal friends who once had lost their families, and now get the best in a new home. Santa has no need to bring magic to these guys. They will however all be treated :) 

If you do not yet have an apt to attend please call (519) 376-2828 or drop in? This a fundraising event for the shelter of course to help keep us operating.
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Nov 25, 2010

Cranky Pants It was this time last year that we spent hours and days on end seeking, searching, tracking and hoping and praying for the capture of a Golden Retriever named Scandal. She ran from all, was seldom seen, spent each cold day and each cold night alone and in the snow. The year before it was a Walker Hound named Bell who we finally captured Christmas Eve after weeks of trying. History has proven that if a dog does not want to be caught the odds are quite good it won't be. 

When the call came about the small hound found outside an empty cottage, seen randomly for weeks coming to no one, I was quite sure my next few weeks or months were going to be spent trying to catch it. 

Todd made the attempt today to discover, unlike the others mentioned, this one was fighting back. I won't repeat the message Todd sent me but will say it was similar to "the dog is circling, lunging, growling, putting up a real fight" followed by "I am going to set live trap". 

I have to now thank Julie who donated this live trap last year to aid in the capture of Scandal. 

Hours later we returned to find cranky pants safe and sound in the trap HOORAY! It worked! Happy to have saved hours, days, and weeks trying to catch him, but thrilled to have that pooch warm dry and with a full belly before the storm rolls in.
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Nov 24, 2010

Will You Help Hubble There really is very little that is sadder than a broken puppy. 

He that we have named Hubble who jumps and plays and rolls for belly rubs is adorable and perfect in so many ways. He who wants nothing more than to love and be loved sits and watches contently.

Approximately 16 weeks of age but so quiet and well mannered could easily be confused for a dog who has seen more days. I suspect sadly it is because those days he has had have been hard and long ones. 

Hubble is a broken puppy, broken as his front leg dangles and twists, and drags on the ground beside him. This leg was once right however and the wrap marks of a rope or chain confirm it was a nasty event which wrecked it.

My best guess and the docs too is that potentially his leash surrounded it. Potentially in an effort to free it he broke it. This break a very big one. Time has healed the superficial wounds but cannot heal the bones now. Hubble will need his leg removed. 

Keep him in your thoughts and prayers as we make him well enough for surgery. It may be weeks before that day. He is in good hands, until then. Updates to follow. Good news I hope. No more sad days for this pup! If you can, please donate to his surgery - this little man needs to walk properly again.
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Nov 23, 2010

Where Are You? - The lady said into the phone ... "Hello, I am on the side of the road here. I have with me two dogs and a litter of puppies. I am standing in the rain, they are in the ditch looking hungry and tired can you come and get them?" I said, "where are you calling from?" She replied, "the side of the road." I asked her again, "can you please tell me which road are you on, the address is?" She stated, "I am not sure, I don't know where I am" (sigh)

I told her "I am sorry but if you are not sure where you are I am not sure how to help you?" She then stated, "well, I left Hepworth ten minutes ago, and am driving towards Scone, it's dark I don't know what road" [This is where I mention half of the area she has now described is Georgian Bluffs, my area and half is Arran/Elderslie not mine, this is explained, and she is directed that if she is beyond that limit I cannot help her] She replied, "I am sorry I don't know where I am." I asked her "can you drive to a fire #?" She said "not without leaving the dogs to run on the road."

Following this discussion which continued for ten or more minutes we decided to drive the road we were pretty sure she was on. We started in Hepworth as she did, and we drove to the limits. No lady no dogs. We phoned her back and she gave a fire number, we again drive searching. No lady no dogs. We phone again and describe to her the situation. We advise her of the proper animal control to call and I stay on the phone with her until things are clear.

She was advised to call if there were troubles or no success so I assumed it all worked out OK. I hope that assumption was right as I thought of them in the rain and dark all last night. It seems those limits restricting me limit only my body and brain, as my heart has continued to wonder all day if they were indeed OK?  
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Nov 19, 2010

There are More!!!!  - It's raining puppies !!! Oh my !! After announcing the soon to be available pups yesterday it seems a ball started rolling. 

Click to enlarge...

First came the arrival of six pups by a kind soul who had found them left for her in a big box :( These tiny pups I guess to be six weeks of age, appear to be of small breed as they are half the size of the Sheltie mixes of seven weeks. Again, I make a guess of Beagle/JRT? These pups have now been dewormed and have first vaccines. I am disappointed that they may steal the potential homes from my little fosters but relieved to have them well and off the streets.

