We've taken in two senior dogs from the OSAS so far, and both were the most appreciative and gentle animals possible. If we weren't overpopulated at home already, we'd have considered old Curley. Good luck to you, old buddy. James S.

Hello. I too have adopted mature dogs from shelters/rescues. They are the best animals, so grateful and loving. Currently we have Sam (11), Buddy (10), Chez (8) and Ace (20 months). Buddy just joined us 2 months ago. He came from Welland SPCA. He’s the tallest dog I’ve ever owned. His size and age meant no one looked at him in 6 weeks at the shelter. I thought my home might be his only chance at happy retirement. Thus, I brought buddy home. We couldn’t believe what an easy fit he is into our lives. He acts like a youngster too! Curley, if you think you could handle a bunch of big dogs (and 3 cats too) I’m sure we could squeeze you in. Let Renee know what you think. Attached is a typical pic of the porch with my best friend and all the dogs, although Sam is on the ground and difficult to see. Martha S.