LOL...I feel your pain Renee. Our son used to have a flat-tailed gecko and we made weekly trips to get his crickets. One "sure fire" way of keeping them alive... accidently let them loose in your house. They will drive you batty for days..if not weeks!! (-; Here is a link you might find helpful to help stop your crickets from croaking!! www.nyworms.com/ccare.htm  Hope this helps!! Renee L.

I keep mine in a fish aquarium. A plastic one. There is lots of room at the top for air to get in, but not for them to get out. Egg carton, paper towel rolls, cut up, works good too. I put lots of oatmeal in the bottom with potatoes and/or apples. That way they have lots of water too. Put in a paper towel folded up or kleenex soaked in water. The more air circulation, the longer they will live. Mine live quite a while. I'm feeding an 8 year old leopard gecko! Allison S.