Click to enlarge...

Then came the call of seven more looking for rescue ... YIKES! That leaves me potentially seeking 25 new homes! It's so sad that people are still allowing their dogs to breed. I hope the downpour stops soon and that homes will be easily found for all. 
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Harry came for a visit

Nov 18, 2010

They're Here!!!!  12 pups available soon, to be dewormed and vaccinated. They are well socialized and very playful active puppies. Gorgeous mid-size dogs. Border Collie/Sheltie mix. 

Please email me at to get on the list if you would like to adopt either a male or a female.

Male pups Female pups
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m3.jpg (26154 bytes) f2.jpg (24064 bytes)
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m2.jpg (22576 bytes) f1.jpg (24776 bytes)

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Nov 17, 2010

Harry  A few years ago I made a friend who came to me a stray. An old collie mix, Old Roy, who was matted and full of burrs sticks and dirt, came to me as a stray. He when groomed exposed a long wire wrapped up in his coat. His eyes told me a sad tale of neglect and abuse, and his body confirmed it. We guessed his long life was likely that of a chain dog tied and ignored and he had now managed to get away. There was no surprise when his owners did not come for him and likely they had done him their first favour. He was made well, cleaned up and found the best of homes. He lived the rest of his days loved. Harry was my déjà vu.

Although, he now looks nothing the same as he arrived, matted, dirty and old like many others do. Today, as he was neutered and still sedated I took the time to shave him. As the sticks and debris came off with the matting those memories crept back. However, when I found the wire entangled in his fur it all came back to me. 

Harry now altered and cleaned up (and so darn cute) is now waiting to find his new home. Older and with no history this will be again a challenge. 

I hope Old Roy sends help from the stars and that Harry does as well. Hoping fate will be on his side and I will get two sad stories with a happy ending.
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Nov 16, 2010

The Finn Club  I am pleased with the Finn fan club that has begun. It seems that there are many now rooting, pushing, asking and trying to find our poor homeless hound a home. Mature dog adoptions has provided a courtesy post, has sent out emails to shelters, rescues and potential adoptions. Many have asked about finding him a foster.

Persons have advertised him on their work mail outs (thank you Nicole) have advertised on work memo boards (thanks Michelle) and others have tried with all persons they can think of to help place him (thanks Teri). If the Finn fan club keeps going someone somewhere may find it in their hearts to take him home? 

Finn is a wonderful dog, great in any home with older children, good on a leash with a leader and is crate trained. He is good with cats and most dogs. The longer he is with me the harder he is to place as he becomes "that dog that no one wanted for some reason". Please join the club and pass his info on. It's time for him to find his forever home!
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Nov 15, 2010

Baaaaad News After four calls in separate municipalities I was happy to be heading home. Although it was dark it was good to be near home after a long day. As I drove I contemplated the nights' blog. Just as I wondered what to mention which would be a little different it came to me. Yah, literally!

He stood in the center of the road, he was a little black Pigmy Goat and it stood watching me. Of course I pulled over (couldn't pass this up, even if I wanted to) and walked up to him. Anyone close enough would have heard "hello Billy what are you doing in the middle of the road" he responded with "maaaaa". I walked right up to him while watching for oncoming traffic half expecting him to bolt, but he nudged me with his head and offered to chew on my coat lovingly. He was wearing a collar; although not sporting ID. I was uncertain as to where his home was. I did the only thing I could think of and leashed him and proceeded to lead him home. We took two steps then stopped, two steps and stopped, then one and stopped.

As the nearest farm was a far slow walk away I thought perhaps I could play cowboy and lifted him. I carried him all the way back to the vehicle, popped the back and placed him inside. At this point it occurs to me that potentially someone could think I was stealing him. It is after all not my call to do anything with goats. But, I tethered him by his collar and drove real slow, asking him at each stop "is this your home??" I drove until I found a hay bale and other farm creatures. I then carried him to his supper.

Here's hoping this goat does not journey to the road again and here's hoping they tie him or get better fences? Potentially, with animal control at their door it is now a deterrent? I hope so, as a dead goat is baaaaad news for me! lol
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Nov 12, 2010

Pal Although the shelter was closed yesterday in recognition of Remembrance day we continued to operate entirely with the exception of being open to the public. With a travel early in the am to gather three dogs who needed to relocate quickly and a momma cat and five kittens we discussed naming them in honor of our troops. We thought perhaps Charlie or GI Joe or Vimy or soldier or Corporal, general, or major would maybe suit. Maybe poppy? 

