Interior Framing

This update has been a long time coming. The last page showed that the dome painting was complete in September 2004. A few months after that the lumber, beams, joists, and flooring to allow construction of the main floor partitions and to support the loft were obtained, but progress in 2005 was painfully slow as time was diverted to other tasks. Finally in 2006 we got back on track, and completed the interior framing.


These pictures show the interior framing as of March 2006. Walls are of 2x6 construction, bolted to the floor with anchors. Fortunately, when the floor anchors were installed, we did manage to miss drilling through any of the 1400 feet of in-floor tubing installed to provide for radiant floor heating. Fortunately we had photographs and reasonably detailed sketches of the areas where the walls would intersect the tubing, although there were a few anxious moments as the drilling was completed.

Captions under each photo describe the view.

Looking North

Looking North West - towards the kitchen / AV Room

Looking North East - Towards the Loft Stairway

Looking South

Looking South West - towards the Kitchen / AV Room

Looking North East - Towards the Stairway

The Men's Room Walls

The Ladies' Room Walls


And, ready to be installed, the beams and joists await.

Check back to see when they are installed.

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