Hi Renee - Well, what an idiot she is. Perhaps if she is a home owner and tax payer in the City of Owen Sound they should tack the tab for the vet bills to this person's tax bill. Hope you have her name and address and hope she's never allowed to own an animal again. Thinking of you guys - Janice & Wayne

It just makes me sick to think that there are people out there that are so unfeeling to animals. That cat was their pet ... part of their family ... and because it's broken you just throw it away. They should be ashamed of themselves and thank God they have all of you who care. Becky

I read your blog everyday and I was disgusted at yesterday's entry. I cannot believe someone would actually toss away an injured animal. Some people are just un-freakin-believable!!!! It really angered me. I'm the same as you and would have of course accepted the poor cat. It's not his fault. Shari