First off I don't know how you do what you do ... not only is it tough watching what some of these animals go through but to add the dishonest human element to it, is beyond what most people can handle. So my hat of to you ... what you need to do is when you see so much dishonesty just remember that there are some of us who stand behind everything you do and you are surrounded by people who admire what you do. Your staff ... from what I have had the pleasure of dealing with ... stand behind you and seem to support you. Your family believe in you and you are teaching your children some important life lessons on respect and patients when they see what you do. So when you start to loose faith in the human race ... remember that there are a lot of us out here who are honest and believe in you. Becky 

Sounds like you need a visit from Hush Puppy... there's nothing but honesty and love in those eyes! Gloria