hi, my name is Lois, i live on 3rd ave east, owen sound. i believe i saw your falcon this past monday, jan 28th. it was between 11th and 12th street on 3rd ave east. i was standing in the parking lot waiting for my ride to work, i saw this huge bird attack a squirrel, at first i thought it was a hawk...it wasn't until my friend saw your blog that we knew it was your falcon. she just found out about the hawk today looking at your site...i saw the bird up close and it looks exactly like the pic on your site. i hope this information helps you find him, he was def not scared of me, i stood like 10 feet away from him. if i had known about the missing falcon, i would've gotten a hold of you sooner, i really hope you find him and get him back to his home. if i spot him again, i will call the animal shelter.