I am so happy for Turtle. That girl is SO special....I knew she was special the moment I met her. And a girl this special deserves nothing but the best!! I am so glad she has found a loving forever home. I cannot understand how anyone would not have missed this sweet girl. I would have been searching to the ends of the earth until I found her. But she was not claimed by anyone...and her time had run out. Thank God for Owen Sound Shelter......this girl is alive and has found her forever family. Congratulations Turtle!! I will always remember you and hope to meet you again one day. You have NO idea how many people's hearts you have touched. Renee L.

Hi Renee, We are soooo happy with Turtle. It is as if she has always lived here. She is in the kitchen right now with my son. What an angel she is. The cats don't mind her at all and she is not a bit scared of them either. I look at her sweet face and know she has arrived home. Thank you Renee! Dagi