Good Morning, Thank-you so very much for taking the dogs from Montreal we should have more people like you in the world to look after the ones that can't, I have a bunch of wine bottle that I am going to be bring up to you.

Hi Renee, I briefly met Cathy at Toronto Animal Services on Saturday as we were all loading up our dogs to take to their various new temporary homes. I shot some video of the transfer if you're interested in seeing some of the other dogs that accompanied your five on their trip from Montreal (One Bark at a Time). I hope you don't mind me linking to your website as I'm sure people will be interested in seeing how all the dogs make out. ~ Fred. PS: I'm glad I found your blog. It's nice to know someone else is writing about shelter dogs.

Way to go Renee, Todd and team. You have saved these guys and they will go on to have happy, loving lives.. Kudos girl.. Cathy

Renee, my mascara is running just now after reading today's blog - my heart sobs for those poor doggies from Quebec! They are SOOOOOOO very fortunate to have 'Gertie' in Que looking out for them, and especially for your incredibly kind heart, as always!! I am going to send anyone I can to look at the blog and at your website - more people have to read about the atrocities that happen to these guys in order for this needless killing to stop! Sandy R.