Welcome to Bry's World

Geezer So this is me.  And this is my web page.  I work for an ISP so I kind of had to throw something up.  Otherwise customers would never believe me when I tell them it is possible to create and upload webpage without  Micr0schlock Fr0ntp@ge.  As a matter of fact these pages were written using VI, and uploaded using netcat.(Ok Ok, so actually last time I used Netscape Composer)

I am actually an Electrical Engineer.  I work as a Systems Administrator for an independant Telco, Bruce Municipal Telephone System/ BMI Internet.  The company is Located on Highway #21 North of Tiverton, Ontario Canada.  I live at the beach about 15 minutes away in Kincardine.

I used to have page with a table full of pictures of me at work, but that grew old faster than meat in the sun. 

I guess the other reason I am putting this page up is to expound on the virtues of some of my favourite pass times.  Inside of work, I look after a number of Sun servers.  Outside of work, I run a shelter for homeless guitars, and ride my Horse, notice the capital haytch.

Uh oh, what's this? A Rogues Gallery? A Police Line-up? Nope: Ladies and Gentlemen, please give a warm welcome to the Kincardine Special Reserve Drinking Team.


From the patio at Tommy Johns

Bry's World

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