Our Ozzie (formerly known as Zak) had a great first night. All the energy as promised. Whirlwind laps of every bed, couch corner, chair, & person... all night long. With a pocket full of teeny treats he quickly comes when called & sits for a treat every time! I do this quite often for the 4 seconds of quiet it provides. Through it all I can see him keep his eye on me. After every house lap, dog tumble, or counter inspection (oh yes he does!) he will come & lean his body against me for just a second. Or ever so briefly rest his head on my lap. It tears at my heart because after multiple homes at such a young age it must be very hard for him to give his love & trust to yet another human. I wonder how it will take him to truly understand that this is where he belongs & this time its not going away.  P.S. Renee I had my own ..near eye lick experience this morning. A quick dodge & he got me upside the eyebrow & forehead! I will learn to watch for that move... 
Turkeys Mom