Oh my lord!!! I'm so scared for the dogs in Ontario. If Humphrey was mistaken for a banned breed, then God help every short-coated, boxy-headed dog. Way to go Renee!! I'm so glad you could straighten that vet out. He/she needs to stick to medicine and stay out of breed profiling, IMHO. Renee L.

Dear Rene: I was in today Sat.16th. to pick up your book and calendar, thank you, they are great. This evening while reading your blog, I have a comment - I've never owned a Rotti but that sure looks like one. I have found that a lot of vets don't know very much about dog behaviour and obviously not scholars in breed recognition. It probably isn't the same one you phoned, but I've had bad history with the female vet in Durham and I am pro-women. I'm so glad to see you stand up for what is right. You seem to have the strength of will like I've rarely seen. Keep up the good work. Deb D.