I am so sorry to hear about the passing of Lyle, what a lucky cat to have shared his life with you and your team. Only good thoughts for you. Cathy C.

Renee, My deepest sympathies to you and the shelter on the loss of the wonderful Lyle. He was such a character - I will miss seeing pictures of him posing in his hats and in various states of 'Lyle-ness'. What a neat cat!! He was such a good friend and ambassador for the shelter, and it was such a good life you all gave him. Bravo again to you and your team - I am sure he felt very very loved!! Take care, Sandy R.

My most Heartfelt sympathy going out to You Renee, and everyone else at the Shelter. I will miss Llye too - he certainly became your ambassador, and will be sorely missed! But know that he had an awesome life with you guys, and went Home with a smile on his face, and a song of Love in His Heart! I will always remember Him as the coolest of Dudes! Em

RENEE, WOW. lyle. oh my lord, your story made me cry. i am sorry that you lost him hon. Nicole F.

I’m sorry for your loss Renee. You taught Lyle many things and surely he taught you a lot too. Lyle likely taught the wild intakes to have a little trust in their new care givers. You gave him a good life and I’m sure he loved his “job” at the shelter. My condolences. Martha S.

So sorry to hear about Lyle. Our thoughts are with you all. Rest in peace, King of the island.... Alli S.

Hello Renee & Todd: Ijust read your blog & wanted to extend my condolences over the passing of Lyle. He was such a fixture at the Shelter. I know how much all of you will miss him. You worked a miracle with him & he was a wonderful Greeter & Ambassador for the Shelter. I know he is on the Rainbow Bridge having a great time with all the cats who have gone b4 him. Bug (((HUGS))) to you both. sherriellen

Good Morning, So sorry to here about Lyle he lived a long life and thanks to you he had great life, I can not believe how well you do in adopting the animals, keep up the great work so nice to see them get great homes.,.,. L.

I was so sorry to read about your beloved LYLE. It is always so hard when this happens. They take a little piece of our heart with them. Please know that I understand completely and I know you will remember all the wonderful things. Regards, Elaine K.