The Waste Water Treatment System

In August 2001 the TRI-LEA-EM waste water treatment system was installed. The system design recognized the following criteria:

- 5 to 24 minutes per cm percolation rate measured in 8 test holes (soils are Saugeen Silty Clay Loam - Described as Good Drainage, Lacustrine Soil Materials). For those who know septic systems, this is quite a range, going from good to poor percolation rates, and as a result a large leaching bed would be required. Approval of the septic system design was given by the Owen Sound - Grey - Bruce Public Health Department, and a local licensed septic system contractor, Ron Gibbons Construction of Paisley installed the system as per approved design.

- 145 metres of distribution tile was installed in 5 runs of 29 metres, using Infiltrator Systems in-ground infiltrator chambers "The Equalizer 24" is suitable for direct burial in 24 inch wide trenches, covered by cloth to prevent soil ingress. Use of the "Infiltrator" distribution chambers was recommended above standard leaching tile because the variable percolation rates would have necessitated many loads of fill to create a large raised bed septic system.

- 3600 litre concrete septic tank (3 times daily maximum flow)

- design flow rate 1200 litres per day (calculated for three different design possibilities)

- 150 persons x 8 litres per day (as assembly hall without food service)

- 60 persons x 20 litres per day (as park)

- 36 persons x 33 litres per day (as assembly hall with food service)


Here's some views of the installation of the Septic System.


Back hoe and Bulldozer @ TRI-LEA-EM

The 3600 litre Septic Tank installed

"The Equalizer" Infiltration Chambers

Close up of "The Equalizer" Chambers

View from Septic Tank to 5 Splitter

Distribution Box (pipe not installed)

From Distribution Box showing 3 (of 5)

"Infiltrator / Equalizer" runs

View after Completion of Installation and Grading - We were lucky this day as rain threatened, and had it occurred, the installation would have become very difficult. God continued to bless the work at TRI-LEA-EM!

The next weekend, the seed bed was prepared, fertilized and seeded, and within a month grass covered the site, to protect and add beauty!

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