I’m saddened to hear of the setback. I was so looking forward to a happy blog of miraculous recovery…Renee, you’ll know better than most if Roy wants to head for “the bridge”. Whatever the day brings, Roy has known love and comfort since his shelter intake, more than his entire previous life had proffered. Once again kudos to you and the shelter for being there for the animals. Martha S.

Hey Renee, I am heartbroken to read about poor Mr. Poodle. I've been reading your updates and have been feeling the ups and downs with you. Tyler (at the end of his life) was similar to Mr. Poodle, one day was great, the next was iffy at best. I understand the frustration that comes from spilling your whole heart out to help a beloved pet and yet only being able to do so much. I know you are doing everything you can for the little guy, he is so lucky to have found you. No matter what, at least he will know that at one point in his life he was loved. And that is the most beautiful gift. You will both be in my thoughts, and if there is anything I can do, please don't hesitate to ask. Amanda

Dear Renee – like so may others, I have been reading your blog daily and praying mightily for your poor little poodle boy. I know you must feel terrible despair right now, and be wondering if you are only prolonging his suffering with so many procedures. I can only tell you what I truly believe in my heart, and that is that this poor little soul is knowing love for the first time in his life, and that all the pain and set backs in the world could not negate the feeling of being wanted and cared for at last. If he is eating, then he wants to live, and he probably wants to live, in spite of all his pain, because he knows hope for the first time. If you lose him, I know it will be heartbreaking, but don’t ever doubt for a minute that you are doing the right thing, and that the hours he has had being held and cared for and connected with are worth everything to him. So many of us admire you for the tremendous work you are doing, and I so wish there was something I could do to share in your burden, even if only in a small way. To the lost and lonely souls who cannot speak for themselves, you are an angel, and you are angel too for the rest of us who can speak and act, but who haven’t the courage and heart that you have. Thank you so much. Sending all positive thoughts to the universe for Mr. Poodle, and huge hugs of gratitude to you for being you. Susan