Upon our arrival however we learned of one pups sad tale, he who had been tossed out, kicked off the decks, chased and shot at by neighbours it seemed ironic and sad at the same time. Briefly I considered naming him bullet. (Making light makes the job easier)

However, while sitting at Remembrance day parade with my 'troops' behind me together we sat for a moment of silence (yes all three dogs and six cats were quiet) I instead decided to name him Pal. He who after all is my friend and ally suited this name best. Pal will be available soon and his new life with peace will be found. 
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Nov 10, 2010

Wonder There was no blog yesterday as I had only one thing on my mind. After finding a great potential for my pal Wonder, and hearing she may be in today, well I was wondering and hoping only that she would return. A former employee of Toronto Humane Society, a fellow animal rescuer and prior owner of a dog born blind I suspected she was just what he was " looking" for.

As I wondered and hoped she would return I also wondered what the other options would be for him a dog blind and needing TLC. He had won my heart weeks ago and there was only one adoption that would have made me happier (come on Finn it's your turn please please)!

As she spoke with me today and explained after meeting him she found she could just not leave him as she had spent the weekend wondering about the potentials for him too. It seemed this wonderful boy had impressed and concerned her as he had me. 

He is at his new home now, hooray, I now wonder and hope again, that he will stay, as a blind dog more than others needs to know where he is going to be. 

Keep your parts crossed as mine are that his search is done and it will all be ok. 
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Nov 8, 2010

Moxy's Death It is with great sadness I post the following news story from the Sun Times in Owen Sound. Kim is a great friend, a great animal lover who supports rescue and who loves her horses as her family. Her mare Moxy was shot Saturday morning by hunters and died. 

I am disgusted to learn of her troubles and I hope for justice for her and her mare Moxy. 

What a terrible event to have occurred I pray no one has to have this happen to them.
My condolences to Kim and to her family. If anyone has information which may help in this case please call. 

Police probe horse death after shooting
Local News
By Bill Henry
Posted 1 day ago
Sun Times staff

The bullet that killed Moxy in her pasture likely came from a deer hunter's rifle.

The brisket shot before sunrise Saturday pierced the little registered Halflinger mare's lung and heart. It dropped the horse where she stood in a four-acre pasture, not 100 yards from her house, Kim Owens said.

"It was a definite shot meant to kill an animal," she said.

Owens heard her dogs at about 7 a.m., an hour before sunrise. When they wouldn't stop fussing, she got up to investigate and found the horse "dead, dead, dead, in a pool of blood."

The chestnut brown, small, draft-style horse, with vivid yellow mane and tail was three times the width of a deer. Moxy wore a red halter and had a big white blaze on her face.

It should have been difficult to mistake the horse for a deer, if the hunter had waited until legal shooting time 30 minutes before the 7:59 a.m. sunrise that day, Owens said.

"If they were scoping her, they should have seen that. Deer don't really wear red halters."

Owens keeps nine horses, six of them her own, two her mother's and Moxy, boarded at the rural property for six months of the year.

The others were "distressed" by the shooting, especially one which was close to the halflinger. It kept pulling at Moxy's halter, hoping the animal would stand.

"That was quite heartbreaking," Owens said.

Every field in the rural neighbourhood southeast of Dornoch on Baseline Road in Glenelg Township is posted against trespassing, so whoever shot the animal was also in the area illegally, Owen said.

She said she feels responsible. Replacing Moxy could cost as much as $2,500.

"I'm feeling very bad about this," she said. "Anyone who knows me, knows my horses are my top priority."

Sgt. Jerry Cocher, West Grey Police Services, confirmed Sunday the shooting is under investigation and it appears likely the animal was mistakenly killed by a deer hunter.

"It doesn't happen very often," he said. "From this point, it appears that's what may have happened."

The investigation continues and unless details of what happened come clear, Cocher could not say what charges, if any, the culprit may face. He also could not confirm exactly when the horse was shot, or whether it was within legal hunting hours.

There are a variety of Criminal Code and Ministry of Natural Resources regulations and statutes officers could rely on for charges, once the details are clear.

