To Everyone at Owen Sound Shelter, I am so sorry to hear that Price has lost his battle for life. The pain and hurt you are all feeling is unbearable, I know. When you are emotionally involved and fighting every day to save the life of this innocent creature, to lose him is heartbreaking. Price fought hard for his life, as you ALL did. Rest in Peace sweetheart. Run and play free at the Bridge. Renee L

Oh Renee, I’m so sad to hear of Price’s passing. You fought as hard as he did for his survival. At least on his journey to the “RainbowBridge” he met you, felt compassion and caring, and went to a painless sleep. I know words of condolence do little to ease your pain, but I hope it helps a bit. Sincerely Martha S.

Dear Renee and Todd, I was very sad to hear about Price. Thank you for showing him to me so I could see his beautiful face although his death has been more difficult because he was not just a name. Thank you and your staff and the Vet for all their care. Take comfort in the knowledge that you did everything possible for him. Pat

Please do not be too sad. I know that is easier said that done. Been there, done that. You did what you could and made his life a little brighter. As you know there is a higher power that decides these things for us. He was very grateful for all you did. Chin up, onward to the "crew" that still needs your attention. Fuji and Smurf send many, many kisses. Chris R.

So sorry to hear about poor wee Price. My deepest condolences as I know how hard you folks tried to save him and all the time that was spent on his road to recovery. I sure cried plenty when I read your story & can't even talk to anyone about him without crying. ): He put up quite a fight. I would have loved to have given him a warm and loving home. May he at last be free of pain and suffering. Kerry-Ann W.