Hi Renee - welcome back from a MUCHLY deserved vacation!!! I was wondering actually not too long ago if you ever did take vacation. Good for you!!!!! Hope it was great. Did Todd join you as well? (I hope?).

I had to chuckle at the picture/story of Iggy. We own a lizard and I've actually grown to quite like them a lot. (we have 'lizarded' for about 8 years total now, I think?) At first, it wasn't something I wanted to get into, but so glad I did as I now have really come to appreciate them and how unique they are. They really have personalities and can be so gentle, which alot of people find hard to believe! However, iguana was one type of lizard I steered clear of, knowing they can grow large. Good luck with placing him (and shame on those who dumped him!!!!!! I imagine it was due to his size).

GREAT stuff re: the Ohio dogs - again, your team's rescue efforts are SO commendable and truly something to be very proud of. Thank you for making my day!! (your blog is the best!!!) Sandy R.