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You Are Here: Home - All About Otto Hahn! > History > Timeline
...A brief timeline of the life of Otto Hahn...
8th, 1879 |
- Otto Hahn was born in Germany1 |
1901 |
- Hahn obtained his doctorate from the
University of Marburg where he later became a professor1 |
1904 |
- Studied radioactivity in London, England1 |
1906 |
- Returned from Canada where Hahn had
been studying with Ernest Rutherford1 |
1906 |
- Began working with Lise Meitner at
the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Chemistry (now the Max Planck Institute)1 |
1914-1918 |
- World War One broke out and Hahn's
knowledge led to the use of chlorine and mustard gas1
1918 |
- Hahn and Meitner discovered Proactinium1 |
1921 |
- Hahn and Meitner discovered nuclear
isomers1 |
1930's |
- Hahn and Meitner were joined by a brilliant
assistant, Fritz Strassmann1 |
1938 |
- After Hahn had Meitner "sent away"
from Germany, he wrote her and her nephew about some odd experimental
results that him and Strassmann had seen occur, which Meitner wrote
back to, explaining what they had found was nuclear fission (Frisch,
Meitner's nephew, coined this term as he thought it looked like what
happens when bacteria divide, which is called fission3) |
1945 |
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Fritz Strassmann, an assistant to both Otto Hahn and Lise Meitner.1
1. Unknown Author. Otto Hahn. December 18, 2005. <http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.
2. Timeline of the Nuclear Age. AtomicArchive. December 18, 2005.
3. Bodanis, David. E=mc2. Canada: Anchor Canada, 2000.
4. Fritz Strassmann | Biography. AtomicArchive. December 18, 2005. <http://www.atomicarchive.com/Bios/
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