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You Are Here: Home - All About Otto Hahn! > Interesting Facts

...Here you will find some interesting facts and information in regards to Otto Hahn and nuclear fission that I came across in the research process of this assignment. Have fun!

- Otto Hahn had an element named after him. Element 105 was created and first named Hahnium. Oddly enough, this element disappeared from the period table in 1997. It is now replaced with the name Dubnuim.1

- Before Meitner had to leave Germany she was given a diamond ring from Hahn, "to use in any kind of emergency".2

- Hahn seemed to have wanted to take credit for the discovery of nuclear fission all to himself. He received a Nobel Prize for his work, and instead of acknowledging Meitner and all of her work he tried to write her out of the picture, eventually saying that he never even knew her!1

- Uranium, an element used by Hahn, was named after the planet Uranus, which had been discovered 7 years before Uranium.3

- Meitner's workbench that she used was placed in the Deutdches Museum in Munich. For some reason, it was labelled the "workbench of Otto Hahn".1

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.................................. Meitner's Workbench
Meitner's workbench4

1. Bodanis, David. E=mc2. Canada: Anchor Canada, 2000.
2. Neubauer, Dr. Edmund. Otto Hahn. December 17, 2005. <http://www.ohg-marktredwitz.de/hahn/hahne.htm>.
3. Uranium Quick Facts. Depleted UF6. December 18, 2005. <http://web.ead.anl.gov/
4. Unknown Author. Belgien. December 18, 2005. <http://www.juergen-reichmann.de/europa/b/index.html>.

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