Cocher also said there are complaints every deer season, including during last week's rifle season, of hunters trespassing. But he could not confirm any complaints from the area where someone shot Moxy Saturday morning.

Owens said some neighbours reported three men in orange jump suits hunting the fields, without permission, near her small pasture last Wednesday or Thursday.

She said she has nothing against hunters generally, but believes whoever killed the horse should take responsibility and compensate the animal's owner.

"If someone did this, and realized it was an accident, they're probably feeling pretty bad," she said.

"I don't think they'll come forward. It would be nice, but I don't think they will.

Link to newspaper report...»

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Nov 5, 2010

Grandpa Update - We received an update on Grandpa:

Thought I would send a couple of pics of Grandpa--Now Gray He is doing very well. Today is bath day, so we will see how that goes. Thanks again, Steve M.

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Nov 4, 2010

Cat AdoptionsThe cat adoption page was shrinking as many thankfully found homes. With so many dog surgeries lately and the dogs kept pouring in less cats were moving up to the available spot. Three or four spays were done and then these promptly found homes. I am not complaining, not one bit. 

However, to those looking at the website it seemed like we had only two cats or three when in reality still a pretty full house This makes things difficult to explain to list waiters who wanted to surrender a cat and who were told we were full who then checked the site. 

Truth is simple, I am not adopting out an unfixed cat and there were only so many only ready. This does not mean there are no cats. With seven cats altered today this should be no problem after tomorrow as they will then be posted on the site. 

If you have been looking for a new cat tomorrow might be the best day to see as the blankets come down and a fresh selection is posted. If we are lucky there adoptions will be quick and there will be space for those waiting. 
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Nov 3, 2010

Calendars  - Attention all calendar contestants, it's almost time to see the final product and I must tell you with excitement once, again, they're awesome!

Every entry has a spot, and our top voted pics have been given a month of their own. Each smiling face warms my heart and earns a smile in return just as it was meant to do. So many faces I know and love and yet some I feel I know now personally. This happens it seems.

If you entered, you have a calendar coming to you at no charge. Please drop me a message to confirm I have your contact info, and mailing address if necessary. 

Please tell your friends the calendars will be ready soon, and will be available at ten dollars each. They make great Christmas gifts. All proceeds, of course, to keep us operating! This of course makes me smile in so many ways.
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Nov 2, 2010

They're 4 Weeks Old - Happy Birthday to my foster puppies!! 4 weeks old today! Let me say, I am sooo excited to celebrate it, as we think they are so wonderful!!

Now with eyes open, ears open, barks, growls, runs and romping they are very difficult to contain. They run and play, and run and did I say run?? 

Rolly and polly and full of puppy cuteness they are getting very big. All twelve of them!! I have them here at home so they can be started in a home environment.

Mom is doing wonderful, and is doing a fantastic job, for which I am very thankful. As they now start on solid food, mom is happier now too. There colours are showing now too ... we have four chocolate with lighter brown tips, we have black and tan, two with white toes, brindle and black, and black and white. 

All seem to be mid-short haired; very very cute!! I'm hoping to start composing a list of potential homes for them, sooo if you're looking for a puppy or know someone who is, please email at or call me at 519-372-1123, so I may put you on this list. 
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Nov 1, 2010

Wonder Update - it has been one week since "wonder" had made his television debut. He and I traveled to the set (he was wonderful) walked up to the door, walked in, greeted the persons in the green room, and then walked out onto the set. He wandered around briefly and hopped up onto the couch. Only then did it become known he had not "seen any of it" as he is blind. 

Wonder then became "the wonder dog" whom camera men, and station crew watched in awe. Diane and Dave watched with admiration as he displayed to all he was in all ways a perfect little dog. A quiet and laid back pup, who meets all with a head bump and tail wag won the hearts of all that met and or "saw" him. I was really hoping a viewer would have fallen in love after watching, but it seems with no calls it may take a little more than just "seeing him".

I wait now in the hopes perhaps a little heart string pull may do the trick, as this poor boy deserves so much more than living in a cage he circles in. (There's the heart string pull) Here's hoping he will do more than amaze the next guy and instead earn a spot in his heart and home. 
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Kya came for a visit.


Order your homemade dog treats now.

Preorders being taken for cheesy goodness for your pups only $3.00 for 1 bag or $5.00 for 2.

Teri is at it again! Hooray!


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